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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. I see now. Well in that case it should indeed remain as it is. Or perhaps as ZioRed suggested, a new parameter hideEntity that defaults to false. Thanks!
  2. http://creators.xna.com/en-US/samples/gamestatemanagement That stuff is pure gold IMHO.
  3. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how EntityVisible works. If either center is blocked by the mesh itself, won't the test simply always fail (not visible)?
  4. And not that it matters a great deal, but you should inject input before rendering the GUI or you will always be 1 frame behind
  5. Good to hear, what was the issue? Cheers!
  6. Hi! I am currently still on holiday but when I get back next monday I will send you a sample VS2010 project to see if it is related to your project settings or something else entirely. Right now I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work. Cheers!
  7. I wondered why I could only move backward and right using S and D, lol Arrow keys work as well
  8. I use Dia for my diagrams as well, love it
  9. Hi, A truly very beautiful demo filax. I ran it at a resolution of 1680x1050 with all effects (except for wireframe) on and got a smooth 55 FPS. I have an ATI 4870X2 (specs in signature) and had no problems running the demo whatsoever! Cheers!
  10. Does the same thing happen with the example code posted at the bottom of that tutorial? The only thing I can come up with right now is that you have not set your working directory correctly. It should be the same directory as the command. It my case the command is $(TargetPath) and the working directory is thus set to $(TargetDir).
  11. There are several ways to go about. You can either set a key and check the key after getting the list of entities or you can specify an entity type in the calling code. I'm not sure how this works but it is on the wiki for the ForEachEntityInAABBDo command. ForEachEntity seems incomplete.
  12. I don't think the engine can tell the difference between a method and a callback function and would assume that for instance moving an entity in a UpdateMatrix callback would result in the callback getting called again. Therefore I would try to avoid it.
  13. A thread from not to long ago: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2318-so-how-about-them-destructible-objects
  14. Looked into HeroEngine a bit more. Wasn't able to find any prices on licensing the standalone engine. I think by 5K you mean the HeroCloud service which just gives you access to their servers where they have HeroEngine installed for you. If so, I even more doubt that LE will lose any users to it. The terms are horribly unfavorable if you are not already a medium-sized development team with a multitude of assets ready creating an MMO (and nothing else).
  15. Well, there is also ForEachEntityDo that iterates over all objects. You can use the same callback (well, maybe change its name to ForEachEntityDoCallback to avoid confusion) and the same calling code except change this line: ForEachEntityInAABBDo(aabb, reinterpret_cast<byte*>(ForEachEntityInAABBDoCallback), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(entities)); in this line: ForEachEntityDo(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(ForEachEntityDoCallback), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(entities)); and then simply iterate over entities and do EntityDistance(source, destination). Cheers!
  16. And vice versa I think. I would never consider a 5K engine.
  17. I do this in my tower defense game to find towers within range of each other so they can link. First create a callback function: void _stdcall ForEachEntityInAABBDoCallback(TEntity entity, BP extra) { reinterpret_cast<vector<TEntity>*>(extra)->push_back(entity); } Note that extra contains a vector of TEntity's and the entity that is passed in the callback function is pushed back into this vector. Then, somewhere in your calling code: TVec3 p = EntityPosition(node->GetEntity()); TVec6 aabb; aabb.X0 = p.X - node->GetRadius() / 2; aabb.Y0 = 0; aabb.Z0 = p.Z - node->GetRadius() / 2; aabb.X1 = p.X + node->GetRadius() / 2; aabb.Y1 = 0; aabb.Z1 = p.Z + node->GetRadius() / 2; vector<TEntity> *entities = new vector<TEntity>(); ForEachEntityInAABBDo(aabb, reinterpret_cast<byte*>(ForEachEntityInAABBDoCallback), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(entities)); entities should now contain all the entities that are in the AABB. Cheers!
  18. Obligatory "the cake is a lie" comment.
  19. Yes: http://forum.leadwerks.com EDIT: General Discussion has 1337 topics over there
  20. Up to this point all updates have been free except from 2.27 to 2.3 which was a pretty major update. Leadwerks 2.4 will be another free update but I can say with pretty certainty that 3.0 will be another paid update. I can't say about the upcoming updates but at the 2.3 update there was no difference in purchasing the entire engine or just the upgrade. Previous owners had paid 150 dollars for 2.28 and the upgrade was 50 dollars. If you want to purchase 2.3 now it is 200 dollars and the same will most likely be true for 3.0 although I cannot be sure of that. Cheers!
  21. Pictures from LE 2.4? Sharing is caring
  22. I was looking at the SpongeBob screenshots and was truly very disappointed because they don't look "underwatery" at all
  23. I would also be very interested although I have to admit while I do have "more serious" aspirations for LE, right now I consider myself more of a hobbyist. Specs in my sig
  24. What Lumooja said, add both engine.cpp and leo.cpp to your project.
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