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Everything posted by Olby

  1. Olby

    Dev Blog

    Josh, please add a keyboard shortcut for carving otherwise it will slow down the process quite a bit.
  2. You can change the colours of the script editor in the Options menu of LE.
  3. That's correct, same name for the lib and the dll. I think somewhere in the LUA sources you might find a constant but it always looks for the same name by default. However I was getting all sorts of crashes with other versions, so its important to have one that matches the one used in LE.
  4. I downloaded the lua5.1. Windows sources (includes VS 2008 project) compiled the dll + lib. Included the lib in my C project. Wrote the code to interface with LUA and compiled it into a dll. Then put the lua5.1.dll and my own library dll in the same folder with the LE executable. Import the library as usual within App.lua. Its hacky but it works. Now that you say there is a LUA lib that ships with LE (and I just checked its there) I can hopefully do away with having two LUA dlls in my game's root. [Edit] Windows sources and compiled LUA bins can be found here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/
  5. Wrong, you can import an external dll. Just make sure the sand-boxing is off in LE options. I have made a DLL in C and use it in LUA just fine. [Edit] I haven't linked against the LUA lib file that Rick is talking about. I just linked it to another dll file, I now have two LUA dlls in the root. Its messy, but it works for now. I will try to link it against the proper library once I have the time.
  6. Trust me all professional sound effect libraries ship in uncompressed fashion, most commonly .WAV. Sane people will not release any packs for sale in lossy compressed formats unless it is a free pack made by enthusiasts. As for OGG yes, we need it. However since Josh already stated its not his priority (at least for 2015), the easiest option for LUA users is just to wrap a library that can play back OGG files into a LUA compatible dll.
  7. YG you should record some Blender tutorials for LE users. You seem to know it more than anyone else here.
  8. I just tried it and it works now. Seems like it was a server issue. I even used online zip extraction (with direct link to the press kit).
  9. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Company/press_kit.html [Edit] Actually that zip file is botched. I could only get the logo and Josh's photo. The other two files are 0 bytes in size.
  10. Wouldn't that kill the performance? I imagine rendering shadow maps for each particle is a resource hog.
  11. I have the suspicion the more you mention other game engines, and more you push for LE to be equal the less Josh is interested in actually making it happen. Its a saturated market and you have to stand out by offering something different, simply copying the same functionality and selling it for less is a commercial suicide. Sorry, just my 2 cents. But I agree, character controllers should have such an option, as well as the nav mesh window.
  12. Read this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12082-amd-driver-149-fix-for-error-r6025-pure-virtual-function-call/
  13. I was actually looking for something similar. In my case it was for an in-game console in fullscreen mode.
  14. "Sorry, you don't have permission for that."
  15. I know, but people tend wait for these enhancements not realising its already possible. Most of game development is about programming so you would still have to do some coding one way or another. Having only basic type of material will not give you much flexibility. It needs to be a more thorough with physical material properties.
  16. Indeed, its already possible via Asset::GetPath. Just name your materials with type prefix e.g. dirt_brown1.mat, conc_clean2.mat or wood_lines32.mat. When picking the ground underneath the player just get the material path and extract first four letters and match them up to internal/external sound list/material properties.
  17. Olby


    I haven't had the need to do this myself so this is just all theory. But the assumption is if you pick what's in front of the player and get the pickInfo in return (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/pickinfo/) you will be able to get the normal of a surface. If you do the same for the adjacent plane and compare the two this will lead you to determining the angle between the two surfaces. This is complex stuff, so investigate this only if you really need to have full freedom to climb any wall without the necessity to hard-code the spots [Edit] As for tracing the wall upwards. It can be done by offsetting the initial ray by half-height of the player. And repeating the pick a few times until the max jump height is reached i.e. player cant reach the ledge any more. Perhaps this drawing can explain it better. At most you will have to trace 6-8 short rays and based on which of those are blocked you can perform different actions (tall obstacles, low obstacles etc.)
  18. Olby


    The easiest solution would likely involve invisible CSG trigger zones. Once collided with and if player is in upwards jumping motion initiate the climbing action. Depending on the size of your levels this might not be an option. Another way I can think of is to detect climbable edges procedurally. When jump action is fired shoot a ray ahead of the player (at foot level). If it collides at a reasonable distance with a wall then trace it upwards until there is an edge which is at least 45+ degrees perpendicular to the wall. This gives an indication of a usable surface for climbing. Along with other checks this can be developed into a sophisticated system for the sort of actions you want.
  19. You don't have to go through Blender. Fragmotion exports the older FBX file but Leadwerks still converts it just fine into mdl. Tried it with Pacemaker model in b3d, exported an fbx from Fragmotion and dropped the fbx +texture into models folder for Leadwerks. Multi channel animation is also working.
  20. So, are you guys mocking Josh's profile pic?
  21. Well you would have to wait at least until the next year. Josh already mentioned its not on his todo list for now. Lets hope he changes his mind.
  22. Yes, that's expected. Josh mentioned that. The menu option will be removed at some point.
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