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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. I export to OBJ from Maya, then to GMF using obj2gmf and have no problems whatsoever. Disclaimer: this was about six months ago and I have switched to Silo now.
  2. Sounds like a perfectly fine approach. I see no reason why you couldn't parent the Framework camera to a pivot. I have previously done so myself when I created an RTS camera.
  3. What do you mean by "on every topic". Why would you want a chat box on every thread (doubtful if it is even possible)? What use is a forum then if the solutions to problems are not retained
  4. Without having downloaded the application (I'm at work, can't be downloading chat applications ), can anyone tell me if this will run on Linux, possibly using Mono? I would be happy to start a server but my VPS is running CentOS 5.4. Cheers!
  5. I love how you politely answer his question and then ban his wonderful person. That made me chuckle At least it is of some use to us now
  6. You are right. I'll stop asking silly questions now Thanks!
  7. I implemented a CollisionCallback in order to detect a ball hitting the paddle. I need to figure out what direction it was moving in before it hit the paddle. I suppose I can do so using the normal the callback function provides. What mathgic would I need to pull off in order to do so? I also suppose I need to get the math books out again, lol
  8. I had it auto-create one, it's working now. Thanks a bunch Good to know you can't use those though. /me slaps himself in the face.
  9. Hello, I have continued experimenting with my input handling but now have trouble getting physics to work. My ball (Pong) is initialized like so: Ball::Ball() { ball = LoadModel("abstract::ball.gmf"); EntityType(ball, 1); SetBodyMass(ball, 1.0f); } After the ball is initialized, Collisions(1, 1, 1) is called. This is the Update method of the ball class: void Ball::Update() { AddBodyForce(ball, Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } Setting a breakpoint confirmed it is getting called, yet the ball won't move a bit. If I call DebugPhysics(1) it does show a proper collision hull yet the hull remains red. Anyone know what I am missing here?
  10. I agree with Lumooja, I would most love to see pack #5. Thanks a bunch Josh
  11. Thanks for in the input all! I will continue to pursue this system and see if I can improve and expand on it. Cheers!
  12. Or better yet, give us the choice. I agree with Niosop, especially a file watcher that automatically converts any OBJ's would be awesome. We will still have to create the material ourselves though I suppose.
  13. That's a pretty big request. You are probably better off telling everyone a bit about your project, showcasing some work you have already completed and trying to get an artist on board.
  14. Quick class diagram attached: Main loop calls Update, which calls the paddle's Update, which class the Controllers Update, which controls the paddle based on code in either the Player or AI class.
  15. You are being confused with the fact the names are the same Replace all instances of "Controller" with "PaddleController" or something. I do not intent to code a replacement for Leadwerks's TController. I do intent to extend the functionality of with specific AI algorithms, correct Cheers!
  16. Hi, Tonight I took a new approach at handling both input and AI and was hoping you guys could give me some feedback on it. I'll explain how it works by using a Pong example. I have a class called Paddle and a class called Controller (not a Leadwerks TController). The Paddle class keeps a reference to the actual TEntity (the paddle model) and a reference to a Controller. Additionally it has an "Update" method. class Paddle { public: Paddle(TVec3 startPosition, Controller *controller); void Update(); private: Controller *controller; }; The Controller keeps a TEntity called target and has a virtual method "Update". class Controller { public: void SetTarget(TEntity target); virtual void Update() = 0; protected: TEntity target; }; When the Paddle is constructed, it loads the model and calls the SetTarget method on the supplied Controller passing in the entity it just loaded. Now, every time the "Update" method is called on the Paddle class (from the main loop) it subsequently calls the "Update" method in the Controller class. Then I create a Player class that inherits from Controller and only overrides the "Update" method. class Player : public Controller { public: void Update(); }; The "Update" method from the Player class contains code that checks which key is down and calls the appropriate position and commands on the TEntity target. Next I was planning on creating an AI class that overrides the "Update" method and positions the target based on the position of the ball. That way I could basically plug a Controller in any object and have a player or AI control it. So, what do you think? All constructive criticism appreciated!
  17. Laurens

    Source Code

    The source code is a separate license. You'll have to inquire with Josh for the price.
  18. Create a new Windows project (somehow LE won't use the console window anyway when writing in .NET), add a reference to the DLL, check "Allow unsafe code" in the project properties and you're set. EDIT: If you have a 64-bit OS, make sure you set your target platform to x86 instead of Any CPU.
  19. EDIT: There is GUI system for LUA
  20. I have the same issue. It does not seem to be affecting the regular operation of 3DWS though so I wouldn't worry. EDIT: Nor am I experiencing any of the issues mentioned in that thread you linked MG
  21. You can have the ScreenManager hold Framework for you and set the appropriate effects in the constructor of the screens (or in a seperate method that is called by the ScreenManager when it needs to go active). It's how I do it.
  22. As per Josh' blog. Well let's hope it's out soon. It's holding me back right now
  23. So to summarize your rant: Hootinanniyumyum
  24. I'm stunned, that is truly amazing! Great job
  25. I am assuming you wish to have the corona visible when the player is far away from the star (ala E.V.E. Online) in which case I would simply recommend: If DistanceToStar > 1AU HideStar That way the mesh of the star will no longer be blocking the corona. I wouldn't know about glow though. That probably involves GLSL.
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