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  1. Okay, this was just caused because I put a comment in the shaders before the #version directive. It's fixed now.
  2. Actually, I get the same thing in a new project...hold on...
  3. What GPU do you have?
  4. 0.9.8 New C++ components are uploaded in the standalone build. I will update Steam tomorrow, then begin uploading the FPS template.
  5. 0.9.8 Added check for NAN at the end of the PBR fragment shader. Integrated @klepto2's excellent bloom effect into the default shaders.
  6. FYI, the black squares the bloom effect would sometimes produce were caused by NAN outputs in the PBR shader, possibly caused by material painting code. I added a check for NAN at the end of the shader and will go back and determine the cause later.
  7. Josh

    FPS Example

    Final shot of FPS example project, in collaboration with @reepblue and @Andy90, and using bloom by @klepto2
  8. 0.9.8 FreeImage plugin will now load single-channel 16-bit images as RED_UNORM format.
  9. I fixed it so the same code for finding all outdated files is used to see if any files are outdated, it just quits after one file is found in the second case. Update is available now.
  10. Leadwerks includes a simple networking system based on ENet: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Client https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Server However, this system does not support NAT punch-through and will not be usable for computers that are behind a router, which is almost every machine nowadays.
  11. Josh

    FPS Example

    Nearly finished FPS example game, in collaboration with @Andy90 and @reepblue
  12. 0.9.8 Fixed bug where zooming out of flowgraph all the way could cause a crash. Fixed bug where picking an object in editor could cause a crash, under certain conditions.
  13. Ah, I see why. I fixed that so it will work.
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