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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. Found the issue: The Linux executable does not set it's permissions to execute as a program. I'll copy over the executable with it's permissions set and post a quick "how to" on the blog in case it get's lost.
  2. So I built recently built a "garbage-PC" (A term I use to describe building a new PC out of older usable parts.) and slapped in my old Radeon 5770 and a drive running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in it to see if Leadwerks would work at all. Also, wanted to see if Vectronic would run out of the box if a Linux user downloaded the demo. I put the Vectronic Demo (Stand-alone Packaged) on the machine and when I tried to run it, it asked to install various packages. However, when I launched Leadwerks in Ubuntu, and created a new game, that executable launched fine. So I took that executable, renamed it "Vectronic", and boom it launched. So my question is why does a linux executable generated from the project manager off of a Windows machine need additional packages while one generated on linux just works? Should I ship the working executable or should I just install the list of packages it wants? And to be clear, I'm not running the Window's .exe executable.
  3. I guess it was something in the player code. Mine is not the stock FPSPlayer so it may be why mine worked fine. (also it's a bit harder to notice in first person.) My lua script solves that problem. The issue was updating the player while it was moving.
  4. I had this issue (But it strangely went away). You can try parenting a pushing trigger upwards or add this: function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if self.move then if entity:GetKeyValue("type") == "player" then System:Print("Entity Touching") self.currentPushForceDir = self.PushForceDir entity:SetVelocity(self.PushForceDir, true) end end end At the top of the script, add: Script.PushForceDir=Vec3(0,0,0) --Vec3 "Force Direction" Script.currentPushForceDir=Vec3(0,0,0) The goal is to keep the player moving. Experiment with self.PushForceDir on the y axis. I accidentally found this trying to push the player off of moving platforms. If the collision function is not spiting it's print, then move the pushing to a trigger volume.
  5. No. You don't want to use the sliding door script as boxes and players would weigh it down. I had the same issue in my game. You need a non-physics based object that moves. (No mass, no joints). This is my script that I used in Vectronic. Feel free to use it.: import "Scripts/Functions/ReleaseTableObjects.lua" Script.restinglocation=nil Script.move=false Script.movedistance=0 --float "Move Distance" Script.movespeed=1 --float "Move Speed" Script.startopened=false --bool "Start Opened" Script.negitive=false --bool "dev" -- Sound Script.opensoundfile=""--path "Open Sound" "Wav File (*wav):wav|Sound" Script.closesoundfile=""--path "Close Sound" "Wav File (*wav):wav|Sound" Script.loopsoundfile=""--path "Loop Sound" "Wav File (*wav):wav|Sound" Script.stopsoundfile=""--path "Stop Sound" "Wav File (*wav):wav|Sound" function Script:Start() self.restinglocation = self.entity:GetPosition() self.iy = self.restinglocation.y self.targetlocation = Vec3(self.restinglocation.x,self.restinglocation.y + self.movedistance / 100,self.restinglocation.z) if self.startopened then self.entity:SetPosition(self.targetlocation) self.opened=true end self.sound={} if self.opensoundfile~="" then self.sound.open = Sound:Load(self.opensoundfile) end if self.loopsoundfile~="" then self.sound.loop = Sound:Load(self.loopsoundfile) end if self.closesoundfile~="" then self.sound.close = Sound:Load(self.closesoundfile) end if self.stopsoundfile~="" then self.sound.stop = Sound:Load(self.stopsoundfile) end if self.sound.loop~=nil then self.loopsource = Source:Create() self.loopsource:SetSound(self.sound.loop) self.loopsource:SetLoopMode(true) self.loopsource:SetRange(50) end -- Should always use a dynamic shadow. self.entity:SetShadowMode(2) local e = self.entity:CountChildren() for n=1,e do --System:Print(n) cl = n - 1 local c = self.entity:GetChild(cl) c:SetShadowMode(2) end end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.movedistance >= 0 then self:NormalToggle() else self:NegitiveToggle() end end function Script:NormalToggle() if self.move then if not self.opened then if self.iy < self.targetlocation.y then self.entity:SetPosition(self.restinglocation.x,self.iy,self.restinglocation.z) self.iy=self.iy + self.movespeed * Time:GetSpeed()/100 elseif self.iy >= self.targetlocation.y then self.iy = self.targetlocation.y self.move = false self.opened=true self:StopSound() self.component:CallOutputs("OnOpened") end else if self.iy > self.restinglocation.y then self.entity:SetPosition(self.restinglocation.x,self.iy,self.restinglocation.z) self.iy=self.iy - self.movespeed * Time:GetSpeed()/100 elseif self.iy <= self.restinglocation.y then self.iy = self.restinglocation.y self.move = false self.opened=false self:StopSound() self.component:CallOutputs("OnClosed") end end end end function Script:NegitiveToggle() if self.move then if not self.opened then if self.iy > self.targetlocation.y then self.entity:SetPosition(self.restinglocation.x,self.iy,self.restinglocation.z) self.iy=self.iy - self.movespeed * Time:GetSpeed()/100 elseif self.iy <= self.targetlocation.y then self.iy = self.targetlocation.y self.move = false self.opened=true self:StopSound() self.component:CallOutputs("OnOpened") end else if self.iy < self.restinglocation.y then self.entity:SetPosition(self.restinglocation.x,self.iy,self.restinglocation.z) self.iy=self.iy + self.movespeed * Time:GetSpeed()/100 elseif self.iy >= self.restinglocation.y then self.iy = self.restinglocation.y self.move = false self.opened=false self:StopSound() self.component:CallOutputs("OnClosed") end end end end function Script:StartLoopSound() if self.loopsource~=nil then self.loopsource:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true)) if self.loopsource:GetState()==Source.Stopped then self.loopsource:Play() end end end function Script:StopSound() if self.sound.stop ~= nil then self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.stop) end if self.loopsource~=nil then self.loopsource:Stop() end end function Script:Open()--in self.opened=false if not self.opened then --if not self.move then self.move = true self:StartLoopSound() if self.sound.open then self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.open) end self.component:CallOutputs("Open") --end end end function Script:Close()--in self.opened=true if self.opened then --if not self.move then self.move = true self:StartLoopSound() if self.sound.close then self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.close) end self.component:CallOutputs("Close") --end end end I put the move code in UpdateWorld than UpdatePhysics because the platform goes closer back to it's original resting point better with UpdateWorld.
  6. Interesting. I tried it with my doors and although the actual model did not rotate, the bones of the models did. Any idea how it relates to it being fine for a few days/weeks then suddenly everything is off? Yeah, I'm a fan of CTRL+Draging so this makes sense why it was happening to me. Oddly enough, my trusses, and CSG were made by me copying and pasting, and they seem not to be effected.
  7. If it stayed at for example -89.98, I would have been like "whatever, looks fine to me". But it slowly becomes -88, -87, -85, etc. Issue does not really pop up unless you are editing the same map over and over again, switching projects, and just general use of the editor. If there is anything we can do to help, let us know.
  8. I thought it was only me too. I actually noticed it first with my boxshoot door. But I thought it was just the model and the fact I was loading the map on a different OS. It seems to be that when an entity (or CSG) get rotated, the rotation does not get saved properly. Keep a entity as Rotation 0,0,0, nothing will happen. (maybe some of the 0's will become negative. (-0.0). It also has something to to if a script is attached, and/or is parented to another entity in the scene tree. This issue is annoying and frustrating as things slowly move on their own and one day you'll find all your objects not how you want them.
  9. I first noticed this with my indicators for Vectronic when after a while the indicators would tend to Z-clip with the wall. Today after I went to a different project, I came back to Vectronic to do a few more changes. In the demo map, I noticed that my doors where not in the tracks anymore, and some indicator panels were oddly rotated. I was able to quickly rotate them back into place (both models and bones) and I only have these screenshots right now. And here is a physics model I forgot to rotate back. After fixing all the models, I closed the editor, and relaunched it. I went back to one of the entities I had to rotate and it's rotation on one of the axis was 89.98 rather then the 90.00 I set it at. It happens to both models with and without bones/animations..
