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Everything posted by wh1sp3r

  1. Rick: TMesh mesh = LoadMesh("abstract::decalplane4.gmf"); PositionEntity(mesh, Vec3(1.5,0,3.5)); TSurface surf = GetSurface(mesh); for( int i = 0; i < 33*33; i++) { TVec3 posL = GetVertexPosition( surf, i ); TVec3 pos = TFormPoint( posL, mesh, 0); posL = Vec3( pos.X, TerrainElevation(GetChild(scene,2), pos.X, pos.Z), pos.Z ); pos = TFormPoint( posL, 0, mesh ); pos.Y+=0.01; SetVertexPosition( surf, i, pos ); } There is another problem you have to load different file for another decal, because decal is instanced .... I can move with decal over terrain .. on flat or smooth parts of terrain, it's absolutely ok, but in some places, terrain is different visualy, than returned values from HeightEvelation .... and That's a big problem
  2. I am using pre-made plane and i have sometimes this problem on "hilly" terrain So, TerrainElevation returns inaccurate values or Visual side of terrain is inaccurate .)
  3. I did it, but still, this problem is there. Decal is aligned to terrain grid, so Terrain shouldn't be seen though decal. texture0="abstract::decal.dds" blend=1 depthtest=1 overlay=1 zsort=1 castshadows=0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphablend.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert","" decal is 32x32 quads aligned to terrain grid, terrain is 1 meter per tile, decal is 4x4 meters. I am using TerrainElevation, so it should be ok, but it isn't So, looks like, TerrainElevation is not accurate, returns sometimes different values or visual side of terrain is inaccurate. where is a problem ?
  4. yeah, me too, i think, shader will be more accurate and faster, but .. it will calculate everytime ? when i set height by command in LE, IT's only once.
  5. sometimes, i can see a terrain through my decal, how can i avoid that ? because sometimes, visual terrain is a little bit different from physic terrain.
  6. hehe Rick i made this plain and Image is in general disscusion. There is a small problem. Sometimes, Visual side of terrain is different from physical terrain, so, decal is under terrain in someplaces, don't know why. I am using this technique for decals. i have plain, i aling it to grid of terrain and i can set vertices height It's fast, why not. you set height only once. No need for raycast, I am using TerrainElevation. Just convert plain coords to global, read height and return coord to locals for your plain .. that's all
  7. I tried different variations of alpha things in material but how can i ged rid of hard edges and make it more smooth, like my decal texture is ? texture0="abstract::decal.dds" blend=0 depthmask=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=0.0 gloss=0.25 bumpscale=1.0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert","" this is my old material ... thanks ;-)
  8. looks like, you have to turn blending off or render HUD after rendering a lights
  9. so, If you are fresh to programming quickly forget Torgue3d .. It's pretty messy code in my opinion. Very messy... and again, very messy, lol. About unity .. you are right .. they target a older machines. It has fantastic editor, but it has only scripting, which i don't like i like freedom, programming in c++. LE is engine, which support latest technologies (should, lol) + you can program in lots of languages like c++, c#, blitzmax ... or script in LUA.
  10. what about averaging normals on your sphere ( smoothing groups ) are you using normal map for sphere too ?
  11. wh1sp3r


    damn, i have lots of GMF models exported ... i WANT gmf2phy really .. it's so crazy export all files again into obj, after that to PHY ... i give up, I am too lazy.....
  12. ok, new installer for 2.31 (and for older ones) is up in downloads section.
  13. Lumooja showed you that way, have you tried it ?
  14. Josh, please i don't know if it's true, but i think, you should always close log file after you wrote a message it. Why ? because when engine crash, log is usually empty.
  15. i agree Rick, of course
  16. i don'T care about documentation, because LE is so easy, commands are intuitive ! yes, there should be proper documentation, but It's not a top priority.
  17. hehe, now, It's cool perhaps, there could be same skin, but with different colours everybody can choose own.
  18. I think, 3ds max and lots of rendering programs use local network too
  19. wh1sp3r


    yea, how you can make a phy files, when you have only gmf ? (for dynamic bodies)
  20. wh1sp3r


    but this tool is a must, lol
  21. I need a little help with lua I am trying to use lua without class, just require("Scripts/core") function CreateModel(model) model.light=CreateSpotLight(100) end function Update(model) model.light:Movef(0,1,0) end or require("Scripts/core") light=CreateSpotLight(100) function Update() light:Movef(0,1,0) end Class is a little bit messy in this way, i would like to use lua without it just like that i hope , It's possible ?
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