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Everything posted by beo6

  1. Since Lights are extended from the Camera class i found the method "DetermineVisibleEntities". Not sure what it does exactly since it is undocumented but maybe it helps? But you will need C++ for it to use.
  2. Hide should work. What is your code? //Edit: here is a short script. Works without any problem. Just connect it in your flowgraph with the default PushButton.lua script. -- activate light function Script:Activate()--in if self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Show() self.component:CallOutputs("Activate") end end -- deactivate light function Script:Deactivate()--in if not self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Hide() self.component:CallOutputs("Deactivate") end end -- toggle light function Script:Toggle()--in if not self.entity:Hidden() then self:Deactivate() else self:Activate() end end
  3. Hi again. i just played around with it a bit more and compared my script with the platform script of the MyGame example. the only difference so far that might have helped a bit is setting: self.entity:SetGravityMode(false) self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Scene) however it still happens when the player is just walking onto the platform. Not sure if it worked before too with jumping onto the platform If the player jumps onto the platform like in the example map it works as expected. modified script: Elevator.lua
  4. maybe you can use some sort of shader for that? that would also make it independend of the real resolution.
  5. but it seems it is not even hitting the mesh of the character-controller model. So something must be wrong there?
  6. About the wrong direction of the pick. That was only the logic i use. If i wan´t a dog "seeing" things through pick i have the pick start from the dog. It was just a hint. And this is definetly a bug or i am doing something horribly wrong. it looks like it has something to do with the Character controller. as soon as the character controller is used it does not register a collision. If i parent another entity to the character controller that parent gets hit no problem. The same is with shadmars script.
  7. trying to understand YouGrooves code. I think he talks a different language than me. one thing i noticed already is that you start the picking from the wrong direction. Your picking code is called from your Dog. But the picking starts from the player. Will try to dig through it a bit more.
  8. beo6

    LCP 3.0 ?

    Yes. Let us make the Best Damn Space Sim Ever! ... oh wait. that was a different game.
  9. Here is a snippets file i made sometime for Sublime Text. I am pretty sure i had a more complete file but i guess i lost it when i had to reinstall my pc after i tried linux. maybe i can find it though. will have a look for it. LE3Snippets.zip just extract it in your \Packages\User folder.
  10. can you post the map file with all used scripts so i can check it myself?
  11. Hello, i started fixing my elevator script and updating it to the new features at the same time. It is working nicely again with a lot less code. (using the motor now) But i noticed that the player is again falling through the elevator when i moves upwards. I know this issue was fixed shortly after my first elevator script but it seems it is happening again. As long as the player is standing still he just falls through the elevator. Another maybe unrelated issue is that CSG Boxes with mass don´t fall to the ground on startup. They only fall down when they touched another object. normal models however seem to fall down at start. because of this i tried to use a model as elevator ground. But that didn`t fixed it. See attached map file with the scripts used in the example map file. Maybe i am doing something wrong but it does not look like correct behaviour. elevator.zip
  12. No problems here with only CSG boxes. resolution does not matter too. With VSync on i always have 60 fps. with VSync off in release mode i get a too quickly flashing fps counter that is around 500-600 fps. So it must be one of your other models / scripts that is slowing it down.
  13. ah right. sorry about that. will fix this as soon as possible.
  14. beo6

    LCP 3.0 ?

    i only created a project in redmine for it so no special webpage. Link: http://redmine.code-i.de/projects/le-community-project-3 But to activate your account i will need the wished job like Development (Lua/C++) Designer (i count level mapping with it) Modeler Sound
  15. hi. i just updated the script in in the steam workshop with some features. like you wrote i added a selection for font (if none is selected the Arial.ttf is used) flowgraph outputs so you can for example have a monster chasing you as soon as you have closed the note ( slenderman anyone? ) open / close sounds loading of lua text files so the script also works in Sandbox lua mode. (there is a text1.lua for an example how they should look)
  16. i think there are tags already assigned. For some reason when i load the workshop i often get only a empty page where it displays that there are no items. Not really sure why.
  17. also the input and outputs do not change in the flowgraph when i changed the script and save it. Only when i reassign the script to the entity it shows them. would be nice if the flowgraph does automatically update but i guess this was changed because the connections got lost when the script changed? //Edit: i think someone has silently fixed it in the documentation. But if you are already on it. Please fix the indentations there. This looks horrible. //Edit2: ah i think i now understand your post Aggror. You are the one changing the documentation? Always thought Josh does this aswell.
  18. You really want to make another amnesia. Do you?
  19. Playing around more with scripting again i noticed that in the CollisionTrigger.lua two of the outputs get called like self:CallOutputs("Enable") self:CallOutputs("Disable") However the script does not show the outputs in the flowgraph for me even though the documentation mentions it exactly the same way. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/flowgraph-editor-r17 Calling it like self.component:CallOutputs("Collision") works. // note the ..".component:" part
  20. I want to revert back to the default font after i have drawn a text on the screen. But using self.originalFont = context:GetFont() does not work unless context:SetFont(self.font) was at least called once before. But since the game draws texts by default already with probably the default font (Arial) i wonder why it does not return the default font. How is everyone else doing this? I don't want to set the font after my script is done drawing, guessing that the user is using the default font.
  21. i tried if workshop items do overwrite files. and they do indeed overwrite. I really don't like this. Someone else could just make a script with the same name as a default one and it gets overwritten.
  22. lol. i didn't even checked who started the project cleaner thread.
  23. you can also try some of the project cleaners here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8808-le3-project-cleaner/page__hl__project+cleaner
  24. sorry josh for bothering you about my wiggling hangouts logo. I had WebRTC disabled (because of a security issue) and just remembered that hangouts requires WebRTC. But it was a nice hangouts. i am already telling more people on steam to vote for the Leadwerks Player.
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