  10. When I read this, I took it as "Don't use our libraries to make something totally different then intended such as a new game engine/tools." I think making tools for your game (e.g An application that's just meant to go in your maps and help generate cubemaps to make life easier) is ok, but taking the libraries and developing a branch engine goes against it. Ether way, if you just want to make games, you should not worry about this.
  11. Same goes for their Source SDK department. That's Valve for ya.
  12. Did you rebuild the C++ solution? I have frame dipping issues when I use the exe I built instead of the pre-made application. I was gonna post my issue once I had a demo out. I would delete the "My Game" project and replace it with a fresh Project that uses the Advanced First Person Shooter Template. They are the same thing, but it's best to make sure everything is up-to date and clean.
  13. Yeah, and the best part is that the shadows are all static so they are not expensive! Also, a big shout out goes to Shadmar for the bloom and fog shaders. It really gives the maps the atmosphere I want.
  14. Definitely Next Week! I wish I can release sooner, but I'm waiting on sounds and there are still a little bit more tweaks I wish to do.
  15. Alright, I would look at this a bit and see if there are any adjustments you can do to get what you want. I'm sure changing the value of self.crouchedheight would do the trick.
  16. I got a crouch-able player working, What it does is if the user lets go of ctrl, a picker test is made to see if the player can stand up. Here is the entire code with unfinished features: import "Scripts/Functions/ReleaseTableObjects.lua" --[[ Purpose: A FPS Player that walks, jumps, crouch, and can use and pickup stuff. This is ment to be a alternative version than the one shipped with the SDK. Keywords: #Camera #Movement #Water #KeyInput #Flashlight #Use #Pickup #Health #Respawn #Death #Life #Damage #Hurt #Kill #Weapons ]]-- Script.input={} -- Life Script.health = 100 --float "Starting Health" Script.savedhealth=nil Script.maxHealth = 100 Script.alive=true Script.bregenghealth=false --bool "Regen. Health" Script.RegenTimer = 0 Script.RegenWaitTimer = 0 -- Camera Script.camSmoothing = 4 Script.mouseSensitivity = 15 Script.mouseDifference = Vec2(0,0) Script.eyeheight=1.30 -- Movement Script.moveSpeed = 5.0 Script.footstepwalkdelay = 500 Script.footsteprundelay = 300 Script.jumpForce = 8 Script.supressmovement = false --bool "Freeze Player" Script.allowcrouching = false -- bool "Allow Crouching" Script.canuncrouch = false Script.falldamage=true --bool "Fall Damage" Script.falldamagekills=true --bool "Fall Can Kill" Script.FallTimer= 0 -- Water Script.UnderWater= false -- Respawn Script.RectangleAlpha = 0 Script.RespawnPoint=nil --entity "Respawn Point" Script.RespawnPointPosition=Vec3(0,0,0) Script.RespawnPointRotation=Vec3(0,0,0) Script.RespawnTimer = 0 Script.RespawnDelay = 1.0 --float "Respawn Time" -- Use Script.useDistance = 2 Script.maxcarryweight=80 Script.throwforce = 500 --float "Throw Force" -- Weapon Script.weaponfile=""--path "Starting Weapon" "Prefab (*.pfb):pfb|Prefabs" --Script.weaponfile="Prefabs/Gameplay/VecGun.pfb" -- Flashlight Script.useflashlight = false --bool "Flashlight" Script.flashlighton= false -- Crosshair + HUD Script.supresscrosshair=false --bool "Hide Crosshair" Script.supresshud=false --bool "Hide Health" function Script:Start() --Set the type for this object to player self.entity:SetKeyValue("type","player") -- If we are not a pivot, then make the editor model invisible. if (self.entity:GetClass() ~= Object.PivotClass) then --1 System:Print("Player is not a pivot. Making entity invisible.") material = Material:Create() material:SetBlendMode(5)--Blend.Invisible self.entity:SetMaterial(material) material:Release() end self.savedhealth = self.health -- Draw HUD/Crosshair self.image={} self.image.crosshair = Texture:Load("Materials/HUD/crosshair.tex") self.hudfont = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",36) -- Sounds self.sound={}--table to store sound in -- Flashlight (Only if enabled.) if self.useflashlight then --self.sound.flashlight=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/flashlight_02_on.wav") self.sound.flashlight=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/body_punch_03.wav") end -- Damage self.sound.damage={} self.sound.damage[1]=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/body_punch_03.wav") self.sound.damage[2]=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/body_punch_04.wav") self.sound.damage.fall=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/damage_fall_01.wav") self.playfellsound= false self.sound.damage.dead=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/death.wav") self.playdeathsound = false -- Footsteps self.sound.footsteps={} self.sound.footsteps[1] = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/Footsteps/concrete1.wav") self.sound.footsteps[2] = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/Footsteps/concrete2.wav") self.sound.footsteps[3] = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/Footsteps/concrete3.wav") self.sound.footsteps[4] = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/Footsteps/concrete4.wav") -- Jump and Land self.sound.footsteps.jump = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/Footsteps/concrete2.wav") self.sound.footsteps.land = Sound:Load("Sound/Player/Footsteps/concrete4.wav") -- Use self.sound.pickup=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/pickup.wav") self.sound.usedeny=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/use_deny.wav") -- Water --self.sound.underwater=Sound:Load("Sound/Player/underwater.wav") --self.playUnderWatersound= false -- Ignore pickers from picking us! self.entity:SetPickMode(0) -- Physics self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Character) self.entity:SetPhysicsMode(Entity.CharacterPhysics) self.entity:SetGravityMode(true) self.crouched=false self.entity:SetMass(10) if self.entity:GetMass()==0 then Debug:Error("Player mass should be greater than 0.") end -- Create a camera local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context = Context:GetCurrent() self.camera = Camera:Create() self.camera:SetFOV(74) self.camera:SetRange(0.05,1000) self.camera:SetMultisampleMode((System:GetProperty("multisample","1"))) -- Set the camera's rotation to match the player self.camRotation = self.entity:GetRotation(true) self.camera:SetRotation(self.entity:GetRotation(true)) -- Set the camera position at eye height self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true)+Vec3(0,self.eyeheight,0)) -- Tie the mouse position to the camera's rotation window:SetMousePosition(Math:Round(context:GetWidth()/2), Math:Round(context:GetHeight()/2)) self.camera:SetRotation(self.camRotation) --Create listener self.listener = Listener:Create(self.camera) --#Flashlight if self.useflashlight then self.flashlight = SpotLight:Create() self.flashlight:SetParent(self.camera,false) self.flashlight:SetPosition(0.2,-0.1,0) self.flashlight:SetRotation(10,-3,0) self.flashlight:SetConeAngles(25,15) self.flashlight:SetShadowMode(Light.Dynamic+Light.Static) if self.flashlighton==false then self.flashlight:Hide() end end -- Weapons self.weapons={} self.currentweaponindex=-1 self.weaponlowerangle=0 self.weapontag = Pivot:Create(self.camera) self:LoadWeapon() end --This function will be called once per world update function Script:UpdateWorld() self:UpdateCamera() self:UpdateOverlay() if self.bregenghealth then self:RegenHealth() end self:UpdateUse() self:Weapon() self:ListenForKeys() -- If our health is 0, then we are dead. if self.health <= 0 then self:Kill() -- If we have a respawn point vaild, repspawn the player after a second or so. self.RespawnTimer = self.RespawnTimer + (Time:GetSpeed() /100) if self.RespawnTimer > self.RespawnDelay then self:Respawn() end end end --This function will be called once per physics update function Script:UpdatePhysics() if not self.supressmovement then self:UpdateMovement() end self:UpdatePickupObject() end -- #KeyInput function Script:ListenForKeys() local window = Window:GetCurrent() -- If we are in devmode, Show the camera physics models. if System:GetProperty("dev","0")=="1" then if window:KeyHit(Key.P) then physics = not physics self.camera:SetDebugPhysicsMode(physics) end end --Exit the function early if the player is dead if self:IsAlive() <= 0 then return end