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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. Thx for encouraging ? I'm not sure what how this is going to continue. I got for sure inspired from GTA, I have a complete collection of clothes that the character can buy & change. I added a few weapons but this goes so common; certainly it can be funny but so much do that very well, Gta, Far Cry, Ghost and and and... I would rather go in a peacefully way of driving with music and landscape, making gold for delivering, but I'm not sure where to place the challenge if no gun fight. It became so common that someone wants to kill you in a game that it is difficult to think without this
  2. To come back to the titel question, "How can I get the area where two objects intersect?" Does anybody knows anything about communication between shader and script variables? For example: the water level is now moving because the waves; until now I checked in script the position.y of the player to determine if we nead to hear a splash sound as foot step instead of the common footstep sound. But now seems difficult because the water is not constant anymore. Any idea on this???
  3. Yes it s fascinating. I wonder if the waves could become more than a skin, should actually be transformed in a physics force on swimming objects, if this is possible with a shader...???
  4. Last stand, I obtained ocean waves by adjusting the movement, could be ok but still no foam. I tried to adjust what I found, but the problem and funny is I have absolutly no idea what I'm objectively doing. Leadwerks Editor 4.6 - J__D-dISK_Documents_Leadwerks_Projects_MainGame_Maps_start.map 2020-07-30 00-03-09.mp4
  5. I just wanted to try something: Applying effect of leaves shader on the water shader. In a few minute I could get interesting effect. But far from waves: water.shader TEMP 2020-07-29 18-55-38.mp4
  6. Okay... Could you add waves or is it that difficult? (Sorry I don't know anything about shaders, maybe I will start study this sometime.) Because it seems to be used in so much games... I'm asking if it is that heavy to add? The noise on the water is generated with normals, am I right? Would it not be simplier with shader noise ?
  7. Yeah sure I know about that... I mean WITH waves ! like this shared link here:
  8. @havenphillip I (and for sure many others) would pay for such a water shader to use commercially if there was one in the marketplace... Maybe you could ask Shadmar to help with this?
  9. I am searching about this, maybe someone has suggestions: How would you write a function/script to make a model align to the terrain ? Any suggestion? We have usable functions ready to use to know the Height and the slope at a given position; Terrain:GetElevetaion() and Terrain:GetSlope() thx
  10. For sure those Newton functions look much more advanced and I can imagine technically a step forward. My suggestion was limited to the actually version of LE
  11. Not sure if it helps but with 4.6 you could use invisible triggers shapes to detect if the player comes to a wall. The shaped trigger could in realtime detect the player and change the behavior and the animations. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Collision
  12. I have to add something to this. I just tested one more time, just to be sure: > About this: "setting to FarViewRange is ignoring the rendering of the model, it left the shape of the model be considered and calculated." It's not quite correct to say this because if you test it, you will see that a model marked as FarViewRange will be hidden on long distance and its shape too. > But it is anyway a necessity to remove the shapes of the models to summon a scene like this, even through script. if I let one tree shape of the 6 different shaped models used in the scene, the game runs with FPS=10 or 15 ! If I let 2 shapes and removed the 4 others of the 6 different shaped models used in this scene: Here is what comes out: It is impossible to move anything / FPS=0 !! > You have to remove the shapes; setting the models collisiontype to Collision.None seems to be no alternativ option.
  13. Speed? Do you mean performances ? Is this the same? Well I give it a try: Well the first thing I do is to start an empty map because whatever why I always got performances problems by trying to fill the map from the editor; most of the time, while a "save" procedure, occured a crashing bug that ruined the entire work. Or it saved but all the paint work wouldn't be saved and - one more time - lost work. So now i try to do everything from script. The second thing was the illusion that this setting https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_SetViewRange MediumViewRange would save ressources. Well it is true, it saves performances, but precisely a test show me that while the setting to FarViewRange was as expected ignoring the rendering of the model, it left the shape of the model be considered and calculated. (I'm sure about this.) I found this by chance while desperating why ignored models had a performance cost...! So 100 shaped models far away from the camera that were NOT rendered had a significant perfomance cost. So I removed the shape and could easily put 1000 models far away from the player - the map was running well - as you expect it to run. Then, I restore the shapes to the model with a script catching the entities near the player ... and remove the shape if they are out of range. With a script calculating and placing the models in the area I want them to appear (it must be not 100% randomly), you can cover all the map (with no shapes!!) The beautiful thing with this is that you can put a script on whatever model you want and let the player cut trees or harverst stones, all this should be no problem. So to answer your question, I think removing the shape is the key for speed and smooth gameplay. The other thing making driving quickly is the possibility of using Update(4) that Josh created in the main script, so everything goes quicker and smoother. (but no idea what exactly change this setting, it feels like the engine would ignore some details maybe in the physics, but really not sure about this)
  14. This a showcase of creating a world randomly generated where paint, vegetation and models are placed with a script. Performance is ok. Map 4096*4096
  15. Yes just wanted to add this link to this thematic as following the same theme
  16. I just worked today on this model and I had to think about this thread ^^ Somehow the same problematic happens now to me and I do not see any solution if not seperate the mesh and use a joint ?? Here the animation is turning the propeller (without shape!), but I need the poly mesh as shape so the player can enter in the building...
  17. Hello and thx for answer. I made more tests. And it is clear that it happens after a long time of loading vegetation models on the map but not edited with the vegetation tool whereas generated with script. Disabling the script-loaded vegetation make the map load quicker and emitters are back normal. Edit you mean this: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Emitter_SetReleaseQuantity Edit2: Solutions Seems to be solved if the emitters are created with a script running after the world is rendered, so a few second after start() finished is enough to let the emitters run normal - as expected. Editor created emitters and emitters scripted in start function seem to be disturbed through a longer map loading time... > Or add this little script to the editor-created emitters - it will solve the bug and will have almost no performances cost: Here on the video see the bug be solved ^^ on the flames and red smoke TEMP 2020-05-26 21-56-59.mp4
  18. Marcousik

