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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. Google sub surface scattering - basically you would need skin density / skelton info. Though I suppose you could pack that into a speciale tecture
  2. Wonder if I can get a car dealership to go for non time limited trial...
  3. Not to mention that some post processors may depend on game events (getting shot, gassed, driving really fast, etc )
  4. What additional information can I provide to help move this along? or does this fall into the "not a 12.04 bug" category?
  5. Map7 is shoper choppy ( feels like 6-7 fps ) in the start hall and near any of those kinds of ligths ( at the car it's fine ) - debug mode on the other hand runs like a champ? Linux/AMD
  6. yeah two things - first off; it's the SCENE browser, assert seems fine - me culpa. Secondly this is done using the scroll bar ( mouse down & drag )
  7. Massive corruption from scrolling, and then even more corruption from taking a screenshot; http://i.imgur.com/BPpEBTQ.png As it is it's not really usable - the corruption stays even with resizing the window.
  8. The backtrace always stopped in a png
  9. Any chance of check box to only download the current OS's files? I mean the dll's & exe's aren't of much use on linux
  10. The extensionless file may just be the linux execuatable - have you tried running the updater; it downloaded both windows and linux version for me.
  11. Replace the line sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk:i386 with if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release if [ $VERSION_ID == "12.04" ]; then sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk:i386 else sudo apt-get install unity-gtk2-module fi else sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk:i386 fi now the version check is a bit hack'ish but I wanted to keep the patch short. Bascially by adding that your adding support for more recent ubuntu versions ( eg. 13.10 ) and derivatives ( kbuntu/mint/etc)
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9271-single-viewport-f12-not-working/
  13. only free if you already payed for windows and photoshop CS3+
  14. mmm... imagine hitting save and instantly seeing the changes in the editor . Only thing is that it would still need to convert the model when finishing the project iirc .blend files contains alot of "fluf"
  15. The "no royalties" bit we can agree on, I don't think the upfront bit is all that important tbh - especially if the product has a 1 year cycle
  16. sudo apt-get install unity-gtk2-module that should let you launch it if it starts crashing when you open menus follow the rest of the guide here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9254-mint-16-ubuntu-1310/
  17. If I understand what you wrote correctly your bug report boils down to: "If 'Num Lock' is NOT active then the numerical keyboard does not produce numbers" It that correctly understood? If that is the case then this is not a bug - that is precisely the function of num lock
  18. Perhaps a list of "known bugs" would be in order ( or did I miss that somehow? )
  19. per title - it does how ever toggle the check mark in the menu - so there is that.
  20. Or just a proper bug tracker
  21. The Neosis topic lists the price excl. vat which I thought was odd, but maybe I misjudged how large/successful you lot are. So if you don't mind me prying please answer the attached poll ( votes aren't public ). The reason there are two "no" options is that at least here you can avoid having to deal with VAT unless your business has generates xxx revenue/year - till then your considered a "hobby business". Personally I'm very much at the hobby end of the spectra
  22. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1&search_term=GMF%20file%20format&search_app=forums
  23. overriding LC_ALL also overrides LANG you can test this easily ; LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 locale
  24. If you save input in localized format to re-transform it when loading, else sharing work is going to be a mess.
  25. odd that that exact version causes a segfault for me (mint 16) and cybolic (ubuntu 13.10)
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