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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I will hold a poll to see if people are more interested in smaller(cheaper) packages containing individual functionality or 1 large (pricier) spline tools package. The final development for the spline paths is estimated to be done at the end of the week. It could then be uploaded to the workshop store as a small tool. For the roads I am giving myself until the 20th of august before I want to upload it to the workshop store. This way I have a target deadline/milestone were I can focus on. Before then I want to have an acceptable performance on startup and some minor improvements on the texture blending. That is my aim to have as the base version of the tool. If time and progress allows it I will include more features like the crossroads. Of course new features can be added in later updates. Feedback is always welcome.
  2. This topic might help: https://steamcommunity.com/app/287980/discussions/1/364041776196569074/
  3. Some pseudo code: if pickinfo ~= nil then if pickinfo.entity ~= nil and pickinfo.entity:GetKeyValue("name") ~= "" then --If there is a lastPickInfo, compare it to the current pickinfo name if(self.lastValidPickinfo ~= nil then if self.lastValidPickinfo.entity:GetKeyValue("name") ~= pickinfo.entity:GetKeyValue("name")) then --Now the pick is different than previous picked obj self.lastValidPickinfo.script.showObject = false end end self.lastValidPickinfo = pickinfo pickinfo.entity.script.showObject = true end end
  4. I have been thinking on how I would go about its implementation. A connection on a spline itself would be more difficult (but not impossible), but an intersection on the nodes themselves might be fairly doable. It would not be as advanced as Cities skylines, but a basic 3 or 4 point intersection could be feasable. I do consider them extra features though. I would first like to improve the terrain alignment algorithm and investigating apossibility for exporting/baking the changes in the ingame terrain to the actual editor map. This would help performance significantly when dealing with carving and raising. Either way, these are things I really want, but I do not want to wait months before releasing the first tools.
  5. Drawing a static image before a new scene is loaded is fairly easy. An animation or sprite is a little harder to do. For a static image Check if 'loadingScreenActive' bool is true in the game loop. By default it is false, so we continue with the game loop Lets say you then press F to load a new scene You set a bool 'startLoading' to true. At the end of the current frame you check for this startLoading variable. If true, draw image and set the loadingScreenActive to true. Then in the next frame update, when we check the value of loadingScreenActive again. This time it is true and you call loadmap. Because the engine is drawing an image on screen and loading the new scene halts the process of updating. After the loading of the map is done, set the loadingScreenActive variable to false again.
  6. You might need to disable Lua sandbox in the Leadwerks options. Note that your game wont work in the game launcher if you do so.
  7. Can you show us your code where you create the window.
  8. Yes, I am not sure if it is one big spline tool package or whether I want to divide it in to smaller tool sets that you can purchases separately. I still wonder if I should add extra features, which makes it a lot more complex. Think about thinks like intersections,, generated sidewalks, bridge/pillars and even safety guards. But first some fine-tuning. fyi The third person script is done first, more on this very soon.
  9. In a previous developer blog I showed how I use spline paths inside the Leadwerks editor. The cool thing about splines as that they are extremely multipurpose. I started working on generating meshes based on the splines. Think about ropes, wires, rivers, rollercoasters and of course roads Ropes and wires are in progress because I find them the coolest. Especially rope bridges are awesome to make and see in play. They require a lot of finetuning so I have put that on halt for now. In the meantime I also started working on road nodes. The Return to the Zone project uses terrain textures, but the original scene from Leadwerks 2.3 used the in-editor road tool. Time for some new roadfeatures. Roads The generic nature of the splines allows easy creation of meshes based on the spline. Constructing basic geometry was relatively easy. However, getting the road to appear on the terrain properly proved a little harder. When there is no terrain, the generation of the road is instantaneous. The roads that are created snap perfectly together and it is really satifying to see the result. Per node you can't only tweak the road with the spline handlers, but you can set a road width, a material and several terrain alignment options. When the node has to deal with terrain allignment the performance on startup is little slow at the moment, but the first results look promising. I want to add this feature to my winter game "On the road again", which makes cool random tracks from CSG brushes. Another cool automatic feauture is that the road still functions as a path spline. You can attach a car to the road spline and it will follow the generated road. Ropes and wires For a next video I will show the progress on the ropes and wires, with hopefully some working physics. Here is an older image based on the earlier splines to give you an idea on what I am going for:
  10. So you have entity A and entity B. You want to place entity B at the position of A right? In a script attached to entity B, make sure you get a reference to entity A. This can be done in numerous ways. One way is by linking it: Once you have a reference to entity A inside the script that is attached on entity B do something like: --on entity B self.entity:SetPosition(self.entityA:GetPosition(true))
  11. I got tricked by this several times. --Common variables like strings, numbers and bool Script.test1 = "test1" -- Variable has a unique instance per script local test2 = "test2" --Variable is shared between all instances of the script test3 = "test3" --Global, used by everone and everything (insert 'your mother..' joke) --Tables Script.table1 = {} --Shared between all instances of the script Script.table2 = nil --Declare in start function Script:Start() self.table2 = {} --Table has a unique instance per script end
  12. Oftopic, how are you editing your messages? I have to manually horizontal scroll your posts in order to read them. Are you copying them from somewhere?
