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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Josh could you please search for "Collision" with optional ".####" (# being a number ) that way it will work in blender aswell
  2. Leadwers was updated at the time of the bug report - I've not tried since due to a work related affliction ( directly translates as "mouse elbow" ). I'll try again this weekend if it's gotten better
  3. Not to bad, but I think you will find it's a bit easier going using modifiers ( mirror, array in this case )
  4. Fresh install - amd64, only chance was to install chrome.
  5. In the room right after the truck there is a table with some levers and a lamp above it - run towards it and jump. This will place you through the ceiling. Not sure if this a is a general collision bug, a map bug or a bug with the FPS controller tho
  6. Curriously using the scroll wheel only works in one direction ( already reported?)
  7. http://i.imgur.com/6wibrW5.jpg Same bug new OS version... Fastest way to trigger the bug is to grab the scroll bar and take a screen shot with out releasing. It can also randomly be triggered by scrolling up and down fast ( tested by grabbing the scroll bar and scrolling up and down a few times ) and by taking an unreleated screen shot. Now perhaps I can be fixed ;^) morten@usbubuntu:~$ fglrxinfo display: :0 screen: 0 OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series OpenGL version string: 4.3.12798 Compatibility Profile Context 13.35.1005
  8. line 9: #: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "#") properly just a paste error from the forums, but how am I supposed to get the new script when the updater refuses to run because it cannot find libX11.so.6 ? edit: as it turns out running the broken script allowed me to run the update wich game me a the new improved version - and that also has the above bug.
  9. I thought it was fairly obvious that it was in reference to the whole "singletons are bad" rant.
  10. "It's a poor carpenter that blames his tools" Sure using a hammer to fasten a screw gives undesirable results, but is that the fault of the hammer?
  11. Garbage collection is an expensive operation so it's not done unless needed ( I believe you can force it tho ) this means that there may be a large chunk of unused but reserved memory. And generally speaking leaks tends to grow rather than be static
  12. -Wno-deprecated-declarations Still better to solve it and avoid The potential race condition
  13. Isn't that what the workshop if for?
  14. IK = inverse kinematics - bones are "automagically" rotated/moved based on rules & constraints you set up FK = Forward kinematics - each bone is manually rotated/moved The idea of baking IK to FK is that the engine may not understand the rules & constraints you set up in IK.
  15. Do you bake IK animations to FK before exporting ?
  16. Does your diffuse have an alpha channel and if so is it solid?
  17. Oh thats cool, bitnof a point and click adventure feel Bit of*
  18. btw you can avoid having to deal with any artists crazy ui by open blender first and THEN loading the file. Doing that rather than just double clicking the file will load the model into your UI.
  19. Could you elaborate a bit more for those of us who have not played either of the mentioned games?
  20. Text version: In "object mode" go to the "modifiers tab" and hit "apply" on the "mirror modifier". Image version: Full resolution: http://i.imgur.com/DPbhtNY.png
  21. I am using proprietary drivers - what I dont get is why not just use standard gtk components, I'm running literally 100s of other applications that use gtktreeview and does not display this corruption - with glade / libglade it should be fairly easy to maintain a ui without having to resort to cowboy tricks that gets you in trouble on platforms that are even sligthly different.
  22. Mate, KDE, Cinnamon or Xfce ?
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