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  1. Today
  2. atm only way to pass args to component Input seems to be using Connect() which could be used only in code for specific components. Output should pass to Input args for flow-graph flexibility. For example i would be able to pass a unit component from trigger to teleport exit
  3. Small update to get it working with the latest shadow (bindless textures) update: water_addon_poc_097_02.zip
  4. In the previous builds it was possible to use the Lighting code in posteffect shaders. This seems to be broken now. I have replaced the code in my Volumetric shader code to reflect the changes to the Lighting pipeline, but the uvec2 of the shadow maps are 0. If you need more info i can give you the shader code.
  5. Include this code file in your C++ solution and I think it will work. SelectDevice.cpp
  6. Bingo. It must be using the Intel graphics in the C++ program.
  7. Does this machine have two graphics chips, like a discrete card and then maybe an integrated chip in the CPU? This will tell you the GPU being used: //Main loop while (window->Closed() == false and window->KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false) { while (PeekEvent()) { const Event e = WaitEvent(); if (e.id == EVENT_STARTRENDERER) { Print(e.text); } } world->Update(); world->Render(framebuffer); }
  8. note that here the time right now is 2321, and many of the files has other creation time, and or date
  9. same to me. I create a LUA project, in the project folder appear 2 .exe files wich (I guess) are precompiled by you. From the editor, I open the start map and then press F5 or F8 and the game run ok If I create a cpp project, in the project folder there are no .exe files. I open the .sln, Then F5, and the .exe created fails to start (release mode) or display a black window, with the error messages in the log window
  10. You are sure the Lua and C++ builds act differently? This does not make any sense to me.
  11. Thank you very much. Really apreciate your effort. Hope it should be a driver problem and will be solved sooner or later. Mean time I have LUA to play with
  12. I'm sorry to hear that. You created a new project, which would have the new shaders? Our next step is to report this to AMD. They actually seem like they take their drivers seriously and I have seen good results so far when reporting issues to them.
  13. In debug mode, same result, black window, invalid command on the log In release mode throws an exception: Created a new cpp project, open the start map, open the sln, F5 debug/release
  14. been far from my laptop these days... downloading...
  15. Yesterday
  16. 0.9.7 Added shadowmap size property in scene editor.
  17. There are some NULL mapping plane value in the file: "mappingplane": [ [ null, null, null, null ], [ null, null, null, null ] ], Perhaps there was some kind of zero scaling applied, which caused the texture mapping equation to produce NAN values which got saved as NULL values? I can easily fix this by adding a check in the loader to make sure the array values are numbers.
  18. Hi Josh, after the latest beta update, I'm unable to run a Lua Project game from the Editor or VS Code. The project is updated, but the game freezes at a white screen. Please see the attached screenshots. The C++ Project runs fine. Ultra Engine: Steam beta version 0.9.7 build 1388 GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (latest drivers) OS: Windows 10
  19. Okay, the beta branch now uses bindless textures for all shadow and probe maps. This is a total replacement for the code your card was having trouble with. I have tested on a Radeon 580 with no issues, but this card also did not display any issues before. Please let me know the result. Any existing projects must be updated to get the latest shaders.
  20. 0.9.7 Shadow maps have been switched back to the bindless texture approach, instead of using array textures. Shader lighting code has been modified and projects must be updated to get the new shaders. Light::SetShadowmapSize() method is added. Probably improved compatibility with some cards.
  21. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing here's an image of it in editor with real-time rendering turned on and some basic settings...
  22. Could be related to another bug that i have before crash - after scaling one brush it lost material texture and reapplying did not work
  23. While making this I encountered a rendering bug with Meshlayers (i don't know if it is intendend, but it looks weired to me) For demonstration i use the Nature DLS, but it works with any MeshLayer. The red circles shows an instance of the mesh layer and you see, that it is rendered on top. the green circle shows a manuallly added mesh of the same type as the mesh layer and is correctly displayed. Maybe the solution is simple. It would be great if transparancy would also work with meshlayers. otherwise glass and other materials might be in trouble.
  24. Hi, while normally working with the cpp version, i was often using lua lately to try things out. Unfortunatly i have found out, that some essential stuff is missing from lua: PostEffect: only LoadPostEffect is available no other class member except Asset and Object ones are available Material: Some Set and get Values are missing like: SetBackfaceculling SetDepthTest SetDepthMask and maybe some other tableplusplus Can't create a table without loading a dummy one Entity properties is available, but always nil in the lua context in the editor trying to save a gameobject in map which has properties set like: entity.properties = {}; entity.properties["table"] = a leads to an error that userdata needs to be a cpp table. some more might be missing Camera SetRefraction is missing Getters for each settting should be available (same for cpp) only 2 are available
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