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Everything posted by beo6

  1. I am also still waiting for dynamic navmesh generation to come back. It might be OK for simple things but games always have one or another dynamic obstacle
  2. ah. stop giving me hope there will be a new community project.
  3. Only before anyone else wonders. It is not VR::DisableWarning() but VR::HideWarning()
  4. i have the DK 2 for quite some time. And when playing FPS games i get sick really quickly. a HUD does not help here as far as i could notice, but then most games i tested had not much hud on screen. I think the only way to get it away is really having some object that your brain "knows" is driving you instead of walking on your own. So far i tried FPS multiple times to see if i got more accustomed to FPS games but so far i still get sick quickly. But because i get sick in FPS games i don't play FPS games so much. (its just uncomfortable to have the feeling you need to puke every moment you know. ) So far the worst experience was the kontiki demo. What seems to help is having some freedom for your mouse so your virtual body only rotates when your mouse hits the corner. Also rotating quickly. (for example rorating in a couple degree steps when pressing Q or E) But still the best way is to have your virtual *** sit in a vehicle. ( virtual wheelchair simulator anyone? )
  5. @Dan22: In your animated gif you show to press "Apply" and after that "OK" again. But this does apply the recalculation two times which can result in a mesh with errors. See my report here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10981-issues-with-calculating-normals/
  6. since i don't want to steal a place from more active users i would love to see a recording or at least a summary of what was told?
  7. The USB cable to the headset is not required. Only if you need the USB port on top of the headset (behind the flap). The cable from the camera into the cable of the headset is for synchronisation. Probably to sync the framerates, but i am not sure there. Other then that you only need the HDMI of the headset and the USB of the camera. The tracking itself is made with infrared LEDs behind the plastic head piece. The reflecting piece on top of the camera lens is an infrared filter.
  8. When there is a default change map script i would stay with that.
  9. If you want more control over your played sounds you can always use the source class.
  10. So what is the extra Object pointer good for in this method? bool CallFunction(const std::string& name, Object* extra=NULL);
  11. it is an unmodified model from arteria3d. So either they have done something wrong with the model or the importer makes something wrong?
  12. Hello, i just checked again. I guess it was my stupidity. pressing "Apply" once uses the method. But pressing "OK" after that does the same again which produces that issue. So you can forget the third image. remains the issue about the black model. Is there a way to not reconstruct the whole mesh and still being able to apply the texture?
  13. I can confirm this bug. And it is extra annoying that he does not remember which folder i selected in the first dialogue.
  14. thanks gamecreator. But i hope since he now knows that i have sent him a PM he is able to look at it. Or he would need to tell me to which e-mail address i am supposed to send it to. But then i would also need to upload the file again (the upload to the PM took ages for me because of my slow internet...) and then there is often a limit of file attachments on e-mails etc. Can't be that hard to look at the last PM hopefully.
  15. i send it to you over PM because of the license.
  16. i am not 100% sure if this is a bug. I imported a model including the textures. When i open the model in the editor it is completely black. So far nothing unusual. Now when i open the calculate normals menu and use the "Average Normal" Method and press Apply nothing happens. When i choose the "Angular Threshhold" Method and press "Apply" at least that then helps displaying the textures. And it looks good. However as soon as i then press "OK" to close the screen some corners of the model seem to get destroyed. When i press "Cancel" instead the model stays good and everything is fine. Am i doing anything wrong there? Thanks.
  17. sure. see the documentation of it here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitypoint-r167 the second parameter defines the axis.
  18. beo6

    Game Scripting is Hard

    Yay. Finally sprites. That was asked so many times already. Not only by me.
  19. According to the documentation page i would also think that scripts are loaded already by default.
  20. Hello, yes FindChild() searches for a child with that name. Note that it is not the prefab filename but the name you gave the entity in the editor. Please also note that the Camera is not technically a child of the player which is the reason you would need to get it from the player script and FindChild() would not work there. the Autopistol is again a child of the camera. The Autopistol then has your ammo information etc. that you needed. Not sure what you mean with "pistol.entity.script.clipsize so that it's a ratio of ammo in the clip compared to the ammo the clip can hold." as far as i have seen clipsize only holds the value how big the clip is it does not change with the ammo or anything. So i guess unless you want to show the player how much shots in his clip are before he needs to reload you don't really need that value. Will you have only one weapon in your game? Because as i told this is not very flexible at the moment how it is done. When you have more weapons this would break fast and would require a lot of additional code. Or you could also use a for loop with CountChildren() and GetChild() so you don't need to know the name of the weapon. Or maybe you could give every weapon the same name? But not sure what problems that will give later.
  21. Hello Thirsty Panther, sorry for the long delay. I just got to check your map and script. I guess your script is not yet finished. To be true i think i would do this differently. Maybe include the Script into the player script. But for now i guess i found your errors. Maybe that helps a bit. Line 14: change function Script:Start() self.Weapon = self.camera:GetChild() into function Script:Start() self.player = self.entity:GetParent() self.Weapon = self.entity:FindChild("Pivot Ammo Bar") -------------------- change line 37 from local AmmoFactor = self.Weapon.script.ammo / self.Weapon.script.clipsize into local pistolEntity = self.player.script.camera:FindChild("Autopistol") local AmmoFactor = pistolEntity.script.ammo / pistolEntity.script.clipsize at least that should get you your informations.
  22. Or check if you have any anti-virus running that could block access to files and disable it for a test.
  23. i don't know Aggrors script so i need a bit more information. Where do you attach the scripts to? I don't understand yet where you want to attach the PlayerAmmoBar.lua to? Yes since you hold the weapon in front of the camera like in all FPS games. maybe you can give a small example project so i could look at it when i am home and understand better what your issue is?
  24. i guess you could compile your own exe with the zip + password function included. (best not in cleartext in a variable as that makes it really easy to read) and use your lua project with that.
  25. I haven't used it for my Leadwerks Projects so far, but for some other Projects and stuff and i really like it. Of course it is not a full replacement for code versioning even though it backups old file versions when there is something new synced. I have it running on my home NAS and my vServer + my PCs and my Smartphone so even when my house with my PCs and NAS would burn up it would still be on the vServer.
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