    Current Work

    @JoshMK well that is a little vague to me but sounds interessant maybe you find time to share that with us here sometime with more detailled ^^ @gamecreator thx can you find a link to this? I use actually the spline tool with beautiful roads creation possibilities - it is really nice - BUT it works with pivots and as the roads are built with the start() function you can't really see before in the editor where the road is going through. So level design becomes much more difficult. How do you want to place a building (or trees) along a street if you not even exactly know where the streets goes??? So I dream of a possibility to see the splines before or to have a paint tool that would adjust the terrain to road (advanced flatten function?) That made Jorn and would be enough for me ! (sorry it is not really the theme to topic here...)
  19. Look please at that video out of a map 4096*4096 Emitters are strangely summoning all particles at one time... Particles are going her way as defined in the editor...then all particles disappear together. are particles not supposed to be summoned randomly ? Did anybody had to to with this? thx TEMP 2020-05-24 22-13-15.mp4
  20. Marcousik

    Current Work

    I remember Josh gave much much work in finishing version 4.6 and I'm still have the positiv feeling that if you want/can put the work on it, it is really possible to get a satisfying building game experience. I'm missing some tools too - like hey I would give a three day party for a road tracer included in the editor - but well there are work arounds possibilities. For example for cars you can build your own with some joints functions that offer great possibility. Is there any documentation online on this technology you are speaking about? Or is this a kind of secret commercial move?
  21. I think this is worth a try. The invisible shape CSG shape should be parented to each bone, it is a good idea. (you could seperate the mesh and passing them to each bone simply with blender if necessery)
  22. No sorry I mean the tutorial as you can find one in the examples map Josh made. So you want to avoid loading time by initialising the map am I right? I think in the principle, moving a shaped element and becoming consequences of this has something to do with massed object and that s why joints and no animation will be used. It seems to run as if animations are into the domain of "decoration" while shape, collision, mass more like supporting "behind the scene" ground elements. Sorry not sure if I can express this good.
  23. Is there a reason why you don't just use the joint possibility as in the examples/tutos for doors opening?
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