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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/471-animated-vegetation-shader/ This link is dead for me. Can we still obtain this somewhere ?? THx !
  2. Got exactly the same problem ! Please Haydenmango can you say if you are in beta or got a key or something else as it works for you ? thx.
  3. Well I don't know if somebody is still interested in this, but I had to work today on this, and I have to say making just a Sphere and add something modified script FPSPlayer.lua with Rigid Body - Prop and Mass=10 work fine. So you get a Shape-Collision just as big as your Sphere is. Had to change the commands function in FPSPlayer.lua and add something with addforce().
  4. Well I tried to explain I can't save the generated PolyMesh on this model. Did you try this one? Compare the second imge with the third published in my first post here, and pay attention at the Poly Mesh on the stairs in the tower: After the saving and loading process, you can see the mesh disappears... I do not encounter this problem with little models-size !
  5. Update, I solve the problem like this: 1) Open source file of the model with Blender. 2) Export as Leadwerks .mdl 3) Obtained: Lot of .mdl files corresponding each of them with a part of the Lighthouse. 4) You have to Poly Meshe, scale, texture each part of the lighthouse with the model editor. Save. 5) Throw all the parts in the map editor, put all parts as child of a box (for example) 6) Set Local positions of each child as 0,0,0. 7) Very well here it is, well polyshed and practicable Ingame Lighthouse: Conclusion / issue: I think the save cannot be completed as the entire model is simply to big. So decomposed with blender is the solution and then re-build with Leadwerks.
  6. Hello there, I didn't find anything about this so start a new topic, maybe somebody encounter this too or solved this yet. Well I loaded a finished free Model "Lighthouse", generated a Poly Mesh on it in the model Editor, so player could run on it. I was very happy as I saw this, because everything seemed to look ok: But, after saving and leaving the model editor, I load the model to check if everything kept ok. And I found that all the corrected generated Poly Mesh did sadly not keep saved: If you want to reproduce this, the Lighthouse can be found there: http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/light-house-enterable-96732.html thx for reply/ help !
  7. Hey there, I read the posts here and I 've today encounter problems like this. I downloaded a free "Lighthouse" model with stairs in the tower. I put a "Poly Mesh" on the model and I thought first this would work fine, because I saw the triangles on the stairs and everywhere where a player should walk, BUT Ingame the saved Poly Mesh is not as showed and the player falls through the ground. Second times Poly Mesh loaded, I observed the "good" built Poly Mesh cannot be saved, only a part of it can be loaded, rest disappears.... Any Help with this ???
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