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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. lol that's so good i'm not even able to imagine how this could be improved! I think so much games even on steam doesn't offer such quality. Or maybe I don't have the hardware it requires to see them.
  2. Tropical jungle: I try to run out of this green, but it is almost impossible to get an orientation FPS 30, really ok with this density.
  3. Hi Russel, Maybe check this, not sure if this answers you rpoint but ok https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699303085&searchtext=water https://www.leadwerks.com/workshopitem?tags=Material&queryType=1&fileType=0&fileid=699303085 Out of this I managed to make this: It applies the water classic effect to CSG boxes
  4. @Thirsty Panther Yeah I have bought it. But you can't see the river in the editor before your game start.
  5. Here the spline is viewable from the editor... And it was 10 years ago... Any tipp how to make this today? Was this made with PostEffect or what?
  6. Your level just looks beautiful and the idea with the canvas revealing a secret is great, you have the artist touch that is required to build great scenes with simple assets. Please note that you can change the color of the dissolve effect by changing the last line of the fragment shader: The 1.0,0.0,0.0 is the color, so this would make a red effect instead of blue. And InvAlpha+0.025 manages the width so change +0.025 if you need.
  7. I search for this, because I worked on this in the past... And I found something for you: I wrote a similar shader that works on boxes. For sure I wanted to make something similar but not only on animated models. No importance, look here: TEMP 2020-10-03 22-34-30.mp4 And here are the files: - The shader: use this for the shadow shader too diffuse+normal+specular+dissolve-NoAnim - Kopie.shader - The script you have to put on the box: Dissolve.lua Give it a try, put a box with a material, give the material the right shader here uploaded, and put the script on the box. Look that the material has 3 diff+norm+spec textures, because the shader is based on this one. And you have to put the path of the used material for the box in the start of the script !! PS all crédits to shadmar.. All I did is a conversion or maybe just nothing.
  8. Hi Russel, There is a super cool shader for this: Maybe it is not for your purpose, so just check it.. If not, there is a possibility to create an alpha material and downgrade the alpha value to make the object disappear. Don't forget to remove the shape when disappeared.
  9. I tested it. It will run as expected if you don't select "only includes used files" I suppose the publishing procedure ignores the folder "Materials/Resources/Startup/startup"
  10. Ok look at the function description, I think you forgot something very easy: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Context_DrawText DrawText(string text, number x, number y, number kerning=1.0) > The x,y are what you are seeking I suppose, coordinates place on the screen. Btw, nice graphic style you are creating ?
  11. idk if you can use frames for this, i'm not sure. But you could try using a timer by testing (for example:) if Time:GetCurrent() - self.FirstAnimStarted > 2000 then -- <start second animation>
  12. Hello Russel This is pretty simple: Leave a transparent place in your texture where the text should be written. Draw the texture in blend mode. Then write the text with Context:DrawText() after declaring a Font:Load() varaible. So you can write and change your text as you want.
  13. I have weird issues with ingame screensize options as soon as I put my windows resolution on 2715 x 1527 (2.00x) Everythig works allright with windows set at 1980x1080 Look at those crazy values maybe this could help solve this: TEMP 2020-09-14 17-41-55.mp4 Seems that the bug (or a part of it) runs out of System:GetGraphicsMode() when windows uses "super" resolutions. https://www.itechtics.com/change-screen-resolution/#Method_2_Change_Screen_Resolution_using_command_prompt That could be a work around: You Look at the second method, I tested it and it really runs ok. so you could in theory switch with this tool the windows resolution before your game start to a common resolution like 1600x1024, then let the user plays with the Leadwerks options ( that should run ok) At the end the tool should be return the gamer's windows resoluiton to the origine one.
  14. Yes this a classic problem of 3rd view animations. Now look at that ^^
  15. Yes I think so. I just want to test it a few more and then I will make a demo map if everything runs ok that i will upload as tutorial on how to use etc...
