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Everything posted by Laurens

  1. If you parent your bodies you will only have geostationary orbits (and movement in perfect circles) which celestial bodies do not. Ofcourse, if you are not looking for that kind of realism than parenting works fine.
  2. Laurens


    Don't pace yourself, it should stay fun
  3. You can also easily setup the project yourself. - Create a new solution. - Add "engine.cpp" to the project. - Add "<Leadwerks Root>/CPP" as an additional include directory. - Set working directory to "$(TargetDir)" If you want to use LEO, then also add "<Leadwerks Root>/CPP/LEO" as an additional include directory. Lastly, dump engine.dll, newton.dll and JointLibrary.dll in your build folder. Make sure to register your root Leadwerks folder as an abstract path or also dump shaders.pak in your build folder. For a guide with pics you can use this Wiki page by Roland: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=LEO_-_Visual_Studio_2008_Setup If you don't want to use LEO, make sure you leave those steps out though.
  4. Has LEO been updated to include functions for Framework?
  5. Something that just popped into my head. When doing the tutorials you'll eventually stumble across the post-pro tutorials. My advice is to follow these tutorials to get an understanding of how they work but do not try to combine them yourself in a game. Use Framework instead.
  6. Laurens

    Blog Bug Fixed

    The bug in SpamAssassin was most hilarious. Marking a lot of mail as spam because they were sent "way to far in the future"
  7. Except for highlighting, IntelliSense has always worked for me without configuring anything special. If IntelliSense stops working, you just throw away the database file in your solution and Visual Studio will generate a new one.
  8. You don't script in C++, you code in C++ Anyway, like Eternal Crisis said, don't dive in head first into Leadwerks without actually knowing C++. Learning both at the same time is hard. When I started learning C++ about half a year ago (coming from C#), this site was a major help: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ Good luck!
  9. Laurens


    Not sure if Ubu did any work on it, I havn't disassembled the new headers. I'll try it when I get home tonight.
  10. It feels more clean to me. Also wasn't a fan of the color scheme of the first one. I like it
  11. C++ has Framework compiled in now so you wouldn't be able to make the modification. Same for C# and (I assume) LUA. Unless you still use the old Framewerk ofcourse, but I vaguely remember someone saying Framewerk will no longer receive updates (except for BlitzMax).
  12. Thanks What you both are saying makes sense. I'll have to give it some more thought though. I have not yet clearly defined my target group. Thinking about it, I should do so before working out anything else as it makes a pretty big impact.
  13. Hello, Not being a native english speaker I am tripping over some definitions of which I am not sure they mean the same in dutch as they do in english. The definitions I am speaking of are: - Money you have readily available on the bank: funds - A certain physical object worth money to the owner: an asset I am asking because of the economical aspect in my game Thanks!
  14. Laurens


    That blows, get well soon!
  15. I don't think so. You can only set the gravity on a per-world basis.
  16. Ah I see. Well that's the first thing om my list of stuff to change in my code. Right now I'm looping through the array of objects in a scene, checking if the pointers match. Thanks! Good thread
  17. Gonna try the new headers out tonight, thanks for all the hard work Ubu
  18. Wait -- so you instantiate a class, and you then call SetKey(pointerToClass) on the Leadwerks structure? I should have though of that before, lol.
  19. Wow, that is just awesome to hear. 2010 will be a very interesting year
  20. Thanks for the pointers, now I got something to go on Cheers!
  21. Hi guys, I am at a point in my game's development that I need to start putting some assets together. Being a programmer I cannot do this myself but I feel it is way to early to try and get an artist on board. Therefore I got myself a copy of the Silo learning edition (thanks Ubu ) and want to put some stuff together first. Having barely worked in Editor I was wondering how other people put scenes together. Do you model assets first or do you get a decent terrain going first? Any pointers on getting some basic scene together would be appreciated! Cheers!
  22. Well, there is the .NET KeyDown/KeyUp event which supposedly does catch the Pause/Break key but I think that only works on forms.
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