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Everything posted by Olby

  1. Olby

    Windows 10?

    You are still online (and most likely using the same credit cards for online purchases) so there is loads of information one could find about you. While I agree that having a such policy covering your whole computer is unnecessary - it is the future. Besides you are from a different generation, there are folk who can not live and work without their clouds, cell phones and the internet. How about internet of things (IoT), driverless cars, or even floor cleaning robots equipped with GPS. The future is inevitable like it or not. Pernaps your next phone or computer will require 24/7 internet access. And don't get me started with Ubuntu or SteamOS. They're not saints and are likely already leaking your data. If you haven't heard about it doesn't mean they don't. You can hide only for so long. Canonical is just another commercial venture.
  2. Olby

    Windows 10?

    The point I'm trying to make is that you will still keep using these products. Nobody stopped using iPhones when people found out they track every move you make and store it in a database. Likewise with any other product. People get really touchy when they find out these things, but as I said earlier we already leak MASSIVE amounts of data. Your name here, your email and phone number there. Use Gmail? Well Google knows everything about you. Use Siri or Cortana? Good luck, all parties involved in voice recognition solutions now have all your voice queries and voice samples. The list goes on and on. Have you ever wondered why technology has become so widespread and is offered literally for free? Don't you understand that your data is used to fund such services. People want the comfort and freedom of modern technology yet are not willing to give up their privacy. This is not how it works.
  3. Olby

    Windows 10?

    The funny thing is I've witnessed all these updates since mid nineties. Everytime you get the same script. People find all these things to complain but in the end they all update and just move on. I still remember the initial resistance against Windows XP because it broke DOS based software, crashed too often and most of the drivers didn't work. Same thing over and over again. Windows is like your wife's family, like them or not but they're there and you have to tolerate that. And don't get me started on all that encryption BS. Yes, it's a fatalist view. Its beyond me when people, in the first place, move every little bit of their sensitive information to the cloud, stored god knows where, and then complain when its broken into. Try putting a million dollars in a bullet proof glass box and put it out on the streets in some rough neighbourhood- see how long that will last. Same with data encryption and cloud storage. Get used to it.
  4. Olby

    Windows 10?

    @Josh - In that case what are you doing online? If you don't want to be exposed or hacked just plug the cable from your wifi box. There is no internet without hacking and data leaks. I'm pretty sure I can salvage enough information about most of the people by doing some trivial search queries. There is no data protection in this day and age. You worry about Microsoft servers? How about your bank? What if your bank's servers are hacked? There is no protection from that, you see, even government can't protect themselves. My suggestion is either revert back to Windows 3.11 or just stop using modern technology.
  5. I can't really see the difference. Both are showing up here almost completely black.
  6. Place a decal (10x10x10, wound,mat) on a terrain slope (08-Terrain.map) and you will get holes in the decal.
  7. Olby

    Leadwerks 3.6 Roadmap

    DerRidda +1, I still want to know how to make material specific footstep sounds on CSG meshes.
  8. Yup, my Firefox now blocks Flash everywhere, thank god!
  9. 1. Open Publish File dialog (latest beta) 2. Select the Update tab 3. EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (I do not have any previous uploads on workshop).
  10. It was requested at least once or twice before. For now importing 50% height map is the only solution.
  11. There used to be an extensive overview of the Flowgraph system and how to add your own ins and outs. But it seems to be removed from the site and replaced with the new tutorial content.
  12. I would go with the latest beta stream if you just want to learn the engine and experiment with some concepts. This is where you get all latest bug fixes, features and assets. For serious development always use the latest stable build (non-beta) or (for backwards compatibility with old projects) one of the older (archived) builds.
  13. Olby

    Windows 10?

    Don't get all hurt.. just saying from my own experience comparing W7 and W8.1, both clean installs on the same laptop. Startup times, shutdown times, searching for files, opening files and folders, stability, compatibility with new devices etc.. I don't game much so to me the overall performance of the system is more important than the 0.5% drop in gaming speed, then again it will most likely beat W7 in a few months once the drivers get polished. And as for LE3 I don't see how that would affect it at all.
  14. Olby

    Windows 10?

    One word: speed.
  15. Perhaps adding an ability to switch the vegetation on or off (and control its density) would be nice. This way occlusion culling can be done manually (e.g. portal in a doorway which switches the veg off when the camera moves into an enclosed space).
  16. It's all here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/marble-game-r21#section4
  17. Olby


    Sounds like you're out of luck. As far as I know most schools have admin lock that prevents users from installing any software so putting the OpenAL DLL in Windows system folder is not possible.
  18. Although I don't use the Linux edition, I feel good that our tux brothers are somewhat looked after.
  19. Downloaded, installed, my computer went up in flames... Writing this from a police cruiser using my phone. Thanks guys. )
  20. Olby

    Icon Design

    @YouGroove, Who the hell customises icons in a game engine/level editor? Sometimes I think features like that are just added to tick a box.
  21. Haha, well said MS is indeed evolving much like LE is. We also have things come and go, actually the days of having a solid release are gone. Just look at games, how many patches/DLC's later they're playable? Back in the days it's either hit or miss, now with Steam and internet there is no point in making a well polished product. Shame though.
  22. No problems with lens flares when I originally tested them. So either a bug in recent version(s) or an issue with your graphics/settings.
  23. I run LE on a Toshiba laptop all the time. See specs below.
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