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Everything posted by beo6

  1. for cases like a windmill i would really have the wheel seperate and rotate it by code. it is very simple and you can dynamically change the rotation speed very easily.
  2. You could ask the Steam support since Josh has nothing to do with the buy procedure at steam. Maybe you are lucky and the steam support is nice enough. But I wouldn't count on it. Even better would be if you explain what exactly your problem is since I still don't understand what you try explaining there. Sorry
  3. Your player will need a mass. In real space things still have a mass even when there is no gravity.
  4. Its not real planet physic though. Just a really simple script to animate something like this. I don't know the game. But you could always have the game load a map when you land on a planet. Still many AAA titles do it this way.
  5. Do you call Follow more than once when the enemies should start following? //Edit. Is the performance also this bad when you run the release mode? the debug mode is just for debugging and as such much slower.
  6. deleted the CFG files but beside that all projects got removed from the list it didn't helped at all. Another issue i found (i am not sure if it is related) is that the Editor does no longer run the game in debug mode. it just stays at "Executing "G:\Projekte\Games\Leadwerks\RTS\RTS.debug.exe"..." but nothing happens and the exe does not appear in the task manager. If i run the debug file manually from the explorer it runs without any issue. the release mode does run but it does not notice when it gets closed. so it asks to stop it. --------------------------- Leadwerks Editor --------------------------- An external process is still running. Do you want to terminate it? --------------------------- OK Abbrechen ---------------------------
  7. tried that but does not seem to help. It would also wonder me since the camera of the editor should not be bound to the game camera in any way.
  8. 1 = No 2 = No 3 = No 4 = Yes (it also moves forward and backwards when scrolling) 5 = Windows 8.1 64bit 6 = Nvidia Geforce GTX 680
  9. how is the code scanned? I guess it will fail at things like for i=1,10 do Model:Load("Models/Characters/char" .. tostring(i) .. ".mdl") end or else it would need to understand the code.
  10. There are many xbox controller libraries out there. If you have the C++ version of leadwerks it should be as simple as setting up the library and using it.
  11. beo6


    Window::FullScreen is correct. However I have read that there was a problem with fullscreen under Linux. Have you tried the steam beta? Maybe it is fixed there already.
  12. the blocking of key presses when too many keys are pressed is depending on the keyboard. some usb keyboards use workarounds for some most used keys in games. So for not super cheap and bad usb keyboards it should be ok for 2 players who use most used keys like arrow keys and WSAD + some special keys. More people on one keyboard would most likely be too uncomfortable anyway. I think only some PS2 keyboard types don't suffer from this.
  13. You can tweak the code how you want. Another small thing you should add is a check which entity type collides with it. Currently everything that collides with the trigger will start the mapchange. But you will most likely only want to have the player change the map.
  14. i don't know what you mean with but after you assigned the maps each into its own variable you can assign these into a table. Here is a working script now. --[[ This script will act as a trigger to change the current map. Place this at the end of your map to make the player progress to the next level. ]]-- Script.mapfile0 = ""--path "Map File 0" "Map file:map" Script.mapfile1 = ""--path "Map File 1" "Map file:map" Script.mapfile2 = ""--path "Map File 2" "Map file:map" Script.mapfile3 = ""--path "Map File 3" "Map file:map" function Script:Start() self.mapname = {} math.randomseed(Time:Millisecs()) if self.mapfile0 ~= "" then self.mapname[1] = self.mapfile0 end if self.mapfile1 ~= "" then self.mapname[2] = self.mapfile1 end if self.mapfile2 ~= "" then self.mapname[3] = self.mapfile2 end if self.mapfile3 ~= "" then self.mapname[4] = self.mapfile3 end end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) local changeMapNr = math.random(1,#self.mapname) if changemapname == nil then --fix for changemap part in default App.lua local changeToMapFileFix = string.gsub(self.mapname[changeMapNr], ".map$","") changeToMapFileFix = string.gsub(changeToMapFileFix, "^.*/","") changemapname = changeToMapFileFix end end However i would change the changemap part in the App.lua to accept not only a mapname but the path including the file extension. Then you could remove the "fix for changemap part in default App.lua" part and still have the file selectors in the editor.
  15. Merry Christmas. And i just noticed the Achievement. I like it. But not sure if it is new.
  16. Boolean Operations anyone?
  17. I haven't tried it but i think it is not possible to make attributes like this directly into a lua table. you might need to make normal variables instead and add these later to your lua table. (all code untested) Script.mapfile0 = ""--path "Map File 0" "Map file:map" Script.mapfile1 = ""--path "Map File 1" "Map file:map" Script.mapfile2 = ""--path "Map File 2" "Map file:map" Script.mapfile3 = ""--path "Map File 3" "Map file:map" and then inside Script:Start() local maxMaps = 3 self.mapname = {} for n=0,maxMaps do if _G["mapfile"..tostring(n)] ~= "" then mapname[n] = _G["mapfile"..tostring(n)] end end EDIT: forget the last code since that only works for global variables. But i guess you get what i mean.
  18. Can you show your Character controller code? My first guess could be you use Time:GetSpeed() somewhere there. But you don't need that in the Character Controller since it already takes care of this.
  19. It does probably not work with tables. But you should be able to assign the values later to a table.
  20. beo6


    It works nicely in the prefab. But when I use another model it just crashes when I start just like all the time when I tried to get car physics running. I am now thinking it is the model that makes the problem but not sure why.
  21. I am also still waiting for dynamic navmesh generation to come back. It might be OK for simple things but games always have one or another dynamic obstacle
  22. ah. stop giving me hope there will be a new community project.
  23. Only before anyone else wonders. It is not VR::DisableWarning() but VR::HideWarning()
  24. i have the DK 2 for quite some time. And when playing FPS games i get sick really quickly. a HUD does not help here as far as i could notice, but then most games i tested had not much hud on screen. I think the only way to get it away is really having some object that your brain "knows" is driving you instead of walking on your own. So far i tried FPS multiple times to see if i got more accustomed to FPS games but so far i still get sick quickly. But because i get sick in FPS games i don't play FPS games so much. (its just uncomfortable to have the feeling you need to puke every moment you know. ) So far the worst experience was the kontiki demo. What seems to help is having some freedom for your mouse so your virtual body only rotates when your mouse hits the corner. Also rotating quickly. (for example rorating in a couple degree steps when pressing Q or E) But still the best way is to have your virtual *** sit in a vehicle. ( virtual wheelchair simulator anyone? )
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