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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Since you didn't post the information, have you selected the model in the editor's scene browser and confirmed that in the Appearance tab that the cast shadows pulldown menu does not have 'None' selected? Have you checked the model's material file and confirmed that the cast shadows option is checked?
  2. You need to look at your output text in the script editor when you run the game - it tells you that the 'irisadjusment.lua' was not loaded. It did not load because that file doesn't exist. The file name is 'irisadjusTment.lua'.
  3. you responded to this post - so you know vehicles do not work right now in 4.4 or 4.5 beta?
  4. No, it has to do with the fact that Time:GetCurrent() returns the application time. So the longer the game runs the higher the Time:GetCurrent() value becomes, which inversely lowers the value added to health. You need to do what Reepblue suggested and only add a fixed amount of health after a certain delay has occurred if you want a fixed rate of health increase.
  5. The character animation should walk/run in place and not actually move. In LE, the horizontal translation is controlled by character navigation not by its animation. The way it is now will make the character constantly look like its sliding. Where did you get this from? If you got this from mixamo, one of the options when exporting animation is for the animation to be performed in place. Do that and your life will be a lot easier. Also, I suggest that you use a modeling app to scale the character to a proper height before importing in LE.
  6. Using Math:Round when drawing the text will round to the nearest whole number: context:DrawText("Health: "..Math:Round(health).."/100",2,2) To display to a specific decimal place: context:DrawText(string.format("Health: %.3f/100",health),2,22) where %.3f will show to the 3rd decimal place; %.2f would show to the 2nd decimal; %.1f would show to the 1st decimal... etc..
  7. Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.
  8. I just had this issue myself tonight- only way I was able to resolve was to reboot my pc. Restarting the editor from steam, updating from 4.4 to 4.5 beta, and restarting steam then the editor did not resolve the issue. Rebooted and all is well.
  9. Similar examples from over the years:
  10. Just like you would for any other time for the camera rotation but make the middle mouse button the qualifier for allowing the camera to rotate. Look at the orbital camera example I posted almost two years ago for an example: Here's the same code updated to show the use with middle mouse button instead of the right mouse button: window = Window:Create("Orbital Camera",0,0,800,600,Window.Titlebar+Window.Center) context = Context:Create(window) world = World:Create() camera = Camera:Create() camera:SetSkybox("Materials/Sky/skybox_texture.tex") light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(35,35,0) player = Model:Load("Models/Characters/generic/generic.mdl") player:SetColor(0,1,0,1) pivot = Pivot:Create() pivot:SetPosition(0,0.8,0) camera:SetParent(pivot) camera:Move(0,1,-3) mx = 0 my = 0 prevmx = 0 prevmy = 0 toggle = 0 while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do if window:Closed() then break end if window:MouseHit(Key.MButton) then toggle = 1 end if window:MouseDown(Key.MButton) then mousepos = window:GetMousePosition() mx = pivot:GetRotation().x + (mousepos.y-prevmy) my = pivot:GetRotation().y + (mousepos.x-prevmx) if toggle==1 then toggle = 0 mx = pivot:GetRotation().x my = pivot:GetRotation().y end pivot:SetRotation(mx,my,pivot:GetRotation().z) prevmx = mousepos.x prevmy = mousepos.y end Time:Update() world:Update() world:Render() context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawText(string.format("FPS: %.1f",Time:UPS()), 2, 2) context:DrawText("Hold Middle Mouse Button Down to Rotate", 2, 22) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) context:Sync(true) end
  11. Ok, so you are saying whereever the individual visual tire models are positioned/rotated at the time of their inclusion to the new AddTire() thats where the pivots/axles will be created. Sounds good. Will the new AddTire() also have adjustable parameters for tire size, suspension details, friction, etc?
  12. Okay, please explain how that will work. The new AddTire appears to be just using an entity and the steering parameter with no reference to position or rotation of the tire since its being assumed that the tire is already a submesh of the model and correctly aligned. So If I use the new command with separate car and tire models, how does it know where to place the pivot? And the old AddTire() has no reference to a separate tire entity, so how do you make the relationship between the physics and visual tire with the old command? Or is this relationship built inside the editor by manually placing the tire models in the correct position/rotation and also placing tires as children under the car model parent in the scene browser?
  13. What does this mean for vehicles where the wheels were not limbs of the car model? i assume that it will still require us to set the visible tire matrix to the physics tire matrix?
  14. macklebee

    white out

    All I am doing is drawing a rectangle the same size as the window/context and fading to black/white by just adjusting the alpha component in the rectangle's color settings.
  15. hmmm... are you sure its the model? maybe something with the material you have? This model and texture supplied does not cause the standard 4.4 version to crash for me.
  16. What are you using to compress? Unable to unzip or the file is corrupt.
  17. macklebee

    white out

    That link is just the contect:DrawRect() from the old command index. If you look 5 posts up, I have code that shows how to fade from black to white and back to black - just modify it for your needs:
  18. You can download the model for free from here: https://free3d.com/3d-model/forklift-21058.html
  19. How about instead of this specific feature request, implement the ability to use prefabs for vegetation which would cover this as well as other similar requests?
  20. I personally haven't really tried vehicles since LE2, but I assume that vehicle:SetSteering(angle) will do it. Have you tried the example shown for vehicles in the leadwerks documentation to see if it works?
  21. Just in case you do not realize, but there is a search function built into the forum. I think you will find it helps answer a lot of questions. The following are from just typing 'vehicle' into the search... note that vehicles have been in the process of being reworked for quite awhile now and may not be stable.
  22. Without an example map to try all we can do is guess. Help us to help you... But these are my guesses: 1) Are you by chance using posteffect shaders in your game, like bloom, that would cause any blurring? 2) I wonder if the texture quality in game is being set by default to a lower resolution than what is by default being used in the editor? Refer to this post for information: 3) Also, if that does not resolve it, take a look at some of the other settings:
  23. I am not sure I understand what you are asking, but are you trying to do Entity:Point()?
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