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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. For programming (C++, lua, shaders), maps, ini files, materials files I use Git in combination with Bitbucket. I find this to be the golden combination for source control. Especially since I switch from my main computer to a laptop, I need something to no only have verison control, but also something to easily create branches. One thing that is lacking in this workflow is the source control of assets (models, textures, sound). These are not included in the source control because they pollute the repository in the long run. Plus the repository size quickly exceeds the size limits (Bitbucket free is 2 GB on repo storage, my project is currently 3.8 GB). LFS would be a nice solution to this problem but I haven't tried it yet. I currently use Skydrive since I have 1 TB of storage on there, but dropbox works nice as well. However the downside to this is that these folders are not part of the actual project. So everytime I made a change in the assets, I have to manually copy them over to the folder in Skydrive/Dropbox. What are you experiences for asset management?
  2. I really hate this. There is so much cool stuf you do with this and so little time..... Maybe after some 'projects' are done, I will incorporate this in 'on the road again'. Would be fun to see multiple balls trying the same level. Does this also work when you run an instance of the game as server and an instance as client on the same computer?
  3. Thanks for the reply. I had hoped it would be a property like the rotation or position that could simply be excluded from the ignore process.
  4. Does it search the objects in the scene by name?
  5. Your graphics card might not be supported. Leadwerks requires at least support for OpenGL4. According to this website you have 3.3 http://www.game-debate.com/hardware/index.php?gid=3151&graphics=GeForce 9800 GT 1GB You can try installing the latest drivers?
  6. Maybe you can share your project with Josh in order to find the problem you are encountering. We can only guess right now.
  7. I have these simple node prefabs that I place in the scene (simply called Node). I need to rename them in order to clearly know which node it is (Node_1, Node_2), but renaming them breakes the prefab connection. It would be a 'nice to have' feature when renaming a prefab in the scene does not break the connection.
  8. Glad you found the problem. You could still send your faulty map with errors though. This can help Josh improve the editor.
  9. Thank Marty, There are 3 types of rotation that I want to support. Last time I really struggled with the third rotation type. Point to point rotation: the easiest to achieve since it is a lerp between the start rotation and end rotation. However, this will not suffice when any any of the tangets lie beyond the local z axis of the control points. For really basic curves or straigth lines they will do the trick. This is demonstrated in my first approach (completely rewritten now). Vertical align: this is the one you are describing. This one is luckily also relatively easy to achieve: simply point at a position one step further on the curve. I can even use the lookat function for that if I want to make it really easy. Camera paths, trains, boats will use this type. Banked rotation: This one I find a lot trickier. Image a figher jet that is capable of banking on its local z axis during tighther corners or even doing helix loops. Then the 2 rotation types above will no longer suffice. I am currently working on getting those rotations to work properly.
  10. I started out 7 months ago with splines and it turned in to one of those annoying projects you start but then fail to finish even to it is in the back of your head the entire time. The reason this time was that I managed to delete my online repository and my local files, leaving me with nothing of the work I had created. I finally had the spirit to sit down and start rebuilding.
  11. 7 months after the original video I finally picked up my spirit again to redo the spline paths. The splines themselves are created at runtime. With the debugging options enabled you can really see the cool results of the spline. Movement on the spline still has some slight hickups at high speeds. So that is something I have to dig into. Rotation has yet to be added. Especially banking gave me a lot of trouble last time. I will try to make a video tomorrow when I have the time. Road nodes The spline paths can also be used to create roads. The roads can cut through or raise terrain where necessary. Per road node you can set the width and a texture. Remaining things to do are side banks, performance optimization and possibly intersections.
  12. @Josh May I suggest 3 sliders for volume settings in your default options menu? Music volume Effects volume Dialogue volume
  13. Looks awesome Josh, can't wait to use it. quick question: if you set the game time/speed to 0, does this affect the UI? This is usefull for when you want to pause the games (read: no updateworld calls) but still want to have a working UI.
  14. Hi, Do you have a camera in your scene? Are you running via debug or normal run?
  15. Josh, would you kindly add a 'LifeTime at start' variable for emitters? Unless there already is a creative way to do this. I am creating a very simple swamp cloud emitter. They cover a rather large area and thus take some time before they cover the area I would like them to cover. Since the player can load the game while looking at the emitter area, the player sees these emitters in their 'start-up' time. I can gimmick around this (multiple smaller emitter, waiting a couple of seconds before showing the game etc), but I would like to see a more professional option for this.
  16. https://www.leadwerks.com/docs?page=API-Reference_Object_Window_ShowMouse Explanation is the opposite of what the command does.
  17. I know it redirects, but the pinned steam topic refers to the wrong link: https://steamcommunity.com/app/251810/discussions/0/485622866441513850/
  18. Thats awesome. I will get back to the drawing board then :).
  19. But will paid scripts be accepted eventually then? I am still eager to sell little but usefull scripts.
  20. I just realised a downside of the new API reference. I wanted to show a user a specific page (Camera:SetFOV) Go to Learn Click Api reference Go to camera Got to SetFOV now how do I share this link on the forum? I would have to right click on SetFOV and select 'Copy link' which gives you the page link but it is without any headers: https://www.leadwerks.com/docs?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera_SetFOV
  21. Can you explain what you mean with 'unfocus'. A screenshot might help. Setting an FOV can be done per camera: https://www.leadwerks.com/docs.php?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera
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