self:FireWeapon(window) if window:KeyHit(Key.R) then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then if type(self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].CanReload)=="function" then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:CanReload() then self.suspendfire=false self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Reload() end end end end --Toggle the #Flashlight if self.useflashlight then if window:KeyHit(Key.F) then self.sound.flashlight:Play() if self.flashlight:Hidden() then self.flashlight:Show() else self.flashlight:Hide() end end end --Throw object if holding one if self.throwforce > 0 then if self.carryingEntity then if window:MouseHit(1) then local dir = Transform:Vector(0,0,self.throwforce,self.camera,nil) self.carryingEntity:AddForce(dir) self:DropEntityCarrying() end end end -- Check for crouching if window:KeyDown(Key.ControlKey) and self.allowcrouching then self.crouched = true else if self.crouched then self:CanUnCrouch() if self.canuncrouch then self.crouched = false end end end end -- #Camera -- Update the camera with mouse look. function Script:UpdateCamera() local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context=Context:GetCurrent() --Mouse look self.currentMousePos = window:GetMousePosition() window:SetMousePosition(Math:Round(context:GetWidth()/2), Math:Round(context:GetHeight()/2)) self.currentMousePos.x = Math:Round(self.currentMousePos.x) self.currentMousePos.y = Math:Round(self.currentMousePos.y) self.mouseDifference.x = Math:Curve(self.currentMousePos.x - Math:Round(context:GetWidth()/2),self.mouseDifference.x,3) self.mouseDifference.y = Math:Curve(self.currentMousePos.y - Math:Round(context:GetHeight()/2),self.mouseDifference.y,3) self.camRotation.x = Math:Clamp(self.camRotation.x + self.mouseDifference.y / self.mouseSensitivity,-90,90) self.camRotation.y = self.camRotation.y + (self.mouseDifference.x / self.mouseSensitivity) self.camera:SetRotation(self.camRotation) ------------------------------------------- --With smoothing local playerPos = self.entity:GetPosition() local newCameraPos = self.camera:GetPosition() newCameraPos = Vec3(playerPos.x, newCameraPos.y ,playerPos.z) self.crouchedheight = 1.5 if self.crouched==true then if newCameraPos.y<playerPos.y + self.crouchedheight then newCameraPos.y = Math:Curve(playerPos.y + self.crouchedheight, newCameraPos.y, self.camSmoothing) else newCameraPos.y = playerPos.y + self.crouchedheight end elseif newCameraPos.y<playerPos.y + self.eyeheight then newCameraPos.y = Math:Curve(playerPos.y + self.eyeheight, newCameraPos.y, self.camSmoothing) else newCameraPos.y = playerPos.y + self.eyeheight end if self:IsAlive() >= 1 and not self.crouched then self.camera:SetPosition(newCameraPos) else deathCameraPos = Vec3(playerPos.x, newCameraPos.y-0.25,playerPos.z) self.camera:SetPosition(deathCameraPos) end --[[ --Not done! local world = World:GetCurrent() local waterenabled= world:GetWaterMode() local height= world:GetWaterHeight() if waterenabled then if (self.camera:GetPosition().y < height) then self.UnderWater = true else self.UnderWater = false end end ]]-- end -- Test crouching. If we are undersomething, don't get up. function Script:CanUnCrouch() local pickInfo = PickInfo() local p0 = self.entity:GetPosition() local p1 = Transform:Point(0,1.6,0,self.entity,nil) --if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, 3 ) then if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, Collision.Prop ) then --System:Print("NO") self.canuncrouch = false else --System:Print("YES") self.canuncrouch = true end end -- Change the camera's rotation function Script:SetCameraRotation(rot) self.camRotation = rot end -- #Movement -- Update movement function Script:UpdateMovement() --Exit the function early if the player is dead if self:IsAlive() <= 0 then return end local window = Window:GetCurrent() --Player Movement local movex=0 local movez=0 self.input[0]=0 self.input[1]=0 if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then self.input[1]=self.input[1]+1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then self.input[1]=self.input[1]-1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then self.input[0]=self.input[0]+1 