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Everything posted by Haydenmango

  1. ClearPostEffects() doesn't seem to delete post effects from my memory but it does detach the current post effects from my camera. I made a video to show more - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCPt3fP4A6M&feature=youtu.be
  2. When you turn a directional lights shadow mode from Static+Dynamic to None and then back to Static+Dynamic a memory leak occurs. I am using Leadwerks Indie Edition 3.2 beta. More info can be found in the video I made - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9HD9Fi0jU&feature=youtu.be
  3. Oh I meant that it is supposed to have a mass of 0. Having that cylinder shape you just added and a mass of 0 should make it work.
  4. Yeah that is weird. Hmm does your disk have a mass of 0 and a physics shape? I am not sure what could be wrong other than that.
  5. Trigger Collision Types only collide with Character Collision Types. Check out this if you haven't - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/collision-r778
  6. I like the level design. I am curious, what is the gameplay going to be like? A shooter? Zombies maybe?? Looking forward to seeing more!
  7. Hey there! What I use for general model creation is Blender. It is free and very useful but can be complicated. There are lots of tutorials on youtube that should help you get started. http://www.blender.org/ For humans I use MakeHuman and then I export them to Blender to animate them. http://www.makehuman.org/
  8. Good idea. I like Leadwerks because: - The Leadwerks Community for tutorials, models, scripts, shaders, etc. - Steam Workshop Game Player - Character Controller for Indie Edition makes game making super fast. - Fast Art Pipeline, especially with Blender (Blender exporter and .fbx support) - Affordable Price!
  9. If you just want to check if your sphere has had a collision but you don't want it to actually collide you could set the collision type to Collision.Trigger. If you want it to collide with more then just Character collision types you will have to create your own collision type using Collision:SetResponse().
  10. Looking good! The enemy aliens look great I can't wait to see them animated.
  11. To give entities collision they need a Physics Shape. See the physics tab of the entity. You can choose a collision type for the entity to make it collide with other entities. See collision reference here - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/collision-r778 Then if you want the entity to move when it collides it needs a mass above 0. If you want it to stay still (Like the ground, walls, ceilings) give it a mass of 0.
  12. Hello hunters! There is a new update for the Hunt For Food that includes some exciting new features as well as a couple of important bug fixes. I will place the change log at the bottom of this blog. I have been having issues with my original Hunt For Food map for a very long time so I decided to go in a new direction. From now I will be working on procedural maps for Hunt For Food instead of static ones. There are many benefits to doing this including - every map will be different, I don't have to place every single object in the map, the size of my projects will be drastically reduced, I can add new things to my map by simply sticking them into my generation code, and I can add settings for players to add more/less of certain objects (like wolves). I will leave the original map in the game for now but it will eventually be taken out once I improve the procedural maps. I heard that you guys were dying a lot so there are some tips that have been placed in the workshop description for Hunt For Food. Also the Game Players full screen mode should work with Hunt For Food and I added the ability to exit the game from the menu screen with the Delete Key. I have been very happy with all the comments and feedback I have received regarding Hunt For Food, thank you all for playing! Change Log- New Features - Load Random Map - loads a new (smaller) map with procedurally placed objects Build Plank - When carrying a Fallen Tree you can click E to turn it into a plank. This only works with Random Maps right now. Weapon Pickup - You can now pickup a weapon by simply being near it. No more need to aim at it then click E to pick it up. Wolf Improvements - Wolves will now show if they are your companion or if they are loyal. Also if your wolf is loyal to you you can ride it by targeting your wolf and clicking E. Bug Fixes - Attacking a trap with either a stick or spear will no longer crash the game. Poison plants have collision and can be attacked to poison your weapon correctly. Humans have had many improvements and should function better overall. Improvements - -Rocks are thrown waayyyyy faster. It is great. -Traps are more deadly to animals. -Hunger/Health loss has been slightly decreased. You'll still die though, probably a lot. -Increased wolf damage -Camera movement when dead was to fast so I made it slower -Decreased wolf damage back to normal.
  13. Here are the settings for fog. I found them on the workshop under the post process shaders pack. 50_fog camera:SetKeyValue("fog_fogrange","0,1000") camera:SetKeyValue("fog_fogcolor","0.72,0.73,0.67,1.0") camera:SetKeyValue("fog_fogangle","5,21")
  14. Thanks for the replies guys. L3DT has all the features I need and it was free! Thanks for that BES!
  15. So I was getting Failed To Set Clipmap Color Texture again this morning (after updating my project) and decided to make a bug report video to show what is going on. When I was making the video I started getting Failed To Set Shadowmap Texture instead of Failed To Set Clipmap Color Texture. It seems the issues are related. Also while it isn't always the same message I do get an error every time I attempt to open my HuntForFood.map specifically. I am using Leadwerks Indie Edition (beta) and can provide my project/map if needed. Video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRSJ1unc-K4&feature=youtu.be edit-- So after trying to open my map a couple more times it finally opened. Now it opens every time I try to open it without any issues.... weird. another edit-- The other error message I am getting is actually Failed To Set Clipmap Color Texture not Failed To Set Clipmap Texture. I edited my post to fit that change.
