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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. morten@guppybox:~$ glxinfo | grep vendor ; glxinfo | grep version server glx vendor string: ATI client glx vendor string: ATI OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. server glx version string: 1.4 client glx version string: 1.4 GLX version: 1.4 OpenGL core profile version string: 4.2.12337 Core Profile Context 13.25.18 OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.30 OpenGL version string: 4.2.12337 Compatibility Profile Context 13.25.18 OpenGL shading language version string: 4.30 Or to put it more succinctly : closed source, stable
  2. Well you could use code::blocks but you would have to set up the project your self from scratch - wich may be easier said than done.
  3. Going by The other lines, this:Loading map "C:/LE3/spaceShooter/SpaceShooter" Is not a file but a directory
  4. From the header file: virtual void SetInput(const float angle, const float move, const float strafe=0, const float jump=0, const bool crouch=false, const float maxaccel=1,const float maxdecel=0.5, const bool detailed=false); Granted not all that helpful, but at least "maxdecel" makes some sence
  5. mm.. there are even quite a few places that offers samplers that seem suited for placeholder/mockup stuff, eg: http://www.mixamo.com/3d-characters (click "free")
  6. I forgot to mention that this is all since last update
  7. Would be neat if we could manually specify the external programs the editor relies on ( nautilus/firefox/etc ) - this would allow wider desktop support
  8. WASD doesn't work in free-flight mode either. Im using linux mint 16 ( = Ubuntu 13.10 )
  9. Guppy

    Linux Editor Updated

    Guess I'll have to dual boot between linux again... will 14.04 be the official standard when it's released in 5 days or willl I still need to double check everything in 12.04?
  10. Hovering over active items ( circled in red ) you do not get tooltips, UNLESS you first make them in active and hover over the icon - after this the tooltip works as expected regardless of state.
  11. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/viewports-r678 Does not work WASD Arrowkeys Middle mouse Mouse wheel - / + Zoom in/out from context menu Works Left click (select) Rigth click & drag (look around) Rigth click ( menu ) This is really putting a damper on level building
  12. When toggling the Z-sort checkbox on materials they loose shadows and specularity - is this intended?
  13. Steps to reproduce Make sure no instance of firefox is open Press F1 (or select 'help contents' from the help menu ) Read help files Return to editor that is now completely unresponsive close firefox editor is now again Note: my default browser is chrome, if I start firefox before pressing F1 this error never happens. This is because the call "firefox <url>" hands off the url by the master firefox thread and exits gracefully, but if firefox wasn't running the call creates a master firefox thread. Easy solution is to ask the system to background the task "firefox <url> &", even better solution would be to use the users default browser
  14. When you rigth click in the first GL context in the editor you enter look around mode and the mouse cursor develops parkinson - please just hide it instead of trying to keep it immobile the cursor it self serves no purpose in that mode.
  15. if I run it with a local version of lib png LD_LIBRARY_PATH=badlib/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ ./Leadwerks the steps to reproduce are Drag the scroll bar this causes corruption but it goes away when you release the mouse button [*]Attempt to take a screen shot before release the mouse button and this happens http://i.imgur.com/JfDh7om.png (looks familiare no?) running it without local version of lib png ( which causes any menus to crash LE ) Drag scroll bar This happens http://i.imgur.com/UJTFZoE.png Taking screenshots didn't aggrivate the situation
  16. Guppy

    Linux Editor Updated

    scene browser is still broken after updating unfortunately
  17. I vaguely recall something about having to make that choice, question is how do we do that? maybe a premature question as the linux version isn't out for steam yet - but still
  18. You draw two images that are distorted in a specific way (can be done via shader), the tracking is HID based IIRC so that's not a problem. What this adds up to is that you don't need Josh to add support, you could do it your self ( though obviously it would be easier to just check the occulus checkbox )
  19. I agree completely - it's a horrible hack, but it beats no background. Maybe give klepto2 a poke and see if he released his shader?
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/statuses/id/7157/
  21. Normally you would draw the inverted cube first and then the level ( when writing your own "engine" ) - you should be able to achive the same in leadwerks by simply putting you level inside a massive cube. But I seem to recall that the new way of doing this was with post processing? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/gallery_legacy/_/skybox-and-fog-as-a-postprocess-r285
  22. I'm not 100% certain I understand the question so feel free to ignore this if I got it wrong I think the problem is that you are adding force in a linear, which gives the wrong look/feel - so usually it's the force is distributed over a curve. I know that is somewhat hard to visualize - this may help : http://easings.net/ For instance the "easeInOutBack" function would be suitable for jumping
  23. Well about that - like I mentioned on google+ it doesn't solve the problem for me, it does increase my frame rate by quite a lot - but that only seems to compound the problem. I'll try to figure out a way to throttle the engine this weekend ( unless you've a secret "limit updates to x" function tucked away somewhere? ) Also clean out your PM box
  24. Few things; appmenu-gtk:i386 has been replaced by the architecture neutral unity-gtk2-module in later Ubuntu versions ( and why not make an installer that still relevant in 18 days ) you would want to flip around LD_LIBRARY_PATH so you local versions comes first, that way if you need a specific version it will actually get to be loaded - otherwise it will only be loaded if not found on the system, and you safer to delete the local version rather than the system one. Otherwise good work - I'll admit I wasn't best pleased by that massive pile of symlinks in my systemfolders
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