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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. At least half of these features are already perfectly possible, although it would indeed be nice to have them included. But then again, you will get a lot of projects that look and feel the same.
  2. Both will do fine but I prefer the sleekiness that is VS2010
  3. Obligatory "Wine Is Not an Emulator" comment
  4. I imagine that would still be a huge task B)
  5. So basically you are looking at creating a fully fledged game engine in XNA that mimics the Leadwerks command set. Sir, I wish you good luck B)
  6. Let me reiterate, you will need to implement all Leadwerks commands in XNA to have it run on XBox. I'm not sure I understand why you are thinking about licensing Leadwerks if all you are doing is using the syntax. The wiki is open for everyone to look at the command set. Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to do, in which case, please set me straight B)
  7. Neither of those have shaders included. Before I came to Leadwerks I played around with XNA a lot. There is a limited number in the form of tutorials on the Creators Club website though.
  8. XNA doesn't come with any shaders. Well, it comes with one but as far as I recall it only supports directional lighting and a diffuse map. BasicEffect it's called.
  9. Now I come to think of it, even if you were able to get it going there is still going to be the issue of shaders. Leadwerks uses GLSL. XNA uses HLSL. I wouldn't know how difficult it would be to port that over though, as I have zero experience coding shaders.
  10. If you wish to publish to the XBox you will need to port the entire engine over to XNA. Writing a wrapper that uses the original engine DLL will run on the PC without a problem but Leadwerks does not run on XBox. And it would indeed make more sense to get your programmer in here B) Cheers!
  11. Laurens


    Very nice, congratulations on getting it out!
  12. Ah of course, multiple inheritance, been in my C# head for the past few days and it shows
  13. I agree, although we would need to come up with a new structure that will hold multiple references in the entity user data. In your example, an entity can only store a Collider and not, for instance, a reference to an object that also implements OnEntityMatrixChanged or something. Hope I made myself clear, lol A structure that stores a vector of byte pointers would probably do it.
  14. Hi Rick, That is a pretty elegant solution you have there. It's working like a charm Thanks!
  15. Hi all, I finally went with SetEntityTarget. The constructor of Beam sets the target to both Towers that are passed via parameters. Then, in the Update() method I check GetEntityTarget for NULL. If either is NULL, the Beam frees itself. Thanks for the help all! Cheers!
  16. As far as I know, because there is only busy-waiting in C, theres no default implementation in LUA. Perhaps the engine command PauseApp() is of any use.
  17. Hi, I believe I had already asked this question before but I can't find it again for the life of me. Perhaps it went AWOL when the database rolled back. Anyway! I have a callback set on an entity but instead of calling a global or static function I really need it to call a non-static member function. Is this in any way possible? The reason I need it to call a member function is because I otherwise have to either expose some methods publicly which aren't supposed to be public or make the classes involved friends of each other, something else I would rather not do. Thanks!
  18. Wiki: This would suggest that using the -s parameter hides the console window but I am not sure since I do not use LUA. Worth a shot though.
  19. I believe this is what you are looking for: http://code.google.com/p/leadwerks-csharp/ EDIT: Beaten to it EDIT2: Learning C# comes with great benefits. I think most people will agree when I say that building GUI applications is an order of magnitude faster in C#. And the Unified Event Model. Oh how I love the Unified Event Model.
  20. I may be confused here as to what you are asking. Anyway. I doubt the render control can easily be ported to C++ with all the GUI libraries around. I would strongly urge you not too use C++ for creating a GUI-heavy application anyway because C# is far better at it. It basically is just drag-and-drop. I do not have a sample lying around though, sorry
  21. We already have a "ported version of the C# wrapper". LEO
  22. I have not yet seen this command but if the index parameter means I can store multiple targets than this would indeed solve my problem. I would simply set the target for the beam to both towers and check for NULL through GetEntityTarget each update call. That would be awesome Will try it out as soon as I get home. Thanks!
  23. It seems this is fairly recent: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/150-decals-for-editor-v-01/. I would suppose the decals will get properly loaded from the SBX in C++ like any other LUA scripts.
  24. Was afraid so. Basically I have two independent towers that are connected by a beam (plane with a texture). Now, if either one of the towers is destroyed, so should the beam. I was planning on parenting the beam to both towers and then when either tower is destroyed, FreeEntity would also free the beam. Anyway, guess I'll have to find some other way then Thanks everyone!
  25. Laurens

    Net Wars

    Looks OK. Just one little nitpick though, if you were going for "Cybernetic (long running argument)" (main menu) then it is spelled "feud" instead of "fude" Cheers!
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