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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. Shadmar, you're a hero. Just a tip, make sure that the texture file is Clamped to X and Y to remove the duplicate textures you see in the corners while it's rotating. Now to test my idea with this. Thanks again.
  2. You can always make your water a trigger volume and have it add a upward push to objects under a fix mass for that.
  3. So the real question is how to apply the water shader to a geometry. Yeah, that's on my "To-do" list as I want contained goo pits in my game. I have no idea how the water plane reads the texture, and the shader looks confusing. My only theory is that the engine makes a new material, applies it on a plane, and releases the material. It would be nice to have a .mat file of water for situations like this if that's the case.
  4. Thanks, now I just need to figure out how to make it spin from the center for the plane/texture than the front corner. I kind of want to do a spinning animation on my cubes in Vectronic. Edit: No luck so far, I just keep getting effects that reminds me of the Giygas boss battle from EarthBound. I guess I still need help.
  5. Tonight I've been looking for a way to rotate a texture 360 degrees from the center so I can use it on a model sheet. I've only found ex_texcoords0 which pans the texture on the face, but I can't seem to find any values or clues on how I would rotate the texture on the face. Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
  6. If it's Steam, and you have your own SteamappID, then don't use Innosetup. Setup Steamworks to install OpenAL. I'd first copy the _CommonRedist from the Leadwerks Game Engine folder and see if Steam will automatically install it. You can also PM Josh for help since he does this for the engine/game launcher. I just have basic Steamworks experience with Source; which does not need any extra software to run.
  7. Thanks man, really helpful.
  8. I have failed to create a new fun concept for this tournament. However, I did do a bunch of cool stuff instead. Will a showcase of that qualify?
  9. When I started with the Source Engine, the learning curve was pretty easy as all the nasty bits where taken care off. You jumped into hammer, made rooms, learn about entities,how they communicate and made community maps. As the years past, I dug deeper and deeper with creating materials, models, scripts then compiling code. There was a point where I knew how exactly the engine was set up, how it worked, and other things that are now obsolete. When I jumped to Leadwerks, a lot of stuff seemed familiar to me because of the CSG creation tools and the pipeline just made more sense than Unity, Unreal or even Source which I knew about so much. The biggest hump for me was Lua scripting as I was so used to C++, and never did any Lua before. I did struggle with it until I had a light bulb go off. Example scripts, new and old forum posts helped a lot. Even I now prefer Lua for game logic over C++. Compiling the entire solution to test a few lines of code for one entity was kind of dumb. And this was back with 3.2 when they only had a few community tutorials which where outdated and somewhat hard to follow. They recently replaced that with the tutorial section you're following today, and a cleaner API reference. Over all, it will take time, but once you know how Leadwerks works, you'll enjoy it.
  10. Make sure all outputs are self.component:CallOutputs, not self:CallOutputs. I noticed that some scripts still have that old snippet.
  11. Gamecreator, Most of Vectronic's textures use glow/emission stuff, plus a modified version of it so it can change the glow color. What's the issue? If you need any help with glow/emission stuff, feel free to ask. Meh, I was working on something too, but the project was not to my standards. Besides, what I did/doing instead will help Vectronic and possibly many others when it's done, so it's a better trade off in my opinion. But here's a screenshot. Notice the non-original content.
  12. They should be realizable in the latest beta branch. Source: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1489-resizable-viewports-on-linux/
  13. It's still seems to be vaild as it's in LensFlare.h: virtual void SetRotationSpeed(const float rotationspeed);//lua What it does, I dunno; experiment!
  14. Don't think so as these were not prefabs. They were just brushes that were copied and manipulated. Plus they were fine up until a few days ago.
  15. It's been a while since I looked at the Vectronic demo map, and when I opened it the other day, I noticed that my indicator lights (which was changed to brushes during the "Model Rotation Bug") where ether not facing the correct way, or the offset was off. I can say, these brushes were heavily copied and rotated a lot to make the trail effect. Nothing else seemed out of the normal, however. I was able to quickly fix them however. I'm not sure it's because of a beta update, or just a hiccup, or a similar issue like the models had; but I guess it's something to look at. Sorry for the delay in reporting, it was the 4th after all.
  16. You can use the built in tolua stuff. Here is an example,and a post that helped me. There is not a whole lot of documentation on this, so your best bet is to read headers and search forum posts. On the C++ side of things, I do the basic stuff like how levels are changed, UI, menu, etc while lua is mainly the game logic like the Player, elements, etc. Minus that there are some things you can only do in C++, Leadwerks allows you to develop your game anyway you want. After all, it's just a set of libraries called with a console application.
  17. reepblue

    Windows 10?

    I've read that any program that is designed to run on Windows 7 or 8/8.1 (Which Leadwerks does.) will run without a problem on 10. And If not, I'm sure Josh will rebuild the solutions/fix the issues when the update comes out later this month. But honestly, I don't see why LE wouldn't work.
  18. I hope the workshop is filled with things that are worth money rather than cheap/broken/stolen content with a high price tag. I guess we have to trust the "good floats, bad sinks" logic here. If I ever post something for sale on the workshop, I'll be sure it's worth the money. Hopefully everyone has the same idea as I do.
  19. I had this issue! It would work fine if the game was windowed, but would flicker on fullscreen. This is why the spotlights in Vectronic use sprites instead of lens flares. Also on a Nvidia card.
  20. I swore that this was addressed myself, but I still divide all my color values by 255 as I'm sure it will always work.
  21. So far, C++ application that has a settings system, and a MenuUI that can easily work on any LE game. Menu, loading screen and other things can be edited outside of Visual Studio. It also has a background map system too.
  22. Make a new collision response rule in Main.lua. -- Props can activate triggers. Collision:SetResponse(Collision.Prop, Collision.Trigger, Collision.Trigger) You might also want a new collision for objects that are picked up. Vectronic is a working example of this. Collision.PickedUpProp = 12 -- Picked up objects can still collide with triggers, but never characters. Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Character, Collision.None) Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Scene, Collision.Collide) Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Prop, Collision.Collide) Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Trigger, Collision.Trigger) Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.None)
  23. In a perfect world, everyone could just go with their preferences and enjoy games the same way. My linux machine is an AMD processor, with an AMD GPU running Ubuntu 14.04LTS, and it plays Portal 1 at 30fps. And I know if I were to slap a drive running Windows/DirectX, that game will run with no issues. Maybe the 15 driver will fix everything, who knows. At the end of the day, I don't have control over what players want/have in their PCs.
  24. I'm not really mad, it just makes things harder than they have too...
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