end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then self.input[0]=self.input[0]-1 end local playerMovement = Vec3(0) playerMovement.x = self.input[0] * self.moveSpeed playerMovement.z = self.input[1] * self.moveSpeed if self.crouched then playerMovement.x = self.input[0] * self.moveSpeed / 2 playerMovement.z = self.input[1] * self.moveSpeed /2 else playerMovement.x = self.input[0] * self.moveSpeed playerMovement.z = self.input[1] * self.moveSpeed --Update the footstep sounds when walking self:UpdateFootsteps() end --This prevents "speed hack" strafing due to lazy programming if self.input[0]~=0 and self.input[1]~=0 then playerMovement = playerMovement * 0.70710678 end -- Check for jumping local jump = 0 if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) and not self.crouched then -- If we are not under the water, jump normally. if not self.UnderWater and self:IsAirborne() == 0 then jump = self.jumpForce self.sound.footsteps.jump:Play() if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:BeginJump() end --Give the player an extra boost when jumping playerMovement = playerMovement * 1.6 else -- self.entity:AddForce(0,5,0) end end --Position camera at correct height and playerPosition self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , self.crouched, 1.0, 0.5, true) if self.isairborne==true then if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:BeginLand() end --System:Print("Landed! Fell for " ..self.FallTimer) if self.FallTimer > 1 then -- 0.1001 self.sound.footsteps.land:Play() end self.FallTimer = 0 if not self.UnderWater then --self.camera:EmitSound(self.sound.footsteps.jump,50,1,1,false) end end --System:Print("InAir") self.FallTimer = self.FallTimer + (Time:GetSpeed() /10) end self.isairborne = self.entity:GetAirborne() -- #Water -- Handle under water movement --[[ local world = World:GetCurrent() local waterenabled= world:GetWaterMode() if waterenabled then self:UnderWaterMovement() end --]] end --[[ -- #Water (Not Done) function Script:UnderWaterMovement() if self.UnderWater then self.entity:SetGravityMode(false) if not self.playUnderWatersound then --self.sound.underwater:Play() self.playUnderWatersound = true end else self.entity:SetGravityMode(true) self.playUnderWatersound = false end end --]] -- Don't allow any walking movement function Script:FreezePlayer()--in self.supressmovement = true end function Script:UnFreezePlayer()--in self.supressmovement = false end --Return whether the player is airborne function Script:IsAirborne() return self.entity:GetAirborne() and 1 or 0 end --Return whether the player is crouching function Script:IsCrouched() return self.crouched and 1 or 0 end --Return whether the player is underwater function Script:IsUnderWater() return self.UnderWater and 1 or 0 end --This function plays footstep sounds in regular intervals as the player walks function Script:UpdateFootsteps() if self.UnderWater then return end if self.lastfootsteptime==nil then self.lastfootsteptime=0 end if self.input[0]~=0 or self.input[1]~=0 then local speed = self.entity:GetVelocity():xz():Length() if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if (speed>self.moveSpeed*0.5) then local t = Time:GetCurrent() local repeatdelay = self.footstepwalkdelay --if speed>self.moveSpeed * (1+(self.speedMultiplier-1)*0.5) then repeatdelay = self.footsteprundelay end if t-self.lastfootsteptime>repeatdelay then self.lastfootsteptime = t local index = math.random(1,4) self.sound.footsteps[index]:Play() end end end end end -- #Use + #Pickup function Script:UpdateUse() --Exit the function early if the player is dead if self:IsAlive() <= 0 then return end local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context=Context:GetCurrent() local pickInfo = PickInfo() --Raycast Pick that is being send from the camera in to the world self.canUse = false if window:KeyHit(Key.E) then if self.carryingEntity then self:DropEntityCarrying() else local p0 = self.camera:GetPosition(true) local p1 = Transform:Point(0,0,self.useDistance,self.camera,nil) --if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, 3 ) then if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, Collision.Prop ) then --Looks for any entity in the hierarchy that has a "Use" function local