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Everything posted by wh1sp3r

  1. everything solved, so, no problem here
  2. It will be good to load model from array. I can use C function to load file into array and call command LoadObjectFromArray( char* array, int parameters) ... etc why is it good ? because we can have own loading mechanism, multithreaded loading from memory is fast enough in realtime (i think)
  3. Another example: i designed a negative effect in Photoshop .. and ?? effect is in LE too !! So, this is image from Photoshop, i designed a negative colours and i exported gradient map into engine. and this is result: Now, blending is working too so coloring can change dynamicly, when you enter into different location in a game, or into building, or if weather is changing, whatever
  4. so, i attached two images, first is without filter, second is with filter. It's from engine good thing is, you can use all layer settings to set scene as you need like highlights shadow, color balance, hue, saturation, brightness, whatever you need, you only export a gradient map for shader, that's all. You can replace all colours, if you want, lol.
  5. now, working on gradient maps blending so, you can change gradient realtime for example .. night, if you enter into building etc ...
  6. ok . i have my post-shader done i will send it there, you can make screenshot of your game, load in into photoshop, edit colours as you wish, save gradient map of colours .. whoalaa ;-) Your scene is realisticaly coloured ! and It's fast. There is no need for contract/saturate/light shader .. because this can do everything You can tune everything with photoshop colour curves. preparing demo....
  7. i tried it, but i see only white screen, by the way, why ? texture0 is for screenimage and my texture1 is for palette.
  8. Hi Andy .. i renamed it .. but same result .. i will send it a link to you hehe
  9. Hi, i'd like to ask, how to pass a texture to the shader ? C++ code: world = CreateWorld() ; gbuffer=CreateBuffer(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL); TBuffer postbuffer=CreateBuffer(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),BUFFER_COLOR); camera=CreateCamera();PositionEntity(camera,Vec3(0,0,-2)); material=LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat"); mesh=CreateCube(); PaintEntity(mesh,material); light=CreateDirectionalLight(); RotateEntity(light,Vec3(45,45,45)); TShader postfilter; postfilter=LoadShader("abstract::postfilter.vert","abstract::palette.frag"); TTexture palette = LoadTexture("abstract::palette.dds"); while( !KeyHit() && !AppTerminate() ) { TurnEntity( mesh, Vec3( 0.5f*AppSpeed() ) ) ; UpdateAppTime(); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) ; SetBuffer(gbuffer); RenderWorld(); SetBuffer(postbuffer); RenderLights(gbuffer); SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); BindTexture( palette , 1 ); SetShader(postfilter); DrawImage(GetColorBuffer(postbuffer),0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()); SetShader(0); DrawText(0,0, "%f", FPS()); Flip(0) ; } return Terminate() ; } Shader code: uniform sampler2D Texture0; uniform sampler2D Texture1; void main() { vec4 ncolor = vec4(1,0,0,1); float colour_distance_nearest = 200000.0; float pixelx = 1.0 / 32.0; float pixely = 1.0 / 32.0; vec4 color = texture2D( Texture0, gl_FragCoord.xy); ... my super top secret code ... gl_FragColor = ncolor; } i tested shader in rendermonkey and It's working fine i just want to know, how to pass a second texture, this shows me a black screen thank you
  10. i remember .. i had strange problems too with character long ago .. collision was ... strange, slow .. hard to explain, i rewrote my demo application .. and since this, i have not experienced any similar problem anymore, so, It's strange B)
  11. going to test it, have a free time B) hehe edit: I can't reproduce your problem.
  12. this feature is a must .. It's really ** turning editor off an on, if i add new things..
  13. hm 401 Unauthorized is pretty clean error, lol, I am sorry about unhandled crash .. but looks like your key is just invalid or something.
  14. hehe, thank you I will add a material selection now and a grid for better orientation in world, then i will make a introducing video about it.
  15. ok It's still lots of work, but i will show something soon ,hehe
  16. Hey, I am working on a tool for my team and perhaps, i will share it too So, what is it ? It's a editor, where you can design whole game effect like explosions, dust, animations with lights and sounds. You can use a timeline to put emitters, lights, sounds here and make animations. You can make transitions between parameters, positions, so you are able to design a sequence of explosions and other animations. This is a first screenshot from app: It's not much, I am lazy to make better one, hehe I am still on begining, but transitions are working now, you can see a timeline with keyframes for one emittor. How to play animations in your C++ app ? It's simple .. i will make a small library with few commands, and you will be able to play, pause, stop, parent this animation and get state if animation etc. Perhaps, i will make this library in lua too so, everybody can control it via messages for example. i hope, this app will be usefull ;-)
  17. perhaps .. render object in different world .. take image and set alpha and paste it back, lol
  18. try Tools->Options->Project and Solutions->VC++ Directories .. you can change it there + delete old one .. EDIT: ah .. it's about variable, damn, don't know
  19. these commands doesn't exist in Leadwerks actually you have to use a Win32 Graphics(WIDTH, HEIGHT); Leadwerks_HWND = GetActiveWindow(); // there should be FindWindow or something, GetActiveWindow in not good, lol SetWindowLongA(Leadwerks_HWND,GWL_STYLE,WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILDWINDOW); SetWindowPos(Leadwerks_HWND,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT,0); SetParent(Leadwerks_HWND, (HWND) ANOTHER_HWND);
  20. yes, you can. Just get Leadwerks window handle and parent it with your form
  21. wh1sp3r

    Grass :)

    Hey, i have problem to make a grass, which is good for sway shader whole grass polygon is usually moving .. but i don't want to move with grass roots, how can i make it 3ds max ? It's somekind of game with pivot ? thank you
  22. hm, only good way is copy model, and add big random number to its name and load it, lol. or parameter in LoadModel with be fine ;-)
  23. Michael, what about saturation ? perhaps, if you satururate image more, you will get result like top image, or perhaps, warm pallete colours ... It's always about playing with colours, lol
  24. Rick: hmm. i thought, i can change texture on instanced models .. because i thought, instanced models = models have shared vertices, normals, colours, uv data only should be possible to change texture or this is different technique ?
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