  16. So I am trying to edit an exported terrain from leadwerks but I can't find any photo editing software that can open the .r16 file type (except for photoshop which I can't afford). Does anyone know a (preferably free) program I can use to edit .r16 files?
  17. I updated my project today and now when I load up my map I get this 'Falied To Set Clipmap Texture' error and leadwerks closes. I can provide my project if needed, just let me know. It seems to be related to my terrain, but I am not sure.
  18. Thank you all! There will be an update soon that will fix some bugs and add some totally awesome new features!
  19. Well after a long time of developing Hunt For Food I finally have something you guys can play! Along with the game I have made an instruction video that will guide you through potential encounters and show you the basics. I will also attach some written instructions to this blog. The game is rather big right now so it will take up to 4+ minutes before it is loaded. So go Subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop and then open Leadwerks Game Player to check it out! Any feedback would be much appreciated! Let me know if you find any bugs. Loading Checkpoints seems to crash the game sometimes so use that at your own risk! Instruction Video - Written Instructions - W - Move Forward, Climb Up(climbing), Zoom In (binoculars) S - Move Backwards, Climb Down(climbing), Zoom Out (binoculars) A - Move Left (same for climbing) D - Move Right (same for climbing) E - Move Forward (climbing), Start Climbing, Start/Stop Fires, Eat, Activate Traps, Pick Up Weapon Q - Move Backwards (climbing) Hold Shift - Sprinting Ctrl - Start/Stop Crouching Spacebar - Jump, Stop Climbing P - Pause Game 9 - Minimize/Maximize Window 0 - Increase/Decrease Window Size Escape - Menu Screen Enter - Save Checkpoint (use at own risk, known to crash game) Left Mouse Click - Attack, Throw Hold Left Mouse - Power Attack/Throw Spear Right Mouse Click - Grab/Drop Hold Up,Left,Right Key - Rotate Carried Item Down Key - Turn On/Off Negative Rotation R - Reset Building Rotation N - Start/Stop Sleeping T - Equip/Un-Equip Torch F - Activate/Deactivate Parachute Z - Start/Stop Zoom (binoculars) Backspace - Drop Weapon Credits - Josh - Leadwerks Engine Developer, fixed many bugs in my game, and very useful suggestions. Leadwerks User Shadmar - Day and Night Cycle, Grass Shader, Fire Shader, and Fog Shader! This game looks good thanks to Shadmar! Leadwerks User Rick - Saving and Loading as well as other help. Nobiax - Many many textures and models were used from Nobiax and he is also to thank for how good the game looks. -- http://nobiax.deviantart.com/gallery/24853853?offset=0 Leadwerks User Eric Matyas - Menu Screen Music -- http://soundimage.org/ Blendswap member DennisH2010 - Wolf model that is used throughout my game. It looks great! -- http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/24800 Leadwerks User Guppy - for showing me the wolf model, I wouldn't have found it otherwise. Leadwerks Community - Awesome Support and Help with many issues I had throughout development! Much Thanks! Software Used - Leadwerks Game Engine Indie Edition 3.2 beta Blender 2.7 MakeHuman 1.0.2 Gimp 2.8
  20. When using leadwerks editor and playing my game fullscreen I get GL memory - total:1024mb, usage:660 . With just the editor open I get GL memory - total:1024mb, usage:313 . GPU usage % never goes above 80% When I restart my computer everything seems fine. The terrain textures (other than the first layer) still aren't rendering but other than that everything seems to work. If I was to use the editor for a while I believe I would start getting these errors again.
  21. I am getting the same errors that I posted about before, with some new errors as well this time. I have been using the editor all day and these bugs have gotten progressively worse as I have added more entities to my map. First I got Exception Access Error when I tried to save. Then when I tried to save it wouldn't work and would instead create a new temp0.map that gives me an Exception Access Error when I attempt to open it. Then whenever I tried to enter the single viewport view mode I started getting Framebuffer incomplete: GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT and then the editor would close. Then while making this bug report video only my base texture rendered when I opened my project even though it still showed all my other terrain textures in the terrain tab and the light started rendering incorrectly. Video Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM1RHrNZYSg&feature=youtu.be Previous Posts - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10690-map-doesnt-save/ and http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10631-directional-light-and-model-editor-bug/.
  22. I read it all and updated my project before I got that error. I guess I had to update the update because now it works. =P
  23. This error is repeating a lot in my log - Error: Uniform "shadowmapsize" is not a vec2 value. Also the lighting seems to be acting kind of strange.
  24. Ok. To reproduce the error you have to place lots of items into the map without saving for a while. I can't pin down what starts the error the only thing I am doing is copy and pasting trees and rocks as well as adjusting the terrain. Then when I try to save this bug will occur sometimes. I sent the map to you in a PM.
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