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Everything posted by Olby

  1. Carving does not work with multiple objects. Essentially it's 1 to 1 operation. You create one box and carve another box with it. If you create 10 boxes and group them together and try to carve 1 box with it then individual brushes are treated separately thus resulting in mangled results.
  2. Great! A minor glitch though. If you click update workshop game and it says "no published games" both buttons become grayed out. Changing the option will not re-enable them.
  3. This is, weird. Now that I tried your numbers it indeed creates a wedge shaped collision box. Seems like it doesn't accept very thin and long shapes. However when I run the game everything is fine and it collides as it were a box. Odd...
  4. Can't reproduce it. Made a box, resized to 60000 x 49000 x 39000. Physics shape still looks like a box.
  5. It's very simple. If CSG meshes have no scripts and have 0 mass then they get merged into static scene geometry (upon loading). In cases when mass is specified or scripts attached they are turned into individual entities. You can try this with a sphere. Create a CSG sphere, add mass and make it rigid body. Run the game and it will bounce around the scene.
  6. I like Grooves suggestion. If we can still alter individual faces of merged BSP mesh then I would like to to do it my self. For instance carving a tube hole in a box leaves you with dozens of pieces which you need to go and manually group. Adding an option to automagically merge them on carve (for instance Ctrl + Shift + C) would be awesome. Anyway I'm grateful we at least have some CSG tools to work with. Looking forward to Slice, Vertex Ed and Extrude if that's on your list.
  7. So no virtual sex games with VR headsets then? Shikes..
  8. Particle emitter pivot is invisible. It's very hard to select an emitter object unless you do it through the scene panel. However the pivot becomes visible once you delete the emitter and undo. Emitter will re-appear along with the pivot "cube".
  9. You can download some good stuff from here: http://www.cgtextures.com/
  10. Indeed looks a bit dull, but the concept is great!
  11. Tried 3 times and it just pops up Leadwerks stopped working window. [Edit] Will give it another shot once I restart my laptop.
  12. Confirmed! Shade does not work for me either. Material set to shade. Blends nicely only if the colour of particles is white any other colour will not blend with the background.
  13. Confirmed! For now you can simply make a delayed scale curve to make sure that the particles are rotated by the time they are scaled into visibility. See this gif:
  14. If even knowing the concepts of 3d modelling you have to look for tutorials to get your head around the interface and the way the software works it just means one thing: bad design! No matter how useful it is and how many cool features it has its very silly to assume that every user (especially in our case a person who is willing to do only minimal modelling) will have the aptitude to go through numerous tutorials to create a basic model. Now compare the modelling process, for instance, to Sculptris. You can just open it up and immediately get some results without even knowing what's what. Its intuitive whereas Blender is not. I know its like comparing apples and oranges but the gist is the same. I'm still surprised why Blender team haven't made a fork that has minimal features (e.g. strip out the anim, rendering, game engine etc.) and a very primitive interface. Much like Sculptris is a first step for Zbrush, such tool could be a gentle introduction to Blender.
  15. 0P asked for a simple modelling program not Blender. It's funny how majority of these conversations tend to end on Blender even though it is NOT the simpleset or easiest to use. Simply because it's free and versatile doesn't mean it suits everyone. As already mentioned Milkshape 3D is very basic and cheap. You can easily model simple stuff using vertex modelling. Another one that I've used is called Fragmotion. Low price but the feature set is extensive. It also has animations. Exports directly to FBX which works with LE.
  16. Olby

    Light - Halo

    You can add a tall billboard (one that always faces the camera on Y axis) and apply a light "beam" material. Not sure if the one used in the demo screen-shot is supplied with LE. If not, you can easily draw one yourself in GIMP.
  17. Olby

    Light - Halo

    Just add lens flare object where your light source is. Apply appropriate light corona material.
  18. Olby

    Light - Halo

    Yes, its called lens flare effect. There is already an object in LE that does that.
  19. This is why we need LUA code auto-complete.
  20. I thought the article you pulled the image from explains how to deal with such issues, no? http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch08.html
  21. I love how YouGroove actually replied to the original thread (link in shadmar's post), which means he already had the same issue nearly 2 years ago but forgot about it. But I agree this stuff needs to be part of (at least) the beginners guide.
  22. Olby

    Droid planet

    That's where those robots dump their used machine oil.
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