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Everything posted by Haydenmango

  1. Yeah that is strange actually, sorry I didn't notice that!
  2. Its one of the options under Solid, Alpha, Light, etc. on the first page of the material editor. --edit Now I am curious about how you could go about changing those values through code. edit2-- Found it! http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/material/materialsetblendmode-r243 The Invisible option isn't documented though so I don't know if it works with the function.
  3. Yep. I use SetShape(nil) in Lua and it works fine. It also reduces the shapes ref count to 0. I tested it with DebugPhysicsMode on to make sure. What I do for weapons is have them store their shape at the start like this - function Script:Start() self.shape=self.entity:GetShape() self.shape:AddRef() end Then when my player picks up the weapon its shape is reduced to 0 by using self.entity:SetShape(nil). If I drop the weapon it gets its shape back from the self.shape I stored at the start. Like this -- self.entity:SetShape(self.shape). Then if I set the weapons shape to nil again I still have self.shape referenced so it can be used over and over again.
  4. This is a bug that happens a lot to me. After placing objects and working on terrain my map won't save and then all my work will be deleted. I believe this is caused by the same bug that was pointed out in my last post - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10631-directional-light-and-model-editor-bug/ I really can't do any more work like this. I have lost to many hours of my time to this specific issue. Looks like the Hunt for Food is on hold. Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjyjNBnFnTM&feature=youtu.be I can provide my project if needed, just let me know. Edit-- I looked into my backup maps and all the backups are named temp.map and when I try to open them I get Exception Access Violation.
  5. These are all the video settings functions I have found that work with Lua. self.world:SetTessellationQuality() can be 0 1 or 2 self.world:SetLightQuality() can be 0 1 or 2 Texture:SetAnisotropy() can be 1,2,4,8, or 16 self.camera:SetMultisampleMode() can be 1,2,4,8,16, or 32
  6. Best update of 2014! Character Physics are amazing now and I can use the scene tree again! I haven't had time to check out the shape hint feature but it certainly sounds useful.
  7. Waiting for it to upload then I'll send you a PM. --edit PM sent
  8. I want to say that I think adding things like vegetation systems, water, and decals will bring more people to the engine than having dlc packs of animated characters. There are already many websites where people can get animated models even for free but there aren't any websites where I can get a leadwerks water feature implemented into my leadwerks game engine. You didn't release the C++ version of the engine very long ago so of course we don't have a fully playable online shooter game already created. It isn't at all about more trees. It is about things that aren't implemented like water, decals, vegetation painting(for faster workflow with vegetation not just for more vegetation). It is about making a full, unique game rather than an empty, bland one. --edit I want to add that on the other hand I do welcome adding animation features (like boner 3d) but I feel character dlc packs might be a bit excessive if they take precedence over new features.
  9. Well as of this morning I am no longer able to open my project. It crashes with Framebuffer incomplete: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT right after loading everything.
  10. I just checked and I already have the latest drivers. Other weird behavior - When I start up Leadwerks I frequently get Framebuffer incomplete: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT and then leadwerks closes on me. Everytime I import something a .meta for the imported file is also created. Sometimes after using Leadwerks for a while it will become unresponsive and then I have to close it. I know this is a lot of different issues but they all started happening all at once which makes me think that these issues may have come from one bug.
  11. Both my directional lights (in the editor) and model editor (when selecting new materials for a model) are behaving strangely. The video shows more. I am using Leadwerks Indie Edition and am in the beta. This started happening after the recent character physics update. video link -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eECOdrdEAvA&feature=youtu.be edit-- I just noticed that when leadwerks starts up the log says this - "Initializing OpenGL4 graphics driver... OpenGL version 440 GLSL version 440 Device: GeForce GT 630M/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL version 410 GLSL version 410" Why does it change the OpenGl and GLSL version? Is that intended?
  12. This seems to be related - When using EmitSound() if my listener gets out of range the emitted sound pauses. Then when I come back into range the emitted sound starts playing again from where it paused until it finishes. It would be better if the emitted sound just kept playing when the listener goes out of range.
  13. Yeah that is unfortunate a lot of those code snippets really helped me learn the basics of coding. The leadwerks wiki (leadwerks.wikidot.com) might be a good place to start placing some scripts.
  14. Yep buttons! haha Thanks for all the help Rick. This looks great and will save me hours of trial and error. I am so used to the convenience of the Pick() function for these sorts of things.
  15. Yeah I tried both of them to no avail. I did create my own solution just now though that works pretty good. After a mouse hit I check the distance from all the selection boxes to the mouses position and the selection box with the smallest distance is then selected. The code looks like this- function App:Loop() self.context:SetColor(1,1,1) self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:SetScale(2.5,2.5) local font=self.context:GetFont() local pos={} local text="Return True" local tx = (self.context:GetWidth() - font:GetTextWidth(text))/1.5 local ty = self.context:GetHeight() - font:GetHeight() - 162 pos[1]=Vec2(tx+50,ty) self.context:DrawText(text,tx,ty) text="Return False" tx =(self.context:GetWidth() - font:GetTextWidth(text))/3 ty = self.context:GetHeight() - font:GetHeight() - 162 pos[2]=Vec2(tx+50,ty) self.context:DrawText(text,tx,ty) if self.window:MouseHit(1) then local mousepos=self.window:GetMousePosition():xy() local lastdistance=0 local hit=0 for n=1,#pos do if pos[n]~=nil then local d=mousepos:DistanceToPoint(pos[n]) if d<300 then if lastdistance>d or lastdistance==0 then lastdistance=d hit=n end end end end if hit>0 then System:Print("hit" ..tostring(hit)) if hit==1 then return true elseif hit==2 then return false end end end end
  16. I am trying to create a settings menu for my game and to do that I want to be able to click on selection boxes on the menu screen to trigger changes. What is a good way to check if your mouse is above a context image? Picks don't seem to work and distance checks haven't yet worked for me either. Any advice would be appreciated!
