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Everything posted by knocks

  1. 2010 has an MFC ActiveX Control template
  2. Lucky for us all, the engine market is totally over saturated giving us all an opportunity to enjoy our hobby/profession regardless of one’s budget. Competition only encourages a better product. It’s a win-win situation for us all.
  3. I just wish they would pick up your renderer as well its very dated in its current form.
  4. I'm excited! On a side note as le3 will include the ability to create csg models, will we have the ability to export them?
  5. Most textures I use are created from several source images combined. I’m always on the lookout for decent collections of unique base images to extract elements from rather than a completed texture.
  6. It can be teal and hot pink for all i care, as long as view new content remains.
  7. Visual studio 2010 and IntelliJ IDEA
  8. Will this be supported with the proposed streaming terrain as well?
  9. I think less is more so i think straight Leadweks is great as for SEO, you don’t need engine in your url, page tittle yes. Meta tag is only a fall-back for incorrect formatted content, most search engines don’t read keywords. Search engine ranking is mostly made up by how people link to you e.g. “3d games engine” is link title when clicked directs to leadwerks. Google "click here", Adobe is number one because of the amount of people linking to them for flash and reader using title click here.
  10. Ability to use custom grey scale brushes when painting and sculpting terrain.
  11. knocks

    Tools and Stuff

    Would be cool when importing assets, if we could set its scale to a fixed size say 1m high, then scale to our desired size before converting to gmf, like a character we just can scale it to 1.8 etc.
  12. When I was studying animation our first project was to animate a simple sphere, goal was to give it weight and personality, and we kept coming back to this project over the 2 years. Hardest tasks we were given.
  13. Personally i wouldn’t worry about poly counts until your satisfied with you finished high poly version then create the low poly version. Here is a great walk through.
  14. I think by default its only basic custom physics that are used, if you hit the tilde key it will show no physics module is loaded. There is a physics menu when the module is loaded.
  15. Brent I don’t know how correct I am, only going from my experience and im no programmer at all. Out of the box neither physics are setup and you need to add either one to your project. I have only ever built the engine using physX but I believe the method is the same for Bullet. Open up <Your Project>\buildFiles\config\project.conf and add includeModule( 'bullet' ); or includeModule( 'physx' ); then run generateProjects.bat, this adds the proper files and include directories etc Set the environment variables etc for your chosen sdk and rebuild. As for the problems its something to do with threading Tom from sickhead games made several post about it, this was about a year ago so not sure what the situation now is. I agree with paul, i don't care what is used, i just went with physX as i have experience with it as an artiest.
  16. I believe bullet was first, physx was added due to problems with bullet’s threaded solver or something like that, way over my head . Now you just choose which you want and compile.
  17. Torque you actually have the option of physx or bullet.
  18. Fbx format is made for animation, For basic assets exporting a .obj is all that is really needed. I do agree we shouldn’t need a 3rd party application to provide a smooth effortless pipeline.
  19. knocks

    Stone Wall

    File Name: Stone Wall File Submitter: knocks File Submitted: 25 Apr 2011 File Category: Models Triangles: 254 + 396 LOD Versions: No License: Free for use in Leadwerks projects. Simple stone wall in two pieces. 2 x Different texture sets 1024x1024 (you might want to scale to 512x512 or smaller) Post 254 triangles Wall 396 triangles Have reduced the triangle count by half since I first uploaded this. Click here to download this file
  20. Voted for PhysX as it is what is currently being used by the code junkies on the project I’m working on and its FAST! and I’m comfortable creating assets for use with it. I have no interest in iOS/Android development with leadwerks.
  21. It’s odd I use the fullbackup option when transferring new clients sites to my server’s, and restore them through my WHM panel, you can’t do it through cpanel, but never a file as large as yours. I have seen cpanel backup dump database tables into individual binary files but has always restored correctly through phpMyAdmin, I have my fingers crossed for you.
  22. You should be able to restore the sql databases through phpMyAdmin with your full backup. Create blank database the same name and import the .sql file for the database from the mysql folder in your full backup, also import the mysql.sql from the root of the backup this adds the user privileges. You may be able to import into the the current databases your using now but I have always started from and empty one.
  23. This game is so addictive, i am having so much fun with this.
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