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Everything posted by Einlander

  1. Don't worry, I had to search for it too.
  2. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10766-solved-flowgraph-arguments/ and since the actual documentation needed for arguments is missing, here is a backup https://archive.is/6puJx
  3. Einlander

    Back On Track!

    I'm stuck on the same dilemma for my game. It's so close to a portal clone that if you add portals you would never know the difference. Differentiation and exploiting the game mechanics in a fun, meaningful, and memorable way is a hard thing to follow through on.
  4. Isint there an eye dropper tool in the toolbox for this?
  5. @ReepBlue by any chance are you using your shader that mixes 2 textures together? Try it with the a built in shader to see what your performance is. Texture changing can get very expensive.
  6. If we could get static to update at around 1 to 5 fps... Static shadows really shouldn't be moving.
  7. My biggest problem is the massive fps drop that Leadwerks has. One more day runs at a good 4 - 15 fps on my computer, my game was RUTHLESSLY optimized so that the lights wouldn't kill the fps. Any time I want to add a light, I have to think do I really want that there. There can never be more than 4 lights on, and the Directional light will cripple my game play, YET I can run Dying Light at 60fps, all Source games except Cs:Go in excess of 100 FPS. There are some optimizations to be had. If we could work on the engines rendering above all else, I would be happy. -A Frustrated AMD R9 270x 4gb Crossfire user.
  8. I'm in the same position as be06. I would like to be able to use some of the Leadwerks read functions in the lua sandbox. If FileSystem:ReadFile and Stream:ReadString() was available in sandbox, I would have the PERFECT work around for loadfile.
  9. At the top of Script:UpdatePhysics() add self.entity:AddForce(0,10,0) This will make you float as if gravity was reversed. Play with it to get the right number for your game. Using the mass generally works fine. For your jumping you will need to do a bit more work. You have to make sure that you are touching the ceiling (raycast up to make sure it's there), you need to cancel the airborne check, you need to set the jumpforce to -1 and manually push the player. self.entity:AddForce(0,(mass * jumpforce ) *-1,0) This is a good place to start. Also, you may want to rotate the camera on the z axis by 180, and reverse the mouse look controls (multiplying the result by -1 usually reverses it.) Now the hard part. Your arms and weapons need to be rotated too. Also if you are able to carry things Start with walking Then Jumping. Carrying seems to work fine. Then weapons and arms.
  10. It might help if you asked the question in the other thread so people can see exactly what you are trying to do. So let me try to understand. You want to specify a start and end point. Then you want to have joints automatically generated in between? So wouldn't you specify the start point and then end point, then divide the distance between them by the number of ball joints you need. The first ball joint would be the child of the start point, the second would be the child of the first and parent of the third and so on. when you get to the last one you assign that to be the parent of the end point. I would do some pseudo -code, but I haven't slept in a while....
  11. multiply the dir by how far you want it to reach in meters local dir = Transform:Normal(0,0,0.5,self.player.camera,nil) * distanceInMeters
  12. Looks like you might want to make linked lists.... But for named lists use [] around a string
  13. I just started getting the error again. It only happens when you try to change the map. This is the only issue left before I upload my game to the Leadwerks game player.
  14. I do not understand your question
  15. This bug my have been fixed on linux, but it it now introduced into windows. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12816-linux-al-device-is-not-closed-by-c/ I have gotten it to crash while loaded in Visual Studio but i'm not proficient enough in c++ to diagnose the problem. A map to replicate the bug https://www.dropbox.com/s/psw5g2ur77agre6/audiobug.map?dl=0 1. Start a new project with the Advanced First Person Shooter template 2. Load map Run map, DO NOT PRESS ANY WASD Key. A sound will play. Press esc. It should crash. Run map again. DO NOT MOVE AGAIN. A sound will play. Move the player until you hear 1 footstep. Press escape. No crash.
  16. Here we go: Script.enabled = true --bool "Enabled" Script.on = true --bool "Start on" Script.coloron = Vec3(255,255,255) --color "Color On" Script.coloroff = Vec3(0,0,0) --color "Color Off" function Script:Start() if self.on == true then self:On() else self:Off() end end function Script:On() -- in self.entity:SetColor(self.coloron.x,self.coloron.y,self.coloron.z,255) self.component:CallOutputs("On") end function Script:Off() --in self.entity:SetColor(self.coloroff.x,self.coloroff.y,self.coloroff.z,255) self.component:CallOutputs("Off") end function Script:Enable()--in if self.enabled==false then self.enabled=true self.component:CallOutputs("Enable") self.entity:Show() end end function Script:Disable()--in if self.enabled then self.enabled=false self.component:CallOutputs("Disable") self.entity:Hide() end end
  17. I mean a box with sizing handles. Sometimes decals need to be non square or simply need to be scaled visually.
  18. I have a script EXACTLY for this, give me 24 hours to post it since I'm not at home.
  19. Can we have size boxes on decals? Or have they already been put in?
  20. Depends on what you are trying to make the player do, look at and feel.
  21. Good info, I have a 3d version of the logo I made, and the font is a bit off.
  22. If so, i'll just wait then.
  23. I just want to be able to render html elements on screen post render or as a surface. Adobe has the market cornered for AAA game ui's http://gameware.autodesk.com/scaleform
  24. Are these static meshes? No animation and bones? If so, it would be simpler to write a lua script that will lead obj files.
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