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Everything posted by Haydenmango

  1. Interesting question. I use Steam Indie Edition (lua) and I may be missing something but I haven't found a direct button to open the script editor. So far I open the script editor by clicking on whatever script I need to edit.
  2. ^already works with Lua (if you have steam beta at least)
  3. Ok, good to know. Lots of mixed information out there about Lua vs. C++. p.s. if you don't mind I will be sending you my project via pm soon. it's only 127mb(unzipped).
  4. I can see that C++ is getting a lot of attention but I hope that doesn't mean the Lua version is just for extremely small mini games.
  5. I have been getting the Lua Error:Out of Memory on a project I am working on. The last three days I have been reducing my memory usage (is now 10% of what it originally was) but now I am running out of things I can do and I am still getting this Out of Memory error. When I watch the memory usage amount (in debug) it steadily rises and even though occasionally the amount will fall back a good amount it never stops rising. I'm kind of stuck now as I am not sure what to do because my game is still very bare and I would like to add more but it seems there is already to many things going on. I will send Josh my map if he needs it but I won't post it here because it has some stuff I wouldn't want to share with the public.
  6. Very nice. I can definitely see improved loading speed. Managed gives me a fps boost in game as well.
  7. I noticed this bug as well after the compression update. I found out by playing around that you can generate a normal map from an Uncompressed tex file and this bug won't occur(the normal map will generate like it should). If you generate a normal map from a Compressed tex file most of the time the bug occurs(normal map looks exactly like the picture you posted above). I figured it might just be related to how compression works but I'm not sure.
  8. Well I tried the huge invisible box parented to the emitter but it still doesn't show. thanks for the help though Shadmar I guess I will stay hopeful for a future update making permanent visibility on emitters an option.
  9. I'm probably just to noob to figure it out but I am having trouble increasing an emitters AABB. I can increase the AABB of a box easily by using the script examples in the documentation but it doesn't seem to translate to emitters. If you have the time do you think you could throw me a little example of how this would work Shadmar?
  10. Well Yougroove covered pretty much everything. For the camera parented to the head bone I would make a suggestion-- Make a copy of your player model without a head(but keep the head bone) and then parent the camera to the head bone. After all if you are doing a first person game your characters head will never be visible. Then for cutscenes replace the headless model with a model with a head. Just an idea.
  11. Cool, thanks Shadmar! I will try this out in a little bit.
  12. I had a feeling this was the just the way the engine worked. The way it works now should definitely be the default but if there was a choice in the editor to turn on/off permanent visibility on emitters that would be very useful as I just can't seem to find a way to work around this. If turn emitter permanent visibility on/off could be changed through scripts that would be even more ideal! Anyways thanks for the replies and I guess I should have posted this in the suggestion box.
  13. This is great! *clap clap clap*
  14. Interesting. I have been getting issues when I play to many sounds and was about to get around to asking a similar question. It became very apparent for me when I tried to give footsteps to all of my enemies. The sound starts to get delayed and doesn't sync back up until there is less sound playing. I wasn't sure why but if there is a limit of 16 channels that would explain it.
  15. So I run into this issue quite often. I create a particle emitter and it won't start playing(or at least won't be shown playing) until I look at the particle entity. For example if I place a 'rain' emitter above my players head(out of vision unless you look directly upward) it will not show until I look directly at it. Is there anyway I can make particle emitters visible without looking at them before hand? --edit-- also if you have a particle emitter following your character close to the camera (in my case a torch with a fire emitter) if you move to fast and the particles end up behind your camera (because they aren't spawning fast enough) they will stop showing until you look back to where they stopped showing. So what happens is - 1 you have a torch with fire emitter, 2 you start to run, 3 the fire emitter particles don't spawn fast enough to keep up and end up behind the camera 4 the fire emitter particles stop spawning 5 if you keep running in the same direction the fire emitter will never show itself again. if you turn back to where the fire emitter stopped showing it returns to its position and shows itself again. let me know if there is a workaround please, it would be much appreciated! Not sure if this is really a problem but I decided to make a video showing the 'issue'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4__EL9S4M4s
  16. one extra thing-- in Blender I can't name my shapes all collision(maybe I am missing a feature where objects can share names) sooo I worked around it by naming five different objects the following: Collision,collision,COllision,etc. capitalizing different letters allowed the objects all to have the name collision in Blender and made the feature work for me. Just thought I'd add this in case anybody is having that issue.
  17. Great job!! Super stoked on all of these new features; especially Script-based Post Effects!! yayyy
  18. Good news indeed! Thank you very much for the links, especially on the lighting system. I will have to invest in a new graphics card to see what I'm missing in performance. (solves the performance issue, most likely) and (gotta fork out more cash!!) I was trying to figure out most of the lighting settings through testing/trial and error so that article was a good read as well. Thanks Josh for the help and quick responses!
  19. Nvidia GeForce GT 630M GeForce 334.89 Driver 5.89 GB of usable RAM one more question about directional lights--why do shadows of objects move as my player moves? my directional light is set to dynamic and my objects are made in blender and set to dynamic(i tried setting both to static as well, same results). I only have 1 directional light in the scene with objects on the terrain beneath it. I can open a new topic if this question doesn't have a simple answer.
  20. Hmmm I see. For the longest time I thought Directional Lights do not cast shadows for whatever reason... haha Well while that does solve my "Spotlight not fitting over map" problem I still run into performance issues when I try to create a scene with more than 5-6 lights(without using scripts to hide them). ^ this is what I would like to see. Being able to see lights from a long distance would be awesome.
  21. I agree YouGroove. I am constantly having trouble with lights in all of my outdoor scenes. I find myself making my maps smaller just so that I can fit a spotlight over the scene. When I attempted to create a night time scene with a couple of lights(set to static) I had to create scripts for the lights so that they are hidden when my character is a certain distance away. At this point I barely ever use more than 2 lights to keep my games running above 20 fps. I understand my hardware isn't top notch but that is why optimization in this area could be extremely useful to users, like myself, with mid/lower end hardware.
  22. Ah I am very sorry then I was misinterpreting the issue. Disregard my info.
  23. Did you even try it? and btw they are in Vec3. <p> "Syntax bool Pick(const Vec3& p0, const Vec3& p1, Pick& pick, float radius = 0.0, bool closest=false, bool recursive=false, int collisiontype=0) Parameters p0: the origin of the ray in global coordinates. p1: the terminal end of the ray in global coordinates." " PickInfo The pick class is a container for storing information about a pick operation. Members Vec3 position Vec3 normal Entity* entity Surface* surface Face* face int triangle" Using Vec3 positions for the start and end of the pick works for me.
  24. It seems your problem is that your two positions are your mousepos.x and mousepos.y. The two positions you need are 1 the area the pick starts from and 2 the area the pick will end. example positions that may work-- 1-self.entity:GetPosition() 2-target.entity:GetPosition() or 1-self.entity:GetPosition() 2-self.entity:GetPosition()+Vec3(0,0,5)
  25. This bug may have been fixed as I have not seen it happen in a day or two. If it reoccurs I will update this. edit--- This bug is not fixed. It has happened to me 3 times today, just an update.
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