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Everything posted by VicToMeyeZR

  1. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/962-dedciated-server-switch Please add as needed.
  2. Requesting the adding to the engine DLL a dedicated switch the removes the need for having a graphics card on a network server. I would like to still see physics control with the server though. Anyone else, please add to this. thanks
  3. @gordonramp I pointed that out, so you could play with it. You asked about it changing colors when you clicked on it, so I thought I would point out the part that did it, so you could mess around and experiment with the code.
  4. Can any one say.... in game advertising. lol Very nice. Thanks
  5. function object:Update() if GetGlobalString("mode") == "GAME_MODE" then if MouseHit(1) == 1 then if MouseX() > object.location.x and MouseX() < object.location.x + object.size.x and MouseY() > object.location.y and MouseY() < object.location.y + object.size.y then object.color = Vec4(0, 1, 0, 1) end end else end end This part right there. Thats what sets the color when you click on it.
  6. @Josh. What animation do you want? The Soldier in the SDK? PM to me, I will rig it to the animations you want, and you can use it or not.
  7. For server Josh, can you implement non-video card capability for coding a server?
  8. Kattemaksu Online (Which means Retribution) I have no screen shots, as I am going to transfer this project from Realmcrafter Pro to LE. Those guys have not got a clue. Yeah, the tool set is nice, but if the stupid thing doesn't work, then whats the point of wasting my time. Yes the server, and client will have to be written, but I need to learn hard coding anyways, and I have a team memeber that knows C# really well. I think it can be pulled off. With 2.3 being released with Lua implementation, I believe the scripting will be an essential part of this task. I know how to handle scripting. Or can at least get to where I can script with out to many roadblocks. Kattemaksu.... What is it. I have gathered many resources for this project. I have just about all the models needed to get an Alpha test up and running. I have a partner to help with the coding. I hope to get an artist to join in and another good programmer to help with the server/client end of it. This is blog #1, just an introduction. I will have some screen shots in Editor as I get the 3 maps for the starting points built... I plan to start small. Pre-Alpha will have the basic system setup. Server, Client, Character creation, Faction Class's, Gubbins system tool, Agros spawn entities, and at least one PC, and one map with NPC's. I hope to have the basic shops, and a quest creation tool. Alpha release will have 2 player characters for each faction, and 6 maps(2 for each). Blog #2 Blog #3
  9. http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Tutorials/Lua/Getting_Started_With_Lua.pdf Page 21 talks about that
  10. Its not as bad as it seems.. I didn't know a thing about Lua, other than it was a great scripting language before Josh implemented it.. Take it one model or class at a time. you'll get it
  11. I don't blame Microsoft, other than trying to copy Linux with there user system. (which fails so far) Pretty much everything runs just fine for me, since I turned off UAC, and I don't ever install anything in the Programs File directory. I just have to reboot at least 3 times a week, but thats a norm for windows anyways
  12. lmao... I laughed for 5 min on that... Thanks.
  13. I guess I better get busy on my design document then.
  14. SendEntityMessage(31324672, "Hello World!"); The first argument is a string/char, not an integer or float. That's the reason that doesn't work. I don't know if SendEntityMessage("31324672", "Hello World!"); Will work or not, but that would be a string.. I believe rick is right, that's probably an integer of the pointer?
  15. Umm, your not a lost customer if you had no intentions of buying the engine SDK anyways. lol
  16. Thanks Rick. That makes perfect sense... @macklebee no biggy. Thanks
  17. Not to start a flame or anything, but I think most of the problem is most programmers want to keep their (code) a secret. They don't want anyone else to see their coding ideas (probably for fear of someone stealing it), but its very hard to get a community involved with something like that.. I personally think there is way more than enough knowledge here to make a great title with LE, but you have to get over that obstacle... I think if someone wanted to start a project like that, it would work. I think you would need to get a legal document with NDA's involved (Unless you made it an open source project), as well as the agreement of who gets what with the selling of it, and what the percent of profit involved would be (if there was any).. Personally I think maybe even a non-profit Leadwerks Community, ORG would be a good start.
  18. That part I don't understand. The model has physics. Should they NOT interact with the terrain mesh, as all the physics should?
  19. Yeah, not for me. I get locked out of folders ALL the time, even though I am the admin on my computer..
  20. I wouldn't do an upgrade.. Be ready for buggy, and turn of the stupid UAC
  21. yeah, I was thinking it need to be Parent should be object.model I wasn't sure if the child was destroy automatically or not.
  22. I believe it should be like that. Your Parent "House" doesn't tell the child to clear, just because you remove it. You must specify.. I think. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) self.basement=LoadModel("abstract::matt_house_basement.gmf") self.basement:SetParent(self.model) function object:Free(model) self.basement:Free() self.super:Free() end end
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