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Everything posted by VicToMeyeZR

  1. Depends on how many, but I would pay $50 for 10 weapons ready to go.
  2. So if you place with the vegetation tool, and put a phy file and a lua file and set the collision in the lua file, it will not process it?
  3. ummmm. their both the same. lol
  4. kk, just making sure. I had use alpha before, but I also had the alpha shader on it also. That was what was messing with me. Thanks all.
  5. lol. o ok.. I just wanted to throw that out there, cause it did beat me once before.
  6. Welcome to the third installment of Kattemaksu Online. With a successful test of the RakNet log in and MySQL verification checks, we are moving on to the client of LE. This will include the engine with the log in coding. My preference is for LE to use the RakNet mod(for BlitzMax) for inclusion into the engine for Netwerks, but that's another story. Since we are writing the client code in C++ the RakNet libraries will work just fine. Our SBX scene is just about complete, and we will be working on the lua scripting for that, while other members are putting on the touches for the c++ client. The scene has an Overview while the user is logging into the server, on a successful log in, the camera will move in to the Character selection screen. If the user selects an existing character, they will be passed to the game server, if the select a new character, the camera will move to another section of the scene for the actual creation, and then moved to the server at completion of their character design. We are still seeking more members to join the team. Our coders could use some help, and we could definitely use an artist. If anyone reading this is interested, please contact Rick or myself. I will have another screen shot soon of the initial client scene. Please check out the other blogs. Blog #1 Blog #2
  7. you need to make sure your camera in the editor is above the terrain.
  8. your RM is not global.... does that effect it?
  9. Now I could be wrong, but there is a situation where this would be different. self = object but not all the time. Say your function is class:something() {} self would then = class not object. if your function object:something() {} then self = object. There could be a situation where this will mess you up, and I have seen places where using self instead of object didn't work, so its always better to use exactly what you want, and not just assume. Now of course this is assuming that my logic is correct, and if its not, then I will accept defeat. lol
  10. what this means is there is obviously a difference in scripting entities, and using them in C++... So Lua scripts in the editor are NOT the same as in the c++ program
  11. yeah... I did. I thought I had to have the Alpha shader. Also, setting this line blend=alpha is that the same as setting blend=1 ? btw, thank you Mac
  12. can you post the whole MAT file u use? bahh... freaking shaders.
  13. yes. the bottom texture is a normal difuse. teh second texture is an alpha map, that should make it "look through" to the bottom layer. Its not working
  14. the first is the regular texture. with UU3D, I can set another texture to the opacity, and get the effect. But I don't know how to get that to work in LE. I don't know if you can assign an opacity texture, or if you have to use the alpha blend, either of which I don't know how to accomplish
  15. well, I have a texture on one of my models, the RGB channel is a solid color, and it has an alpha channel to make it look like rust/dirt. So I really have no idea. I can assign the opacity texture in UU3D, but I don't know how to translate that to LE.
  16. I am curious. I have a texture with an Alpha channel applied. How do I get the material to render correctly with that channel? or another option. set 2 textures in the MAT, and assign one as an alpha? Which is better?
  17. sorry, I didn't mean to imply that he had to have it, and it is 8 your right 0-7 I was just wondering if he had any set.
  18. What I am getting at is if target IS nil, then his script will do nothing.....
  19. Are you sure is not the if object.target ~= nil that is failing? You can put some Print(blah blah blah) statements within your for loop, then check the editor consol after you exit the game mode, and find out whats going on. Its hard to say whats wrong with out the rest of the script that go to this Edit also, change this line target=self.model:GetTarget(n) to target=object.model:GetTarget(n) Sorry one more thing. The wiki states that SetTarget entity:SetTarget( target, index ) I am assuming you have 7 targets set somewhere else?
  20. well you have a local n in the function and a local n in the if loop. Which one are you calling here: target=self.model:GetTarget(n) Are you getting target is nil error? because as soon as you exit the for loop, n becomes nil.
  21. technically speaking, it only has one. Diameter is diameter.. Thats all I wanted to know. I jst saw in the wiki the default was 2, so I wasn't sure if it just set Scalef(2,2,2, mesh) Or if there was a magically function that did that for you, by just passing diameter. Because if you give it a different number for one of the size demensions, then its not a sphere any more, is a different shape. (just trying to clarify something)
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