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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Thanks for the extended explanation Roland. I will have to sit down for this and give it a thorough read. Really cool to see how you guys are creating this framework.
  2. Very cool stuff Rick and Roland. I would also love to see more enthusiasm on such a communication framework. I think adding a basic diagram on the flow of the message and the structures it passes through will aid in explaining what you are doing. For instance a character with a health component.
  3. Those screenshots were just some experimenting with ambient and post effects, and by no means a final result. With Josh's new fog shader and SSAO improvement things are already looking better than in the screenshots above. The main reason for rebuilding it was to give Josh a packed scene where he could really see how a scene with so many props and vegeations would run. When you read Josh's blog on shader improvements, this already improves the engine for everyone a lot. That is what this is all about. Apart from that it just looks so awesome and that there could be potential cool mini game be created with this as the start map.
  4. So much cool stuff going on. This is where Leadwerks truely shines.
  5. Back in 2010 Josh, creator of the Leadwerks Engine, asked Dave Lee to create a part of the exclusion zone. 7 years later, this project has been revisited and rebuild. Original footage from Leadwerks 2.3 With Leadwerks 3 I asked Josh if I could convert the assets to the new engine. Most assets were uploaded to the workshop, but they lacked proper physics, materials etc. Back then the Leadwerks 3 engine didn't have the vegatation editor and no deferred renderer. So building the entire map was not pointless. Now in Leadwerks 4 the tools are perfect to recreate this beautifully designed scene. Josh gave me once again all the assets, and I started rebuilding the zone piece by piece. Many hours later in just the time span of 2 weeks we have some good results. Step 1: Terrain import and basic terrain painting. 2. Painting general layout and some first vegatation 3. Placing the first bridges 4. Placing the first large buildings. as you can see the texture are missing. 5 Reapplied building textures. Holy **** that was a lot of work. Some textures did get applied automatically, but a lot of the textures were combined in larger shared folders. A lot of manual searching and applying the right textures. 6 Props, props and even more props. The more I started placing props, the more respect I got for Dave Lee's original design and prop placement. The amount of props is growing significantly. Here is a comparison of Bober station, with and without the building. 7. Fine-tuning terrain textures and terrain. 8. Adding more vegatation and rocks. 9. Swamp emitters. 10. Some more props. 11. Performance optimizing. View distance, billboards etc. More on this in the next blog. 12. Adding some post effects and sound. 13 Some missing things: due to a tight deadline, no time for physics yet. Except for models that have box physics or where physics do not really matter that much. Optimizing and organising the scene is also far from done. I came across a nasty bug where all my assets were removed from the filters I had in place. That was painful. The final reveal of Return to the Zone project will be done by Josh. In the mean time...enjoy....
  6. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=932421043
  7. The leaves shader in the vegetation is one of the alphamask shadows. I believe there is another one, but not sure what it is called.
  8. I use a lot of filters to organise my scene. Sometimes during level design these filters 'break'. All entities (including all children entities en filters) are removed from the original filter and are placed back in to the root of the scene. This can also occur without me knowing it. When I close the scene and reopen the editor I can find hundreds of props all of the sudden out of their filters. The filters are still there, but empty. Example map already sent to Josh.
  9. Running in to the same problem. I haven't further investigated it yet but just to add some info: 2 monitors: 1920x1080 en 2560×1440 Windows 10
  10. It is good to see that you are making progress. You can shorten this line if (self.entity.world:Pick(Vec3(self.position.x,self.position.y,self.position.z),Vec3(self.position.x,self.position.y-1,self.position.z),pickInfo,0,true)) to if (self.entity.world:Pick(self.position, Vec3(self.position.x,self.position.y-1,self.position.z),pickInfo,0,true)) Glad they helped.
  11. Look at vector3 in the API . There is a function called distanceto which you use to get the distance.
  12. Something like Guilty Spark from Halo? Because you wouldn't need the level of physics details then. Go the API reference and look for World->Pick. The hover entity is the first position and the second position is your (hover entity position - 2 in the y direction). If nothing is returned during that pick, you are not close to the ground and you can start moving it towards to the ground.
  13. Can you describe what you are trying to make? Rick is right about perhaps trying a different method instead of an actual hovering object. Does your object move from point to point? Or should the player control this object?
  14. I would start of simple. The few usecase where you would still intersect because of an odd shape can be finetuned later. Have your floating object send a pick downwards (later this can be multiple picks and various spots of your floating entity). The pickedposition and your floatobject position has a distance, when this distance is shorter than x, start adding upwards force. Adding the force must be done in the physics update function. To indicate that you are applying force, place a downward emitting emitter. Everytime you add force, enable the emitter, and distable it again after you have had an update where the distance was large enough. I also predict some twitchyness of the floating object. It probably will start tilting over, so adding stabilizing side forces is needed. Tip: reducing gravity might help you better debug the situation.
  15. Not trying to be pushy or anything but have you had a look at Visual code? Have look at how you can implement your own debugger. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/example-debuggers
  16. I do not see the option you are speaking of. Even after searching through the HTML, I can't see such an option. I am using Chrome btw. http://www.dropbox.com/s/8smid198vppdwly/attach.JPG
  17. I can't seem to find an option to upload something to a topic, blog post or PM. Am I overlooking something obvious here?
  18. In the material editor for the eyelash textures, go to the shader tab and select the diffuse+alphamask shader for models. Also make sure your textures are set to Dxt1 or Dxt5 Please also edit your topic title to something like: How do I make a transparent texture? This helps people find answers better.
  19. Another advantage: you can sign in with your bitbucket or github account.
  20. The problem you are describing with conflicting file entries is the main reason why I want to stop using it file drive kind of solutions. For 1 person it might do the trick but when especially when you work in teams or with multiple computers, you can get an enormous mess of conflicting files. Very good suggestion. I see they also support LFS which is what is required for the game assets. Another plus is that the tool Git kraken has support for it. And of course the 10 GB is very welcome. Will definitely try this.Very
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