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Everything posted by wh1sp3r

  1. only 216MB ? It's 1 minute download for me
  2. wh1sp3r


    no, you can't what are you testing ?.)
  3. yes, Forces and Velocities doesn't work ... it should be working
  4. everything is possible It depends only on your skill ;-)
  5. Hello Creative1 About programming. It's up to you, what language you will choose. If you choose C++, It will be still easy to program because of very clean and simple API. Example: TEntity = myobject = CreateSphere(); PositionEntity(myobject, Vec3( 0, 10, 0)); RotateEntity(myobject, Vec3(0, 0, 90); So, you can see, commands are intuitive, simple About GUI: You have to draw them self and put images on screen for example or you can draw them by opengl/engine functions like Line, Rectangle ... TTexture hud = LoadImage(" path ..."); DrawImage( hud, x, y ); so, pasting images is pretty easy too Drag and Drop ? Yes, you can use Editor .. you can drag models and drop them on your terrain, anywhere and you can script them using LUA script Of course, game development is about programming, so you have to know basic of C at least and you are fine. You can look here for documentation: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
  6. ok Rick, try this you can try it in editor too ;-) works everywhere. There is only one problem. Josh's getting terrain height is wrong, bad interpolation, pehraps Masterxilo can repair it he has experience, lol
  7. almost done Rick i have to set offset now and It's ok
  8. yes Rick, It's time to align them by vertex shader
  9. everything crashes with zero messagebox. In editor, emitter is ok.
  10. i tried all your examples .) Quan's example is not working for me, still stupid zero message error and crash, lol.
  11. damn, i hate restarting editor, when i add simple texture, object, whatever...
  12. decal working on extreme places, hehe
  13. terrain 128x128 = 128 resolution Rick: It'S working very well, no zfighting or something
  14. lol,Rick, i made a test ... LinePick returns X=1.5 Y=5.751125 Z = -2.5 Ter.Elev returns X=1.5 Y=5.803769 Z = -2.5 So, LinePick is right, Terrain Elevation NOT. That's reason, why i get this ****. So, another problem here .. if i want to use LinePick how to tell, i want to pick only terrain ? Measured place = white ball ( of course, i have hidden all object, which can affect measuring...) EDIT: but .. It'S strange, if Ter.Elev returns higher value, decal should be higher too, lol ? I am very confused now
  15. Rick: Raycasting = newton physics ? if yes, sometimes, terrain is still a little bit different in visual side from physical in some places but i will try it
  16. Masterxilo: yes, IT's same plain with same resolution
  17. this is not enough ?? that's strange really !! Res of terrain ? so, when i have 4096x4096 terrain, i have to have 4096x4096 decal, lol ? why ?
  18. i don'T get zfighting but terrain is different visualy than returned values from TerrainElevation.
  19. 0.01 looks horrible, very big space between terrain and decal. Problem is only on specific places.
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