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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter16.html also about 400.000 hits on google for "Planet Atmosphere Shader"
  2. It downloaded fast so I tried starting it up: "Failed to start game (missing executable)." with this link attached: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=8676-EFLX-7453&l=english So that obviously puts a dampener on my testing, I'll try from the live usb later but I doubt I can fit steam on there
  3. Downloading now, will do some tests tonight - what in particular needs testing? ( aside from importing items/maps from the workshop )
  4. That is nice, however since this thread will likely show up in the search it would be nice if you posted the solution also
  5. It seems that your problem is that you have double verticies along your edges ( zooming in this also seems to cause gaps ) you should either merge them or store them and look it up. But I think It may just be easier to take a different approach all together to creating the sphere
  6. Select the pieces hit shift-D to duplicate them and then rename them manually.
  7. Any why would that be a problem?
  8. Have a look at this; https://icculus.org/theoraplay/ Theora migth not be the best format - but it's defintiviely better than 500mb for 6 sec of video and it's unencumbered by patents
  9. Blender has this, I have actually been meaning to try the two model approach for LE for some time now. This video shows the blender part.
  10. Sometime shortly after the kickstaret josh decided to change forum permissions rather than having to alter the group off all the kickstarters, so the "Developer" title is infact defunct.
  11. There is no fixed solution but for things like body type, etc I would use vertex animation ( going from obeses to skinny ) and just blend that in with the rest of the animations. But that only gets you so far - hairstyles, etc will require swapping out meshes.
  12. Guppy

    Linux steam?

    Some progress indication would be nice
  13. had to google "HDR video game" to see what if anything it meant in that context - turns out it still means high dynamic range, but works just oposite of what you expect from photography. But if that's really what you want you cold do that in a post processing shader - simply clip the highlights / shadows while maintinaing roughly kodaks 18% gray
  14. "[..] just $9.99 [..]" I've often wondered what happens there - steam "converts" between dollars and Euros simply by sign swapping, so what happens to the extra cash? Does Steam pocket the difference or do you make extra off euro customers ? ( 9.99€ is about 14 USD ) Not complaining - by now I've gotten used to the euro "discount" - just wondering who benefits
  15. Guppy

    Linux steam?

    ah, seems I've gotten ahead of my self again
  16. Guppy

    Linux steam?

    In Steam it still says "Leadwerks game engine is not available for your current platform" ?
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humor
  18. The texture is missing - seems to be an absolute reference to "C:\Users\Fabio\Desktop\Polygonmaker\Fantasy Horde - Guards\Guards-Unity\Assets\Fantasy Horde_Guards\Textures\FH_guards_01.tga" Also there are no bones or animations - then again that could have been lost when importing to blender ( 2.7.1 RC ) Still I'm intrigued about these reusable animations, given the correct bone naming scheme we should be able to use them on any humanoid in LE, right?
  19. The forum titles no longer convey any special privileges - or so I'm told
  20. Sorry josh but that is the most stupid thing I've heard all day. Did modeling software companies stop innovating when blender became open source? Did office suites when star/open/libre-office did? Have the widespread availablity of opensource desktops in any way stifled innovation on the desktop marked? If anything having an opensource competitior forces people to think in new innovative ways if they want to attract paying customers.
  21. Your first screenshot shows that you have indeed not applied scale In object mode select the object and press CTRL+A that will pop up a menu asking what to apply - select "scale" Now the object is actually scale that way and you can export it Hope that's a more usefull explanation than my first
  22. Josh is between internets during the move, I'm sure I'll answer as soon as he is setted in.
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