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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. Way to not answer a question On topic: I wouldn't know about Rolands GUI but if you have not completely given up CEGUI yet, may I please take a look at your CEGUI log file (the entire file, not just the part that is surrounded by "This is important")? May be some clue there as to why the scheme won't load. One thing I can come up with right now is that your working directory is not set correctly in the project settings. It should be set to the same location as where your exe is written to unless you are changing the working directory in code (you're not doing so in the code you posted here). Also note that registering an abstract path does not effect CEGUI. It does its own loading. Cheers!
  2. You seriously do not trust the Unity web player? Or perhaps I did not grasp the sarcasm
  3. You can try running the Update tool. Should sync your SDK back up.
  4. SDL uses the correct header for the platform your application is compiled on. On Windows, that is windows.h. Leadwerks probably also uses windows.h but only Josh or Lumooja can say. I don't know if there is any other way. Perhaps by interfacing with a USB port and reading the raw data but who would want to go through that trouble?
  5. I agree with Rick. It's great for blocking out levels without getting into complicated applications. I am sure that Blender will be just as fast when you get used to it but the whole point of CSG in the editor (in my belief) is a low barrier to entry, something that Blender definatly has NOT
  6. When all else fails: http://www.red-gate.com/products/reflector/. Works great for .NET programming exams that supply an example assembly as well
  7. I wouldn't know about creating a DDS loader but regarding your linker error I believe you need to include opengl32.lib to your project's "Additional Dependencies" (linker options). Cheers!
  8. Laurens

    GUI system

    Well, I am not really requesting a new one since CEGUI is working just fine but since you showed interest in building one anyway I was suggesting HTML/XML as a file format. The 3rd party libraries are quite easy to use and integrate in C++ once you get through the docs. The main problem that started this thread was using the existing libraries with Delphi.
  9. Laurens


    Environment variables work in Linux. Not sure about Mac but since it's based off of Linux I would suppose so.
  10. This. My game is space-based so a day/night cycle would be a little out of place
  11. AFAIK, networking is working just perfectly.
  12. Wow, thats a wonderful person, lol. Can't you run your application with engine.exe and check the console window (not the log) for the error or is that truncated as well? EDIT: the profanity filter is lol as well
  13. Those are not primitives. That's CSG modeling. I would kill to have THAT in the editor.
  14. Laurens

    GUI system

    Could be worth taking a look at CEGUI. Their GUI's can be in an XML format, allowing for the binding of events in actual C++ code.
  15. I agree with Lumooja on this one. Rolling all those libraries would just lead to unnecessary bloat. Josh expressed the wish to provide us with a single .lib (which I applaud) for the engine, something that will most likely not be possible either due to libraries only providing .DLL's or license restrictions prohibiting you from statically linking their libraries in a commercial product (SDL comes to mind here and I am sure there are more examples).
  16. I have been trying to get it working but no success so far. Some more googling got me this: from http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/12476. Have you got an actual working piece of code Lumooja? I would love to see this work. Cheers!
  17. Laurens

    GUI system

    Good point. I know for a fact that Navi (which uses Gecko) draws on a 3D plane attached to the camera. I am not sure if it's possible to draw it as an actual 2D element but I can't imagine it's impossible.
  18. Laurens

    GUI system

    There are some HTML renderers out there. I believe Tyler implemented Awesomium a while back although that will probably be to expensive in licensing. There's also Gecko which is used by Firefox but I am not sure to what license that is bound.
  19. Laurens

    GUI system

    If it were HTML/XML there wouldn't be a need for Josh to create a designer. Plenty of editors out there. Dreamweaver comes to mind.
  20. Laurens

    GUI system

    Why does it need to be in LUA? I can't see any advantage over having a data-driven HTML/XML format that can be loaded through an engine command, exposed to all languages that can be used with LE. Coding a GUI instead of designing it with highly available WYSIWYG editors is just lunacy.
  21. I have not tried it yet but the documentation I was able to google was sketchy at best. The general consensus appears to be that return type and signature need to be the same. I will try sometime later this week though.
  22. Laurens

    GUI system

    Because it'll be a cold day in hell when I learn LUA No, seriously, I think it is much easier if we can just create GUI's in HTML/XML and then load them via some core engine command rather then forcing people to code GUI's in LUA. I feel GUI's should be data-driven and not hardcoded. Besides, you can use all functions in LE right now in any programming language you wish without restriction. I'd hate to see that change.
  23. Laurens

    GUI system

    If you are eventually planning on implementing a GUI library then may I suggest support for HTML like Navi does? (http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/NaviLibrary) That would make me dump CEGUI in a second
  24. Oh wow, never knew that was even possible in C# *just waiting for someone to come by now and show me this is possible in Java as well *
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