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Everything posted by VicToMeyeZR

  1. Thats the problem, there is no way (from the wiki) to set diameter..
  2. I just was trying to find the easier way to set the diameter of a created sphere other than if key=="diameter" then x0 = value y0 = value z0 = value object.model:SetScalef(x0, y0, z0, object.model) end
  3. yeah, I know the cube, but what I was wondering since there is a deafult value of diameter for a sphere, wouldn't one think that to scale that you should be able to set the diameter, and not use a Vect3 for its size?
  4. ah.. great. Ok, when you create a sphere, its default diameter is 2. Scale is a Vect3 setting, which would not give the result desired. What the function call to scale a sphere?
  5. I am trying to create a mesh in real time but the mesh always just goes to 0,0,0 positon function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model = CreateSphere(object.resolution, "0") Is there a way to make it follow where the object is in the editor?
  6. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=3
  7. lol... full of wrong information today lumooja.
  8. I have noticed that if you export the bones and animation, the engine thinks it an animated mesh, and screws with the rendering because the shaders for animated meshes is different than non.
  9. I will get my project semi-complete first. But I am still interested in learning it anyways. Thats just me though. I can't stand not knowing how to do something. *must learn.......ahhhh. lol Hey Rick@ Is that your house or work in the bg? Looks like a lot of toys back there. lol
  10. I don't know enough about it to not say don't use it, its just to new for me to try to accomplish this project with it. I actually like how easy it is to write in, just the whole modules system confuses me.
  11. wanna shoot josh an email for your forums account to be updated?
  12. Im not going anywhere Rick. lol just playing around, since I don't have any real access to the programming for LE at work.
  13. lol. Since I own it, I wanted to play a little and see what I can come up with. That info would have been nice to know... maybe someone can post in their forums, bah.... heck with em. Yeah for some reason, I have no start topic or reply button, even though I have 3 licensed products of theirs.
  14. Since I guess I am not priviledged enough to post anything on the blitz site. I have blitzMAX and BlitzGUI but not one thing will compile. I can't seem to get any modules to even work. example code for a blitzGUI MyFirstWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("My Window Title is Hello World", 200,200,320,240) Repeat WaitEvent() Until EventID()=EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End FAILS... This is right from their tuts. all I get is: Compile Error: Identifier 'TGadget' not found [C:/BlitzMax/tmp/untitled1.bmx;1;1] Build Error: failed to compile C:/BlitzMax/tmp/untitled1.bmx Process complete I can get the LE part to work, but nothing else. Pointers from the BM guys on the MODS and how they work?? The BM site I can't find anything about how to do mods. Thanks
  15. Yeah. Not to advertise for them, cause I really don't like their company, and they lie about the capabilities of there system, but the decal is nice.
  16. that's all in your interpretation of "embedding" I say embedding is putting the source code into your program, not linking it. But who is that for me to say.
  17. GPL, only means you must release the source of the product UNDER the GPL, not the source to your game... read it guys. It says nothing about the source of the product you are working on, only the source of the product you used from the GPL..(And ONLY if you modified the code of that product. IF you do not modify the code, then you don't have to release anything)
  18. I think a real decal system built into the editor would be the best. a "decal" that you can paint on ANY surface..., not just the terrain like this: http://vimeo.com/5506203
  19. Sweet. Glad at least someone thinks it works.
  20. Welcome to blog Number 2; There is not a lot to discuss here, but I wanted to post an update(mostly so I can track myself. lol) We are just about completed with the Log on server. This actually has nothing to do with LE on the server side. The SQL connection is good, and we are using an sql.lite file for the log on server info. We felt that this would secure it a little better than a standard .CFG or .TXT file for the server host. We will be running a test tonight from a dedicated server to our clients. The client will see the scene I posted in the gallery and the GUI for loging in to the server. Hopefully by next week I will have a short video to add of the end product for login... Then off to the world population. Blog #1 Blog #3
  21. That is where I put my animation... I used my own function function object:StartAnimations(movement) object.framestart = object:GetKey(movement .. "_start", "") return object.framestart end function object:EndAnimations(movement) object.frameend = object:GetKey(movement .. "_end") return object.frameend end And call the sequences I want depending on the movement message. So I can call object:StartAnimations("run") object:EndAnimations("run") An any animation that is called with the mesage will replace the ("") with the proper sequence. Until I can find a better solution, this is what worked best for me,
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