  16. Marcousik

    Road tracer

    Hello, This shows the result of how a script is calculating and casting a road under different terrain conditions, various hills and various slopes, and a few exagerations. The script is not casting a spline; it lets the road follow the terrain, as a group of workers would do if they had to build a road: They would not cut all hills to pass the road through, but let the road follow the hills and they would look that the road keeps straight in its large part. That's exactly what I wanted the tool to do. If you want the road to be easy drivable and calm, just use the smooth terrain tool on the different place where the road should go; The road will just follow the terrain mouvement. I can tell the roads are cast very quickly only using the start() function - only a few seconds for tons of road segments. Such a road as in the video drops a little bit the FPS because it is made of 100 of little models generated, placed, textured and shaped, with max view range. The performances for this is still very acceptable, after a few corrections done on the models size and tables incrementations variables. There is always the possibility to simply reduce the view range of the models to win more FPS. At the end I can say it was very fun and challenging to make this tool, and I 'm really happy because it now works as I expected it should. Here is a view from the editor: It is very simpe, just tell the sccript where you want the road to go through. It is not even necessery to place the markers on the terrain. The road will start from "StartRoad" and go to "EndRoad", building a curve that will approach the "Curve" point. Here is a littl bit of work in progress:
  17. I really wanted to use the spline tool to make roads because it is a powerful tool but it has a big inconvenient: It builds the spline as you want but then moves the terrain to pass it to the spline - this sounds first ok but using this especially on big maps, you end up with a terrain that shows artificial big too sharpened contours and hollowed areas where the road is going through. To avoid this problem, you have to place a lot of spline pivots and nodes very carefully on the map, following the actual terrain movement. This takes hours and the result is disapointing if you forget one hill, it will shows this ugly sharpened cutted unnatural shapes. That 's why I want to build a tool that operates on the terrain but with the feature to pass the roads to the terrain and not the opposite. It should operates like a bulldozer does: Moving on the hills (and not cutting them!) the bulldozer builds a large passage practicable with a car. Here in this little demo, you simply need to throw 2 pivots on the map - no matter the height where they are placed - and the script calculates the rest: TEMP 2020-08-09 00-29-31.mp4 Script function for a straight road looks like that 2) Building curves: TEMP 2020-08-15 23-14-38.mp4 Code for curve looks like this: Showcase: Just tell the editor where the roads has to pass through to get this: (placing a few pivots) TEMP 2020-08-18 23-51-21.mp4 3) roads junctions are done ? Always keeping the simpliest way: With 3 pivots in the map, the script automaticly generates the first road segment with 1 curve. With 3 others pivots in the map, it builds the second road segment with 1 curve too. Then only add the second road segment as junction entity in the first road segment script property and the segments will be correctly calculated and attached together: 4) Texturing the roads: The textures will be drawn between the little sphere, creating surfaces and vertex in an appropriate way. The surfaces have to be joined ttogether from one road part to the next. Then only need to be shape. Well the first road is done, throwing 2 * 3 pivots on the map, where you want the road to go through, then attach the 2 road segments together with drag and drop property entity. More is not necessery to do...and the script calculates the rest, here a little showcase of the road: TEMP 2020-08-27 11-46-04.mp4
  18. Second part of this thematic: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/19981-lost-in-a-tropical-dream-landscape/
  19. Whatever, such flashing trailer are wonderful as marketting publicity. No importance if used or not, it lets us dream. What about LE5 ? Do you think about starting an add campaign?
  20. Maybe you have to call GoToPoint() from pathPoint to pathPoint ? I can imagine this would limit the "drunk" effect, maybe check the distance from player to the next path point and reduce the moving speed if coming near to it.
  21. - That would be great yes, but how, maybe shader knowledge too? A lense would round up the complete screen ? - I cannot augment the view distance of the vegetation, because there is no option between far view and max view range (as infinite). The max view range that seems infinite is not supported with so much models (FPS drops <10) But it is possible with shaders to smooth the "pop up" effect of the models. I modify for this each shaders that are used for the materials of the models, using the depth camera.z calculation from the groudplants.shader TEMP 2020-08-02 10-08-52.mp4
  22. Äh thx Josh but I'm novice at this, can you explain what exactly you mean? Actually I require informations from the shader to the script to determine the water level of the waves or am I wrong?
  23. Thx for encouraging ? I'm not sure what how this is going to continue. I got for sure inspired from GTA, I have a complete collection of clothes that the character can buy & change. I added a few weapons but this goes so common; certainly it can be funny but so much do that very well, Gta, Far Cry, Ghost and and and... I would rather go in a peacefully way of driving with music and landscape, making gold for delivering, but I'm not sure where to place the challenge if no gun fight. It became so common that someone wants to kill you in a game that it is difficult to think without this
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