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Everything posted by Jazz

  1. Trying to publish a zipped model but getting the error jpg not allowed. .zip contents in screenshot. Something simple I missed maybe?
  2. How do I export to LeadWerks? BiteTheBytes [developer] 31 Oct @ 1:56pm Hi. Create an OpenGL project. In your new workspace open the context menu (right-click), select Effects and then LeadwerksEffect. Have fun and enjoy ShaderTool
  3. Jazz

    Font sizes

    I used something like this in Cuber. Hopefully it will help Really wish the forum wouldn't mess up the code. edit: the site changes window.Titlebar and window.Fullscreen. The w should be uppercase. :/ Main.lua --Gfx modes count = System:CountGraphicsModes() rez=count-1 FPSTable = {} resolutions = {} for i = 0, count-1 do resolutions[i] = System:GetGraphicsMode(i) end --scaling optimalWidth = 1920 optimalHeight = 1080 local windowstyle = window.Titlebar windowstyle=windowstyle+window.FullScreen window=Window:Create(title,0,0,System:GetProperty("screenwidth","800"),System:GetProperty("screenheight","600"),windowstyle) --set to highest available resolution window:SetLayout(0,0,resolutions[count-1].x,resolutions[count-1].y) --window:HideMouse() --Create the graphics context context=Context:Create(window,0) if context==nil then return end --Create a world world=World:Create() world:SetLightQuality((System:GetProperty("lightquality","1"))) --Create a camera camera = Camera:Create() camera:Move(5,13,-2) --load fonts fontArial12 = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf",12) fontArial24 = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf",24) fontArial48 = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf",48) --screen ratios res1 = resolutions[rez].x/optimalWidth res2 = resolutions[rez].y/optimalHeight while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do --change resolution if window:KeyHit(Key.Down) then rez=rez-1 if rez<1 then rez=0 end res1 = resolutions[rez].x/optimalWidth res2 = resolutions[rez].y/optimalHeight window:SetLayout(0,0,resolutions[rez].x,resolutions[rez].y) elseif window:KeyHit(Key.Up) then rez=rez+1 if rez>count-1 then rez=count-1 end res1 = resolutions[rez].x/optimalWidth res2 = resolutions[rez].y/optimalHeight window:SetLayout(0,0,resolutions[rez].x,resolutions[rez].y) end --If window has been closed, end the program if window:Closed() then break end --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world world:Update() --Render the world world:Render() context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) screenX = window:GetWidth()/2 screenY = window:GetHeight()/2 --draw rect around screen context:DrawRect(0, 0, resolutions[rez].x, resolutions[rez].y,1) --draw gui panel to scale context:SetColor(.2,.2,.2,.7) context:DrawRect(screenX-150*res1, screenY-160*res2, screenX-670*res1, screenY-360*res2) --draw fonts to scale context:SetScale(res1, res2) context:SetFont(fontArial24) context:SetColor(.2,1,.2,.9) context:DrawText("up/down-resolution", screenX-140*res1, screenY-150*res2) context:SetColor(.2,1,.2,.9) context:DrawText(tostring(resolutions[rez].x).." x "..tostring(resolutions[rez].y), screenX-90*res1, screenY-120*res2) context:SetFont(fontArial12) context:SetColor(.4,.6,.9,.9) context:DrawText("Arial 12", screenX-35*res1, screenY-85*res2) context:SetFont(fontArial24) context:DrawText("Arial 24", screenX-60*res1, screenY-60*res2) context:SetFont(fontArial48) context:DrawText("Arial 48", screenX-110*res1, screenY-30*res2) --reset scale when done context:SetScale(1, 1) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) --Refresh the screen context:Sync(true) end
  4. Norton/Windows commander style.
  5. It would be nice if the script editor remembered which monitor it's on and the window size. Every time I start LE I have to drag it over and resize it because I spread it across monitor 2 and 3 and that can be quite often when it exits from errors. Also if it's possible, have the game run on the monitor the LE editor is on, or a command to select the monitor.
  6. maybe this? self.vector = self.entity:GetPosition(true) - self.entity2:GetPosition(true) self.camera:AlignToVector(self.vector:Normalize(),2)
  7. Try opening \Scripts\Objects\Weapons\FPSGun.lua and change line 286 to if self.entity.world:Pick(bullet.position,bullet.position+travel,pickinfo,0,true) then
  8. I get this error(#277) Symbol "texturerange" usage doesn't match between two stages error(#275) Symbol "texturerange" is defined with 2 different types between two stages error(#277) Symbol "texturerange" usage doesn't match between two stages error(#275) Symbol "texturerange" is defined with 2 different types between two stages edit:created new project. Terrain is fine. Don't know why it does this. Guess I'll start over.
  9. Been using the auto-completion for a while after finding the setting in the .cfg. Already can't do without it! Oh maybe I shouldn't have said that.
  10. I played with it and came up with this. Set up for the workshop turret with standard materials for the laser. Can now select constant rotate CW and rotate CCW and set turret at any angle. Laser center pivot removed(not needed). Create a child pivot for the muzzle called muzzle. Fun stuff! edit: Josh' effects from the following post added and tweaked a bit. No default spark material but default tracer works pretty well. Adjusted flare's position so it comes out a bit. laser.lua
  11. Took a quick look and found just a few settings to change
  12. The way that worked for me is to download each animation separately _with_ the model included in each one. It's a lot more to download though.
  13. No, but it would be nice to have built-in support.
  14. I'll try that after work. Interesting what happens now though. The hull and AABB just get knocked away with the bullet impact. edit: Hmm if I just set health to 0 they still fly away. edit2: Thanks Shadmar! That did it!
  15. Thanks for those commands. After the model's in ragdoll mode the collision hull keeps going to the next waypoint lol. With BoxesMode it's hard to tell as they all move around with the camera. Disabling culling doesn't help. I'll investigate later when I have some more time.
  16. Thanks Shadmar but there's no change after updating every loop.
  17. Anyone have any idea why my ragdolls disappear when viewed at certain angles? Sometimes they can't be seen at all.
  18. Was going to but still needs too much work.
  19. Thought I'd post a video of the title screen I made today for my game Cuber. Build your block base during the countdown and be ready when _they_ arrive!
  20. Early on I tested 15000 cubes @ 45fps
  21. Was playing with Shadmar's day/night cycle. Switching between z-sort and not. Z-sort needs to be disabled for the muzzleflash issue. So the issue is not z-sort, but without it. I like pink but lol edit: blocks are no longer disappearing. Went back to non-beta but the above issue still exists.
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