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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. It does not appear, I tried, no problem, only ingame And the bug appears even on 1024 map at the edge.
  2. One thing I don't understand if why does the trembing not appear in the preview editor?
  3. Right it is not tembling in the middle of the map, ok. But do you know how to fix this? Or that would mean for my game design no roads after range (x,y) ?
  4. Update: Tested on 512 map, no bug so occurs only on 4096 terrain, but can't tell why Update 2: It seems it is trembling only at the begin and at the end of a camera move. While the camera is moving it is ok.
  5. I want to build a road with the decals, but then the road is trembling each time the camera moves: I'm on terrain 4096*4096 Any idea why this occurs ?
  6. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Decal_SetRenderMode -> You can select the effect of the decals appearing on models or on brush Or try to scale the effect zone of the decal so that it doesn't reach your character, that's all I know about decals
  7. Marcousik

    Road test

    So it seems possible to use decals to build roads you can preview from the editor
  8. I think that a non-subscription modus for Indies is an art of quality garanty for customers, as it says: Look at that big studios which are owning over 50000 $ with our engine-made games. They have to pay a monthly fee, are not suffering for this, and we are stable. That means nothing else than "pay our engine first after you get success with it" That's a warranty. But the real question is imo which part of the market/customers is Ultra supposed to be attractive for ? Indies or profis ? Maybe in a few years will seet Josh confortably with a big success thx to Ultra project and allow Indies to work or try to work with it for free or one-time payment. Who knows.
  9. Yes something like a spline tool is a must.. But we should see the spline from the editor, that's the main feature I miss by Aggror Spline system
  10. Will you put the feature road tracer ?
  11. @havenphillip Hi, I tried today to get that work but sorry I'm a terrible zero with shader. So I just did not get the traces to work as expected. No matter if I use one or the second shader that comes with the download. You put in the download height.tex and height2.tex, should i use one of them in the material ? Where? Maybe you could just post a little screenshot of your material textures view, thx a lot Edit Got it to work, using tire_height.tex in the displacement slot and the "decal alpha + normal.shader" the effect is really cool, will be useful for foot steps too I think!
  12. Now it would be interesting to see a more advanced and textured ingame landscape or interior.
  13. @Josh Any idea on an hypothetical "loading bar" on which prozent the ultra engine actually is, if 100% means the releasing state ?
  14. In my opiniom looks outdoors pictures best. indoors: ... Well very nice but somehow I find the walls reflection a bit too much? Bit like metallic. I don't think concrete should reflect so much...? Or maybe too much details.. I don't know but when I come into a room I don't expect to see the veins on the walls 10 meter from me.
  15. That's right...so much game design questions and many inspiration is needed I'm thinking about bit of GTA like or village management with transport, something like this, not sure maybe adding educational purposes like mathematic little puzzles instead of shooting, really it is difficult, most because thinking about thtat alone is like turning around the same ideas again and again.
  16. > This is defintely the best result I obtained with Leadwerks physics to build a car; I think this car is good enough so that it could be used in a game. > The car reacts depending on terrain, feeling different if climbing or driving down. The car allows speed driving until 140-160 kmh > The dampers became an upgrade that give me the possibility to construct car over 200 kg. That means simply that the cars drive now with much more stability and give for the player heavier feeling. > It approachs the feeling you get in games klike GTA 4.. Even if the car doesn't really get out of control like sometime it happens ingame when cars are drifting. > Car balancing and transmission could get more fine tuning, but this should be no problem. Here is the demo:
  17. View this video Description Just press Space bar to go up in the air.. Smooth landing feature is scripted. TEMP 2022-03-25 10-12-45.mp4
  18. There is AddTorque() that adds rotating forces to an object with Mass: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_AddTorque But I think you are looking for the kinematic joint functions as Genebris said. I think your tree shape problem results of using a wrong method to move your character. I never had this problem while using the Physics movement rules in Leadwerks.
  19. Tipps: > There is a bird I think somewhere that flyes for free in the workshop > There is the spline tools that let planes fly but a scripted way I think
  20. Hey Havenphillip, I have a question would you have an idea how to make that: It 's like a normal without diffuse texture? Is this possible? Thx (using decals)
  21. May I suggest: Why not working on making a demo version of your future Ultra game but with LE4.6 ? Sure you will encounter gameplay and design questions that will make you progressing instead of waiting.
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