  17. GeForce GT 630M - I just checked and I have the latest updates for my driver. Driver Version: 340.52
  18. When I start up Leadwerks Indie Edition I get Framebuffer incomplete: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT and the editor closes ever since the latest update. --edit Weird, now it isn't giving me that message and everything works again but I noticed that all of my normal map textures have the Normal Map checkbox un-checked now.
  19. Thanks for the comments guys! @miko93 - The terrain, vegetation, and such all came from me adapting my project over time (around 4 months now). I would recommend watching the previous update videos(can be found on my youtube channel) just to see how everything evolved but if you have any specific questions about anything like my workflow or software I used you can send me a pm! @Thirsty Panther - That means a lot, thank you! @nick.ace - Hahah, the trap noise really got me at the end. All the small things definitely add up in this game. Yeah save games really changed everything and I really have to give props to Rick for that. The camera spawn was kind of an out there idea that was just to fun to scrap. Eventually the respawn feature is going to be used for more than just getting back to your body though....
  20. Video Link - Hi Leadwerks Community! I finally figured out how to make a blog so this will be my first blog regarding my almost completed project The Hunt for Food. Take a look at the video and give me some suggestions if you have any. This game will be added to the Leadwerks Workshop on Steam soon. Some info about the Game in general - This is a primitive survival game where you have to use your environment to your advantage. There are no guns. There is no giant backpack for you to put stuff into. You can break your leg, bleed out, get sick, die of starvation, get mauled by wolves, fall off a mountain, and more! Survive in style using some entertaining mechanics and see how many days you can last. Fight your way through canyons full of wolves and angry bees to find hidden paths along mountain ridges. Throw a flaming dead bird at a rabbit. This game is for fun. Leadwerks Engine Indie Edition is being used to make the game. Models and their animations were created in Blender. I used Gimp to edit/create textures. Many thanks to members of the Leadwerks Community for contributions/suggestions. Some info about the Update - A new menu, with awesome music done by Leadwerks User Eric Matyas,has been added which allows you to reload the map without ever exiting the game, load saved games, and just pause the game. Max Hunger is something I didn't mention in my video but if you noticed that next to my hunger bar it said 13/24 while next to my health it said 50/100 (or something similiar). The number on the right is the max amount of hunger/health you can obtain. Your max health stays at 100 but your max hunger will change depending on what you eat. If you eat 'good food' (meat, avocados, eggs, or beehives) then your max hunger will go up and you can eat more. If you eat 'bad food' (anything else) your max hunger will go down and then you can't eat as much. Also if your hunger is maxed and you eat 'bad food' you have a chance of becoming sick. Basically you can't just survive off of lettuce. A Day and Night Cycle, which was done by Leadwerks User Shadmar, has been fully implemented and it makes the game feel very immersive. The map has been filled and every area except for the snow zones is populated with vegetation, wildlife, weapons, and more. Challenging canyon areas have been added and they are the most dangerous areas in the map so far(until snow zones). Power attacks have been added which have different results depending on which weapon you have equipped. A new respawn function for the player has been added to make dying less harsh and sometimes even useful. Other Things- Small wolves now roam around in packs, lots of bug fixes, bees can move now, spear mechanics are much better, picking up weapons is way easier, throwing rabbits/birds at stuff is much more effective, birds are more deadly, traps only have one use but they respawn, wolf companionship is fun, weaken thy enemies with poisoned meats, wolves will attack you even if they are on fire, and controls have been tweaked to make things less complicated. Extra thanks - Deviant Art User Nobiax for his amazing textures/models. -- http://nobiax.deviantart.com/gallery/24853853/Packs Leadwerks User Rick for Save/Load Game scripts/tutorial on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WmwNyTlbZE Leadwerks User Shadmar again for Day and Night Cycle and again for the Day and Night Cycle and again for th..... lol thanks shadmar! -- http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10334-day-and-night-cycle-shader/ Leadwerks User Eric Matyas for his music, which is used in my menu screen, it is beautiful. -- http://soundimage.org/ Leadwerks User beo6 for his AlignToGround script which my animals use. -- http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:align-to-ground Leadwerks Master Creator Josh just because.
  21. Object:GetClass() is useful as well for things like telling if an object is terrain or if it is a model, etc. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/object/objectgetclass-r19
  22. The building/farming animations/models look good. I also like where you are going with the stealth. A suggestion I have is you could make a threat level for your enemies. So instead of entering/leaving stealth automatically you instead increase/decrease your enemies threat level when you are in/not in a stealth area. Once their threat hits 0 they stop attacking. Once their threat hits a certain number they start attacking. I think something like that would make stealth really fun, especially if you had a detection meter to show when something is gaining/losing threat. Looking forward to more updates!
  23. Hey so I was wrong about the AnimationManager not working with the MakeHuman model. I was tired and simply didn't put - function Script:Draw() self.animationmanager:Update() end inside of my models script. After placing that in my models script the AnimationManager works fine.
  24. Aha! Yeah the animations all work fine up until I try to run it in game. I will attempt to load up my model again without checking those options and let you know if it works. --edit After exporting my mesh from MakeHuman without checking the "Export for Rigify" and "Rotation Limits" options I got my model to animate in game!
  25. Well I have tried it like that as well with no luck. The model deforms horridly. That is why I think there is some sort of hierarchy issue. I can animate all my other models with the code I showed above which also throws me off. Ah well I must be doing something wrong somewhere..... hmm when exporting from MakeHuman do you chose the rigify option and/or the rotation limits option?
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