  13. The AddItemToInventory function only takes 1 argument. self.playerInventoryMgr:AddItem(item)
  14. nvm I see it was posted here too:
  15. I don't think you will find many articles/tutorials specifically for 2d. A 2.5d sidescroller is certainly doable though. The videos below are a little older and use an FPS perspective but the programming concept remains the same. For a basic powerbar/healthbar meter Collecting items. Alternatively you could visit the marble tutorial which also does picking up items.
  16. It is a little nitpicking but could you please align the mainarea with the status update header? This is on the main forum layout. Adjusting the class below could do the trick. Results in:
  17. That was with Leadwerks 2.3. There is no integrated road creation system right now.
  18. See the API:https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Vehicle You can also find some working examples on the workshop. I haven't tried those though.
  19. The support for plugins/editor scripts has been requested back when leadwerks 3 was first released. Unfortunately it doesn't look like this will be integrated in Leadwerks 4. Based on Josh's blog however, Leadwerks 5 will have something like this in store for us. That would make these scripts even cooler to use. With the spline tool alone you could generate roads, rivers, ropes/wires etc. Object paths are just the beginning. And thanks for watching. I am glad you enjoy the videos.
  20. I have a chart from +1 year ago. Not sure if it is still valid. This should be updated in the official docs though. Prop Scene Character Trigger Debris Projectile LineOfSight Prop Collide Collide Collide Trigger Collide Collide None Scene Collide Collide Collide None None Collide Collide Character Collide Collide Collide Trigger None Collide None Trigger Trigger None Trigger None None None None Debris Collide None None None None None None Projectile Collide Collide Collide None None None None LineOfSight None Collide None None None None None Responses Collision.None = 0 Collision.Collide = 1 Collision.Trigger = 4
  21. Thanks Thirsty, if you have suggestions about a topic, give a shout. The userbase for C++ is lower than that of Lua so I am haven't looked in to it for a while now. Did you have something specific in mind? Tutorials on how to use the scripts will definitely be made. Not on how to make these scripts from scratch though.
  22. Josh has an existing customer group that is using the engine for their (commercial) games. He can't simply say "alright I am going to put all my time in to this new program, that might be out in 1/2/3 years from now.". Some time will go in maintaining the current engine and some time will go in to planning/making the new engine/editor.
  23. Paid scripts I am looking in to publishing paid scripts to the workshop. There are 2 script collections that others might find interesting: Advanced Third Person Controller Many tweakable options: from double jumping, to camera offset, camera snapping, smoothing, speed controls etc Spline paths Not just useful for camera paths, but also for instance factory belts, vehicular movement (static cars, trains etc), airial paths (birds, planes), VR on rails. Tutorials and Patreon The newer tutorials (part of Project OLED, ) do not have a lot of visitors. Perhaps my focus on tutorial subject is just not right or people don't like the way it is setup. Perhaps the focus on editor tutorials is far more important. Who knows... With the lack of feedback in the past months I am quite hesitant in recording new videos, thats for sure. The patreon page was an experiment to see if people would be interested in donating to the tutorials project OLED. There hasn't been much activitity on it, so this is something that I probably will discontinue. A big thanks to ones who did support me though :).
  24. For animation in Leadwerks to work you require bones. Keyframe animation won't work.
  25. You can, but only on the texture display (little black squares), not in the textboxes.
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