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Everything posted by Olby

  1. I find forums with separate threads for different languages to be very cumbersome to navigate and are prone to become derelicts to the main language of choice (LUA in our case). If LUA thread is visited more often then someone who posts a C++ related question will not get the answer as fast. Besides C++ and LUA just differ in syntax but the functions are the same. So perhaps Stack Overflow is more suited for purely C++ specific questions. I think anything that deals with Leadwerks programming should be dealt in a single thread since often these answers apply (overlap) to all languages. No need for segregation and unnecessary moderation from Josh.
  2. I don't recall if this has been requested before, so here it goes: Scene tab needs further enhancements to allow for efficient work on larger levels. I suggest adding HIDE and LOCK options. These are pretty self explanatory if you have used Photoshop or GIMP layers before. HIDE will hide the object from the viewports and LOCK will prevent the object from being altered in the viewports (in both cases objects are selectable in the scene tab and their parameters can be adjusted). As quick visualisation: If this is not possible then the easiest would be to add a right-click menu with LOCK and HIDE tick boxes. It should also work with multiple selected objects. Locking or hiding a parent should recursively do the same for its child objects.
  3. You're right.. I guess what I was trying to say is on the list of missing features, at least for me, PBR is at the bottom. We are still missing tons of essential features that make or break a game. PBR will not stop you from finishing a project, yes it might not look AAA but I really doubt that you would have the resources to use it to its full potential anyway. Making AAA game is much more than PBR or just the visuals. LE is lacking in many of these aspects. Once you have a solid foundation many more professional developers will look into LE as a potential engine.
  4. Personally I would rather see more game related features. PBR and all that graphics stuff is nice, however this community really struggles with finished projects. If anything, making it easy to make complete games is number one priority. Anything else is cool, but only if resources allow. People talk about making life easier for the designers, but majority of LE users seem to be a one man show - indie/bedroom developers. PBR will not turn LE into a triple A engine, better graphics for sure, but its like putting a body from Ferrari on a scooter.
  5. Olby

    A book

    I can agree with the sentiment. Books do get outdated quite fast these days. But directing new users, who have never developed games, to resources dedicated to other engines is a financial suicide since majority will probably never return to Leadwerks after learning something else. A Leadwerks specific A to Z beginners guide aimed at creating a game and publishing it on the Steam Workshop would definitely attract more users. It does not necessarily have to be very in depth but it should briefly cover things as input, levels, AI, game logic, GUI, sound, optimisation etc. We have plenty of people in the community who are gifted enough to write such a guide, perhaps a little financial incentive from Josh can stimulate them. Look, someone can take the Pumpkins in Space and turn that into a "game development in LE" guide, it would be a solid resource that newbies can reference.
  6. 1. Select an object 2. Click this button 3. Highlight the faces you want to modify 4. Open Objects tab 5. Adjust values
  7. That would be really handy for pre-rendering environment maps. I used to use Gile for that back in the days.
  8. Sorry, never mind Josh. Its past midnight here and I mixed up Scripts/App.lua with Source/ folders. Oh boy....
  9. Just tried to create a LUA project and instead of .lua files got .cpp and .h. Looked into SteamApps folder and saw that both templates are exactly the same. I haven't touched them at all.
  10. Olby


    And the shortcut for that is Ctrl+F, as I just found out.
  11. Olby


    It might not be exactly the same, but you can focus all viewports on an object be right clicking in the Scene tab and selecting 'Go To...'.
  12. Olby


    Although I caved in and got Steam edition, I still believe software - especially programming related should not be on Steam. They even call it games.
  13. Olby


    I can not speak for others, but my main concern was with having to install and run Steam. I don't use Steam at all and only installed it once in 2005 to play Half-Life 2. However over the years Steam has become omnipresent and as far as PC gaming goes its pretty much the only major games distribution platform. I guess people hesitate because normally game engines or any other programming SDKs are not locked to a specific platform, then again since I switched I haven't had any problems. If you don't want to be online just run Steam offline, it works.
  14. Menu can be created using the Context->Draw and Window->Key\Mouse command set. You would have to script its behaviour such as drawing buttons and changing their colours when mouse is hovered above and such. The commands you need are: DrawImage DrawLine DrawRect DrawText and KeyHit MouseHit Or just wait until Aggror finishes FlowGUI which is going to be a paid LUA script set for menu creation using LE Flow Graph. Have a look here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7146-flowgui/page__st__20#entry81279
  15. @TheDrkMstr - I wouldn't be so much concerned about LE console module pricing (if it were to be developed) as much as signing a developer contract with Microsoft and Sony.
  16. You have to enable depth test for such materials. Otherwise it does not take scene depth into account.
  17. Just send him an email to: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Company/contact That's what I did.
  18. Just go to Games (Menu) -> Activate a Product on Steam -> Next -> I Agree and enter your product key.
  19. You can take Steam into offline mode and LE will work.
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10661-standalone-version/#entry81427
  21. If you have a full standalone edition and decide to switch to Steam then Josh will send you two keys. One for Indie (LUA only) and one for C++ DLC. So you do not loose anything. Plus you get to try all the latest betas and get recent updates pushed to your account as soon as they are released.
  22. Olby


    This is awesome... Now watch teens flocking in saying they're building the next GTA but cant get their models loaded in.
  23. It would be very handy to have a slider (int and float) and the function graph (which already exists for particle emitters) when exposing script parameters. Sliders could have the following syntax: -- [label] [min] [max] Script.slider=0--slider "Slider" "0" "100" Script.sliderfloat=192.68-sliderfloat "Slider Float" "15.6" "200.42" Not sure yet how to implement the function graph, but since its already there it should work: I can see many uses for the above two.
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