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Everything posted by Einlander

  1. Try creating a collision trigger. In the flowgraph connect "collision" to "enable"
  2. I would like to use the game launcher to help coordinate my game project. I have a private project that I would like to let people on my friends list download and test. I can subscribe to a private project in the steam client, the client will download it, but the game launcher has no way of letting me know whats subscribed to and downloaded.
  3. File it for later , if you add a new button make it so if you right click on the button it pops up a new window with the scene tree so a user can click on an entity and click ok. This would help if you have small child entities.
  4. 1600x900 isn't a common resolution. Take a look at http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/system/systemcountgraphicsmodes-r857 That will count the resolutions that the computer has. And this will use one of those numbers to give you the actual resolution: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/system/systemcountgraphicsmodes-r857
  5. I would create a new blank template, then copy the app.lua there.
  6. Similar to the Pick Material tool, I would like to suggest a Pick Model tool. When you click on the model it shows the mdl file in the file browser.
  7. Mine is working now, on windows. Yesterday nothing showed up on the subscribed tab.
  8. Einlander

    Icon Design

    I prefer the color ones, the monochromatic ones would start to look the same the longer you have the window open. I also vote for having a folder where we can replace them ourselves. Maybe someone can make a workshop mood for it.
  9. I consider games and development tools 2 different things. Games need to be updated with new things and fixed as needed, it's expected. But that has risen to sloppy behavior on the part of game devs. Ship it broken and fix it in production seems to be the mantra now. And DLC for things that should have been in the game, or are already on the disc. Development tools to me are an entirely different class from games. People expect the tools to work reliably, predictably, and to be patched when needed. New features are a bonus. Leadwerks on the other hand Is always being updated, but you would be hard pressed to tell me what has changed, been fixed or optimized. I actually had to go make a list of notable changes. Changes to a developers tools have a greater affect than "fixing" a game. Every change affects how a developer approaches how they make a game. If a new change is to cumbersome, they may have to reinvent the wheel or abandon an approach. This last change with the drag and drop targets has caused me to create self registering pivots that report to a parent entity and a platform that navigates them. I should not have needed to do that. Beware of changing things for change or sake or because it's "easier", because sometimes it's not worth it.
  10. Not mad here either, just frustrated. For me it's the little bugs here and there that accumulate that you cant actually fix easily. I've basically stopped submitting bug reports because the some bugs just don't seem to be fixed (search for all my bug reports). Then to top it off, you start doing one thing today, and tomorrow its no longer a valid workflow. All I hope is Leadwerks doesn't fall into the trap of the dev doesn't like it this way, so the users MUST not like it either. Or, I never used it so others MUST not be using it either. A dev knows how they want their software to be used and how things are supposed to be done. A user isn't the dev, they need to learn to think like a dev. Opinionated software is what leads people to curse at thier computers when they see a clear connection but the software stops them from doing it.
  11. Found some tutorials on subjects that seem to come up alot on the Leadwerks forums: Texturing and modular assets. http://www.philipk.net/tutorials.html The tutorials are simple but graphically impressive.
  12. Adobe does this to all their 3d competition. They bought out all the 3d editor competition, and raised all the prices. Then they consolidated it a few titles.
  13. Mine was a complete window manager and all its objects. I put it on hold after the setscale command didn't work correctly
  14. I think we all have at some point made a gfx library for Leadwerks.
  15. I got it too, maybe I'll finally learn Blender this time.
  16. I'm making a game similar to Portal, and I have alot of moving platforms (4 platforms, 14 pivots, total 18 target entities). This is just the first level. I have to look forward to the fact that imported assets are not uniquely named, so I will have to name every moving platform, launchpad, and elevator, separately, then name all the pivots separately. Thinking to the future i'm already reconsidering how i'm making the levels to avoid making work for myself.
  17. That's nice and stuff but wiki doesn't do that anymore. I can check the diffs to se who wrote what and changed what for the entire lifetime of the page. I can check total user contribution to a document. So things change. And who cares about your vision if it possibly detrimental to the people it serves. <insert Godwin's law here> thought his vision was great, and people agreed with him and wars were fought and "everybody" had to be involved. It's one thing to be opinionated and another to be polarizing. Office's ribbon is opinionated, Blender is polarizing. People go out of their way to avoid it, while people dislike office but they still use it. http://onstartups.com/tabid/3339/bid/176/Disagreeing-With-37Signals-2-Opinionated-vs-Stubborn-Software.aspx
  18. This sounds like the problem that the MS Office team has, the top requested additions are things that they already implemented. The solution? Make it more obvious. That's how the ribbon was born. For leadwerks put a group box around the target box name it "drag entity here" , CHANGE the mouse cursor to the drag drop cursor (windows has a special cursor just for this). Now its obvious you drop entities there. And if for whatever reason they still click on it, allow them to type the entity in with a autocomplete option. Combine with the auto incrementing numbers you have a complete system that supports everybody.
  19. You don't even have to store the number in the mdl file. Then number should be in the map file. You store the relative path the the model and its number in the map file. If the model name changes, the path and the number stays the same. If the model path is no longer valid, then offer the user the opportunity to replace the model with another but keep the same number. Then go find and replace all references of the old model with the new one with the same number so as to not break scripts and flow graphs. Otherwise delete all the old models.
  20. Context:set scale is broken for a long time. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11768-contextsetscale-breaks-some-drawing-commands/page__hl__context%3Asetscale
  21. I think this idea would start of nice but would quickly become unmanageable. It my current level I have over 200 entities. That's a rather long list. Also Leadwerks doesn't even keep it's own entities unique, aside from imported assets. With this change, If you copy paste a csg it should auto increment its number to the next highest number. Imported assets should have a number appended a number " ###" to the end. They too should auto increment.
  22. Cant it do both? on drag do x, on click do y? Now i have to make sure all my entities have unique names and that I know the names. I'm not liking this change. Why are such drastic changes simply just done and never asked about?
  23. Source engine AI follows you into vents. Left 4 dead 2,Dark Carnival campaign, map 3
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