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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. Laurens


    That's what was my big objection to the GUI that shipped with the engine. I feel it should have been part of the main engine and not in LUA which I think is hacky enough as it is (classes, ugh!). Anyway, if you think CEGUI is an overkill you always ask for Roland Stralberg and klepto for advice. If I recall correctly they both implemented a GUI using only LE commands. Cheers!
  2. Hi, Is it possible to have two seperate entities and parent a third entity to both of these entities? Like so: Parent Parent | | -- Child -- Thanks!
  3. You will need to do some coding but from what I have heard from artists and other people that were not into coding when they got Leadwerks is that LUA is really easy to pick up. You could definalty get a head start as you put it without a coder. Do keep in mind though that Leadwerks does not come with 3D World Studio. They are seperate products!
  4. I think you need to include netwerks.cpp. Not sure though, have not yet gotten to networking in my project.
  5. Glancing over the code in that tutorial it may be fairly complicated although it has a far wider use. A perhaps somewhat easier solution would be to simply render a plane with a transparent texture that has an opaque circle on it and then scaling the plane to represent the correct orbit.
  6. Jebus, what? I think it would be wise to just type your question in Russian (based on your comments I would guess you are Russian) and pull it through Google Translate. Also get yourself registered as an SDK developer to get access to the programming forums. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/127-if-you-need-access-to-the-forum/ Cheers!
  7. What's not working precisely? The conversion from string to int? Is GetEntityKey returning NULL? A little more info would be nice! Cheers!
  8. Laurens


    If you need any help setting up CEGUI then don't hesitate to ask! Cheers!
  9. I can't say for sure it's a typo. What I can say is that 4870X2 runs all demo's silky smooth.
  10. Hi, My feature request is based on a problem I had in this thread: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2154-solved-visibility-test/ Basically I was unable to perform an EntityVisible test properly because the actual entities were obstructing the view to one another because of the fact EntityVisible really just calls PointVisible with the two entities positions. For PointVisible I can understand this behaviour. However for EntityVisible it would make more sense having the engine hide and show the entities before and after the test so that I do not have to do so myself. It would have saved me a lot of confusion and probably others to Cheers!
  11. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/7-leadwerks-tools-22-for-3ds-max/
  12. Laurens

    Zero Hour

    Havn't heard anything from you guys in a while. Is the project still running?
  13. Yes, the resemblence is amazing! (j/k Zio )
  14. Sad to hear the project moved to UDK, yet this stuff is gold. This is gonna help me a bunch Thanks!
  15. Laurens

    OnLive Lives

    That would not be a bad thing. I hardly go to stores for my games anyway. Time is just moving forward. Should we keep libraries open as well? I don't like to think so.
  16. If you are installing on Windows Vista/7 then you cannot save DLL's and EXE's (and possibly more formats) to the Program Files directory without running the Updater as Administrator. I would try saving them to C:\Development or whatever, just not in Program Files. Cheers!
  17. I do not think that 2D images are affected by shaders. Nevermind, you stated that the vertex shader does work.
  18. Discounts is something you will have to take up with Josh personally I think. I doubt he's going to set a precedent on a public forum. The next thing is that everyone wants a discount because the whole world is experiencing the economic crisis.
  19. I have no experience with the Leadwerks networking commands but can say for sure that RakNet will. It's easy to implement in any Leadwerks application.
  20. Great looking new tutorial page. Revised my article to include a description and a table of contents
  21. It's a basic tower defense game where the towers shoot at enemies in range, and link up with other towers nearby to increase the damage they do (similar to the prism towers in Red Alert 2 if you know what I mean). So the example you presented would be perfectly fitting.
  22. That would indeed be much easier. I am currently working on this project mostly as a learning experience and may rework it at some point anyway if it helps me lay a good founding for building on in future games. I have been following your thread on component based design with much interest and will certainly look into it if I ever decide to rework it.
  23. I finally decided to go with Rick's solution. The end-result works pretty nicely but I am a bit disappointed about the fact I don't have any reusable graph components for a future project now. Oh well Thanks! EDIT: I realized MVC would be the ultimate solution here though. I would have a TowerView that would inherit from Actor and a Tower that would inherit from Vertex. To far in to make such a big change now though and I feel my understanding of MVC is not quite strong enough.
  24. Hi, That would work but I prefer not to because not all actors are part of the graph. Towers are part of the graph, but a Planet is not. I can't think of any real ill side effects of having Actor inherit from Vertex but I feel it wouldn't be proper design. That would also work, except I need the links between the towers to also have a visual representation which is why I also derived the Link class from Actor. It would also need it to inherit from Edge but this is essentially the same problem as with Towers. Anyway, still pondering this over Thanks!
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