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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. but in a brand new project it doesn't happen ... :| time to delete code untill it stops happening I guess Well this was embarasing - somehow ( and I swear I've not changed it ) the debug build target lost the ".debug" extension so the LE editor was using an old version every time I hit debug. The crash you ask? well that is aparently how LE handles unkown functions - would have been really nice to get an error tbh.
  2. The capital b seems to be a paste error, I added the reset line just before loading the the start map and much as I suspected it made no difference ( being called from a script being run by the Interpreter the Interpreter should be initialized ). The most annoying bit is there is no indication of why it stops it just exits with "Error: Unkown client disconnected"
  3. Disclaimer: It's getting a bit late so maybe I'm missing something obvious I've been trying to figure out the Interpreter class and how to create custom lua functions, and it's going well quite apart from not being able to identify a register function on the interpreter class - so I cheated a bit there. static int addTwo(lua_State *L){ int argc=Interpreter::GetStackSize(); // equiv to lua_gettop(Interpreter::L) ? int i,t; for (i = 1; i <= argc; i++){ t=Interpreter::ToNumber(i); std::cout << "[C++]addTwo(" << t << ")=" << (t+2) << std::endl; Interpreter::PushFloat(t+2); } return i-1; } and in App::Start() lua_register(Interpreter::L,"addTwo",addTwo); In the fps player controller i added this a,b,c=addTwo(1,2,3) System:Print(a) System:Print(B) System:Print(c) to the pickup code rigth after "mass = pickInfo.entity:GetMass()" to make sure I can trigger it when ever I want. Now the strange bit is this works perfectly in Code::blocks - but by when I run it in the LE editor it instantly crashed when I try to pick something up. I've tried toggling sandbox to no avail
  4. Ran head long into much the same problem - I wanted to check if a specific key had NOT been set. In this case you would expect GetKeyValue to return nil - however it always returns a string and in the case of unset values it returns an empty string So if entity:GetKeyValue("unsetkey") ~= nil then System:Print('this will be printed'); end Where as if entity:GetKeyValue("unsetkey") ~= "" then System:Print('this wont be printed'); end Embarrassingly enough this is actually mentioned in the docs; http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitygetkeyvalue-r773
  5. You would ofcourse do automatic backups of the versioning database...
  6. Given that you can set any old value with setKeyValue why not set a property telling your if it's destructible? :SetKeyValue("canBeMined",true) That way you can also have blocks that cannot be destroyed ( and comparing a bool almost certainly faster than doing string comparision )
  7. Very handy - you could even make a "remove fluff" step to get rid of the non optional stuff your project dont need
  8. And note that the editor is only supported on ubuntu LTS
  9. I've been wondering about this - is there any reason projects are not auto updates automagically? ( LUA and C++ both )
  10. Last comment here; http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1203-beta-branch-update-tons-of-art-pipeline-enhancements/
  11. The shader needs to be the animated one (there are several) and yes I mean in Leadwerks
  12. While solving having only one camera shared between c++ and lua I came across something strange - all lights seem to be registered as cameras as well. Now I suspect that this has "something" to do with the deferred rendering, I was just hoping somebody could shed some light on what that "something" is
  13. Missed the update due to always using the desktop icon - but even so that didn't fix the problem. When not seg faulting the last lines area "OpenAL: AL_INVALID_OPERATION AL lib: ReleaseALC: 1 device not closed" Might be related? Anyway steps to reproduce; Create new C++ project Open up the start.map Add FPScontroler prefab Comment line 35-36 in App.cpp Compile Run the game from code::blocks Now at this point the game runs and doesn't segfault Add the weapon prefab Save the map Run the game from code::blocks Hit ESC or ALT+F4 to end the game And there is the the segfault. I just did the above steps again to confirm If you still cannot reproduce it would the coredump help?
  14. Please add the "Leadwerks/Include" dir to Additional Search paths ( Project -> Properties.. -> C/C++ parser options ) This adds full codecompletion to all leadwerks headders - very very handy <3 If somebody wants to do it them selves the path is /home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Leadwerks/Include/ Then exit code::blocks and open the project again
  15. If the player has the autopistol prefab attached exiting the game will cause a segfault ( this isn't visible when running from the LE editor, you need to run from cmd line or codeblocks as the LE editor hides the output )
  16. Like that of geany It's just very usefull to have
  17. Except that gtkparasite does just that... http://chipx86.github.io/gtkparasite/
  18. Drivers is software, software have bugs - especially when the engineers try to cut corners in the name of benchmarks scores (=more sales) *shrug*
  19. Firstly; Secondly have you tried launching it from the console/commandline to see exactly what locks it up?
  20. Gah - you are correct, commenting out line 35-36 makes it work as expected. But then I lose my camera reference in c++ :| Oh well I set out to investigate how to pass information back and forth between C++ and lua, I suppose the camera is as good a place to start as any
  21. Is there some limit to what I can drag into the flowgraph editor? It says to drag from the scene tree, so far I've tried CSGs, the player object, boxes, barrels, etc but the cursor just turns into an X and notting happens. I'm fairly tired ATM so maybe it's down to user stupidity but how is it supposed to work?
  22. Adding a weapon prefab makes it a little clearer - I didn't think of that untill after I uploaded the video. Map file can be found here; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7B0hlkpWcYWUU5qdjBTa3QzWUU/edit?usp=sharing The map works just fine if I create a lua project - how ever using even a freshly created unmodified c++ project ( well I hit compile but that's all ) it's displaying this behaviour. Freshly created project; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7B0hlkpWcYWZ0R2Skg1QjVhQjA/edit?usp=sharing and yes I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with that loathesome unity desktop
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