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Everything posted by Haydenmango

  1. When you changed the balls collision type to Character did you also change its Physics Mode from Rigid Body to Character Controller?
  2. I ran out of room on my scene tab the other day and now I am running into issues. I can no longer drag entities from my scene list because they aren't visible on my scene list. Also it is hard to find where I placed things and overall the scene tab is pretty useless at this point. I would suggest 1. Don't allow the scene tab to end. and 2. A search function in the scene tab where you can type in a name and then all the entities in your map with that name will appear on the scene tab. Little video just to show what I mean more clearly -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jagw-0OK-Yg&feature=youtu.be
  3. You may have tried this before but referring back to my example above what if you made pickend equal to the pickinfo.position? That should get rid of the distance between entities problem and should instead give you the distance between your entity and your pick position. Or tp_toPick.position in your case. It would look like if self.entity:GetPosition():DistanceToPoint(pickinfo.position) < maxdistance then etc.
  4. Some control would be nice. edit-- I just remembered seeing this post a while back that was talking about how you can change collision response types. I've never gotten it to work though. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9109-collision-response-types/page__hl__collision%20type#entry69329
  5. I posted a link to that above^^
  6. Then why are there different collision types?
  7. I think trigger collision only reacts to character collision. So prop collision won't detect the collision with your trigger. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/collision-r778
  8. Try to use a World Pick it gives you a starting Vec3 point and an ending Vec3 point for your pick. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/world/worldpick-r502 If you need the camera pick for whatever reason I think you could also calculate the distance between your pick point and your pick start manually. Something like -- if pickstart:GetPosition():DistanceToPoint(pickend:GetPosition()) < maxdistance then etc. pickstart, pickend and maxdistance are the changeable values.
  9. That is awesome! Physics is the one area of this engine that I haven't started exploring yet. I like what you've done here I can see that there are lots of interesting combinations you can create. Very inspiring!
  10. Great video, thanks for sharing. My friend plays LoL a lot and I like to examine all the different characters and their animations while he plays. I enjoyed seeing how Zbrush works as well, it seems like a useful tool.
  11. Yep this is still happening to me as well, even after just updating my project. Terrain size 1024.
  12. I really like the idea! It sounds like a nice change of game play for the survival genre. I have been waiting for a survival game that gives players something to work together to kill rather than players just killing players, boss fights sound promising. I also like the idea of being rewarded for how many day/night cycles you survive. I'm looking forward to seeing how this evolves!
  13. Looks interesting. I agree with Yougroove though, I would like to see more content if the game is 40% done. I like the website design it is very clean and easy to navigate. I wish you guys the best!
  14. You can friend me on steam if you'd like my account name is haydenmango, I live in Hawaii so I might not always be available although I am online a lot. All I had to do to get the water to work in a new map was this- 1. Drag the waterplane prefab into your map. 2. Click on the camera and go to the Camera tab and check use. If it still doesn't work or if you need help implementing it in a different way let me know.
  15. Are you using Steam Indie edition? If so does the file download or do you get an error? If you don't get an error are you having trouble setting it up? I could help you with setting it up. (if you are using Steam Indie Edition)
  16. Haydenmango


    What you imagine you can create as well! Good post! +1 for imagination.
  17. Just wanted to say that this issue was fixed at some point. I can now drop my weapon entities without using Instance() and their collision shapes stay the way they should. Final code (somebody may find this useful although you will need to change some things) -- elseif pickInfo.entity.script.weapon then if self.weapon~="torch" then if self.weaponentity~=nil then self.weaponentity.script:Drop(pickInfo.entity:GetPosition(true),pickInfo.entity:GetRotation(true)) end self.weaponentity=pickInfo.entity self.weapon=self.weaponentity.script.name self.weaponentity:SetPickMode(0) self.weaponentity:SetMass(0) self.weaponentity:SetPosition(self.palm:GetPosition(true)) self.weaponentity:SetRotation(self.palm:GetRotation(true)+self.weaponentity.script.rotation) self.weaponentity:SetParent(self.palm) self.weaponentity:SetCollisionType(Collision.None) self.weaponentity:SetShadowMode(0) return end end Script.weapon=true Script.weaponname="" --string "Name" Script.mass=1 --float "Mass" Script.rotation=Vec3(0) --vec3 "Rotation" --fighting values Script.throwingweapon=true Script.damage=5 --float "damage" Script.range=2.5 --float "range" function Script:Drop(position,rotation) self.entity:SetParent(nil) self.entity:SetMass(self.mass) self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) self.entity:SetShadowMode(1) self.entity:SetPickMode(1) self.entity:SetPosition(position) self.entity:SetRotation(rotation) end
  18. Yeah I tested it in game with self.camera:SetDebugNavigationMode(true). It does end and all my enemies start running in place. I could post a video if needed.
  19. Is this happening to anyone else? My world size is 1024. I tried creating a new map with a terrain the same size and then I made a navmesh. I got the same results...
  20. Hi when I build a Nav mesh in the editor or through my scripts it doesn't reach the ends of my terrain(using Leadwerks terrain). What can I do? Picture--
  21. Yay! Everything works great now after the bug fixes. Also the new skybox system was a nice touch. I have to ask though, Did you reduce the View Range distance?
  22. Ever since the texture locking update I will occasionally be locked out of editing my entities general values. Can be seen near the end of this video around 3:20 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppHJhwTrsD8
  23. Maybe the terrain scale is to high? Look under properties in the terrain tab if you're not sure where to find that. I am not sure what else it could be. edit- I also get black dots on my grass terrain. I don't use a normal either.
  24. When an entities View Range is set to Far,Medium, or Near they will not have any shadows if I am using a Directional Light. If I have a spot or point light they will have shadows regardless of view range. Video -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppHJhwTrsD8 --edit I tested this on a new a map with the same pine tree model seen in the video but in my new map I can see the entities shadow regardless of its view range setting. Maybe my map is just bugged?
  25. Not sure if this is intended but Near View Range gives my entites No Shadows even though I have turned their shadows to static ( even through scripts). The only way I can see their shadows is by setting the entites View Range to Max. My directional lights view range is set to infinite. I have tried using all different lighting settings (static,dynamic,static+dynamic,etc.) and also have tried turning changing my worlds light quality by throwing self.world:SetLightQuality(0-2) into my App.lua scripts Start() function. I also can say that turning my entites view range to near (in the editor) only works on entites that don't have a parent. If they have a parent it won't work in game(but it will show in editor) even if I set the parents/parents children view range to near. --edit both of these issues have been fixed! hurrah!
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