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Everything posted by Olby

  1. Why can't you just publish it on the steam workshop as expected? We already have number of Lua scripts up there.
  2. Enable swept collision for objects that show such behaviour. Swept collision If set to true, this will enable swept collision. Swept collision is a more detailed collision method that can prevent small objects from interpenetrating. Only enable this option when you need it, since it is slower to calculate.
  3. +1 Same issue here. Been battling with those filters since day one. Really, seems like no testing was done at all. My biggest gripe is moving the objects from one filter to another. Sometimes it works sometimes they just disappear altogether.
  4. The current update process is not transparent. Like it or not but it just doesn't work. First, we never know which files are updated. Sure we can run diff on the project folder and the Leadwerks template but this is not something an average user would do. Secondly, there are situations when users are forced to update, for instance, when essential shaders are modified. Therefore updating the projects is important to keep up with all the bug fixes etc. But you must draw a clear line between "essential" engine files (like water, light, shadow shaders, dlls etc.) and non essential template files like FPS controller, object scripts, textures, models etc. In any case a list of changes (filename level) would really help to prevent potential loss of work. I like the suggestion of automatic diff comparison of files against the update and only push the necessary ones rather than the whole template.
  5. Have you reduced the object's diffuse color alpha channel?
  6. I would assume if you select Empty Project you get whats on the tin - an empty project. No models, no prefabs and such. Since the 'green man' is an FPS character controller it's likely part of the FPS template.
  7. So when is this going to be fixed? I've already updated my project 5 or 6 times and takes time to find what was updated. Its a very silly process. To get a fix for a shader or two I spend minutes restoring other files it overwritten. Mainly App.lua. why the hell that gets updated, I've never seen a change in it for ages.
  8. I would like to report an issue I have had with LE3 since day one. Not sure if anyone else has the same experience. As the title explains, some of the surfaces jitter (as in up and down) when camera is up close and is rotating. This happens with the standard materials and tutorial maps as well. When the surface is lit and has a normal map it looks like the diffuse is locked but the normal map jitters. In the animation below you can cleary see billboard jitter (in this case just the diffuse texture).
  9. Line 10 Script.playerHeight = 1.8 --float "Player Height" Line 86 --local playerTempHeight = ((self:IsCrouched() == 1) and crouchHeight or playerHeight)
  10. This script will crash the editor (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) if attached to a pivot and dragged into the Flowgraph. TriggerDelayMapLoad.lua
  11. Default filters are not available when switching between projects. To create them you how to manually select New Map menu option. To reproduce: 1) Start LE, 2) Change to a different project, 3) Filters are not set, 4) Click New Map, 5) Filters appear.
  12. I've noticed that in some cases undoing an operation will not preserve groups. It happens now and then but so far I haven't had time to narrow it down to a particular function. This might be related to OP's issue. I imagine a reference is lost to a group but it is still stored in the map file?
  13. I expect the title of the next blog post will be "I realised that nobody uses the editor therefore I replaced it with makeGame() method".
  14. I don't think you have to disable mip-mapping (as it would give you aliasing artefacts). Try switching on ClampX and ClampY on your diffuse and normal map. This way it should use the last pixel on each edge over and over again thus eliminating any seams.
  15. Remember, you can always add comments to documentation if you feel like something is missing.
  16. Agree. The edit button just needs to be enabled all the time. If there is a script just open that. If nothing has been attached then open an empty template.
  17. How about no? YG - the ultimate spam bot for Blender.
  18. It would be nice to have a visual hint that certain objects are grouped. There is no way to tell if something is grouped unless you select it in the perspective view. I suggest creating automatic filter in the scene tree with a unique group name e.g. "group243" whenever a new group is assigned. Along with selection of all objects under a single filter it would make the system more intuitive.
  19. Perhaps this is more like a request. Scene filters are visually grouping objects and your post announcing the new functionality said the pivots can now be replaced with filters. This is however a little awkward since selecting the filter will not select its children (both in the scene tree and the perspective view). Additionally all parent/child hierarchy is stripped when objects are placed under a filter.
  20. Grouped object are not behaving consistently in terms of how they are selected. If this is supposed to be the classic grouping mechanism then, once grouped, individual objects shouldn't be accessible unless the group is dismantled. In current beta, LE will select the whole group in perspective viewport but selects individual objects in orthographic views. Kind of negates the purpose of grouping. [Edit] Moreover the individual objects in a group can be selected in the scene panel and moved thus breaking the alignment with the rest of the group.
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