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Everything posted by Olby

  1. Olby


    Although I agree with the fact that source models would be really helpful it still doesn't change the fact that having a blender file or something else would necessarily equate to increased content quality. I for the fact have experienced this myself. Back in the days I de-compiled Half-Life models and so what? It didn't made me a better modeller, I still had to do everything from scratch. In this regard a dedicated tutorial set explaining from A to Z how to make an animated character model or a weapon including modelling, texturing, rigging, animating and exporting would help more than 10 or 20 new high quality characters.
  2. Olby


    Some people have been requesting a similar option in Leadwerks. It would be very very handy if one could collapse CSG's into a model. Prefabs are nice but they have a lot of random texturing issues therefore I'm reluctant to use them. In any case, I'm going to reiterate. The more we can do within LE the better it will be for aspiring artists and the coder-type developers. It is far easier to learn one package to do some basics props etc. internally rather than using multitude of external tools. This of course will not solve high-quality content issue but it at least there will be very detailed orange-grid based levels . I agree with Einlander regards the workshop, majority will just keep using stuff from it. It is important to support the ones who are making their own content and you can only do so by improving the editor and asset pipeline. (psst. **how about sound playback from within the asset panel?**)
  3. Olby


    Don't get me wrong, I like quality art content however there are still issues with the whole asset pipeline. For instance in my case I am building a city. The buildings are done in Sketchup, texturing is done in Fragmotion and the final asset is loaded into LE. The buildings I do are quite low poly so if we had support for full CSG tools (as in 3DWS) I could omit other tools and do everything in LE thus speeding the level design process and improving the production quality since I spend a lot of time going back and forth tweaking each building. I don't believe that by providing better stock assets you will increase the quality of user output. Where is the connection? How would a beginner developer (artist, coder etc. in one person) improve their assets? Only by looking at your sample content? This does not necessarily raise their art skills. Perhaps they will have a standard "LE benchmark" but that would only make us go from orange grids and crawler to "LE industrial textures and a military gunmen" models used over and over again. Yes, it would improve the screenshots but the content will be the same in each shot. The bottom line is, I think LE is still quite raw (at least version 3) we have many things changing from build to build. Look at LE2, only by the end of its support cycle users started to churn out some quality games/content. The engine has matured along with its users. Now comes LE3 and does a full reset, everybody's back to square one. Just some random thoughts...
  4. Olby


    Researching CSG slice tool and vertex editing - essential for good level art
  5. I believe if LUA is replaced with Bmax many newcomers will choose something else. Bmax is relatively unknown and it is easier to find tutorials for Cpp and LUA. And I also agree with the hankinator. We only have Josh, and unless this is delegated to another developer (which would require a good demand from the customers) I rather see editor improvements, bug fixes and stuff like that. This is usually how good projects are ruined - when developers run after every new/cool thing and then loose their focus.
  6. +1 I would also really like if LE could remember positions of Script and Flow Graph windows. Its really annoying to move them over every time.
  7. Olby

    Legos and Game Artwork

    yes, but you can't compare the amount of assets they sell. they have more dlc's but not necessarily the same ratio between users and dlc's. leadwerks ratio is excellent only because we have like 3 dlc's for now. once this number goes up and the selection becomes bigger not everyone will be buying everything. I think it will go down eventually.
  8. Bump. Still happens in the latest beta.
  9. Do you mind uploading this to the workshop? It will get better exposure up there. Thanks.
  10. Recently I wasn't able to run Leadwerks at all. Restarted both my system and Steam numerous times, nada. And then there were issues with updates, it just wouldn't update nor it would allow me to run Leadwerks. Too many issues for the level of popularity and the income their cashing from this venture. I won't be surprised if this is Valve's server room
  11. Hehe, I can already imagine Josh making a grimace and pointing out how open source engines are too complicated and LE needs to be simple and straightforward.
  12. What if an object has multiple faces/limbs painted with different materials?
  13. It has been discussed before. CSG brushes, for performance reasons, are collapsed during runtime. If a brush doesn't have a script attached or physics enabled then it gets collapsed.
  14. Leadwerks already comes with the necessary scripts: CollisionTrigger.lua -> attach this to your trigger brush Noise.lua -> attach this to a pivot - your sound source location on the map Set Playing to false in Noise script and do a Flowgraph link between Trigger brush's Collision() function and Noise script's Play() function.
  15. Turn off "snap to grid". Start drawing a CSG brush. Notice how the initial click snaps to grid however the sizing of brush rectangle does not snap. [Edit] $.2 The icon looks more like its supposed to show/hide grid rather than affect snapping. Speaking of which I find the visibility of the grid more disconcerting rather than snapping. looks more like snapping.
  16. I would also like to see the posibility to hide it altogether because quite often it just gets in the way. But snapping on/off is a great progress non the less. Thanks.
  17. +1 highlight.current.word When set to 1, all occurrences of the selected word are highlighted with the colour defined by highlight.current.word.colour. By default, this option is disabled. (See indicators.alpha and indicators.under)
  18. Whatever Josh comes up with, all these suggestions/solutions need to be collected and presented in a neat article in the tutorial section under Performance. I have lost track of all of these posts.
  19. I rather see rock solid performance and more game play oriented features than PBR and other rendering glitter.
  20. I also noticed the white outline on bullet hole decals.
  21. I agree, performance on my system is abysmal. Default template, two csg rooms and 4 lights makes it crawl at 20-30fps in run mode. Until this is fixed no feature will make it better.
  22. I agree, Josh is THE one of the most responsive developers I've seen. Perhaps you should remember posting here as I believe Steam forums are monitored less frequently. This is the right place to ask questions.
  23. I don't know Josh, your stuff is too fancy... This IS my living room, it has a game console, hi-fi system, tv, internet, book reader, dvd player etc. etc.
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