usableentity = self:FindUsableEntity(pickInfo.entity) if usableentity~=nil then --Use the object, whatever it may be usableentity.script:Use(self) else if not self.iscarryingEntity and self.carryingEntity == nil then mass = pickInfo.entity:GetMass() if mass>0 and mass<=self.maxcarryweight then self.carryingEntity = pickInfo.entity self.iscarryingEntity = true self.carryingobjectcollisiontype = self.carryingEntity:GetCollisionType() self.carryingEntity:SetCollisionType(Collision.PickedUpProp) self.sound.pickup:Play() self.carryrotation = Transform:Rotation(pickInfo.entity:GetQuaternion(true),nil,self.camera) self.carryposition = Transform:Point(pickInfo.entity:GetPosition(true),nil,self.camera) end end -- If it's just basic geometry, play the deny sound. local infocollisiontype = pickInfo.entity:GetCollisionType() local infoscript = pickInfo.entity.script if infocollisiontype==Collision.Scene and infoscript == nil then self.sound.usedeny:Play() end end else self.sound.usedeny:Play() --self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.usedeny, 45 / 100, 0.5, 1, false) end end end if self.carryingEntity == nil then local p0 = self.camera:GetPosition(true) local p1 = Transform:Point(0,0,self.useDistance,self.camera,nil) -- Fixed pickinfo hitting triggers! -reep --if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, 3 ) then if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true, Collision.Prop ) then local collisiontype = pickInfo.entity:GetCollisionType() if (collisiontype==Collision.Prop or collisiontype==Collision.Character or 10) then if self:FindUsableEntity(pickInfo.entity)~=nil then self.canUse=true else local mass = pickInfo.entity:GetMass() -- Has to be atleast 1kg -reep if mass>1 and mass<=self.maxcarryweight then self.canUse = true end end end end end end -- Update the Pickuped item function Script:UpdatePickupObject() if self.carryingEntity then local currentpos = self.carryingEntity:GetPosition(true) local pos = Transform:Point(self.carryposition,self.camera,nil) local rot = Transform:Rotation(self.carryrotation,self.camera,nil) local maxdiff = 0.5 local diff = pos:DistanceToPoint(currentpos) --Drop the carryinItem when the distance between camera and item exceed the pickdistance if diff>1.5 then self:DropEntityCarrying() else if diff>maxdiff then pos = currentpos + (pos-currentpos):Normalize()*maxdiff diff = maxdiff end self.carryingEntity:PhysicsSetPosition(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,0.25) self.carryingEntity:PhysicsSetRotation(rot,0.5) end end end function Script:DropEntityCarrying() self.carryingEntity:SetCollisionType(self.carryingobjectcollisiontype) self.iscarryingEntity = false self.carryingEntity = nil end -- Find a useable entitiy function Script:FindUsableEntity(entity) while entity~=nil do if entity.script then if type(entity.script.Use)=="function" then --If "enable" has not been set, it still won't be "false" so this will pass: if entity.script.enabled~=false or entity.script.canuse~=false then return entity else self.sound.usedeny:Play() --self.entity:EmitSound(self.sound.usedeny, 45 / 100, 0.5, 1, false) return nil end end end entity = entity:GetParent() end -- If we've got nothing, play the deny use sound. --self.sound.usedeny:Play() return nil end -- #UI -- Toggle some of the drawing function Script:SupressCrosshair()--in self.supresscrosshair = true end function Script:UnSupressCrosshair()--in self.supresscrosshair = false end function Script:SupressHUD()--in self.supresshud = true end function Script:UnSupressHUD()--in self.supresshud = false end function Script:PostRender(context) -- Open the context context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,1,1,0.8) -- If we are alive, draw our crosshair if self:IsAlive() >= 1 and not self.iscarryingEntity then -- Don't draw if the image is missing or we are hiding it. if self.image.crosshair and not self.supresscrosshair then local crossHairX = math.floor((context:GetWidth() - self.image.crosshair:GetWidth()))/2 local crossHairY = math.floor((context:GetHeight() - self.image.crosshair:GetHeight()))/2 context:DrawImage(self.image.crosshair, crossHairX, crossHairY) end end --- DRAW ALL OTHER UI ELEMENTS YOU WISH TO BE UNDER THE OVERLAY BEFORE THIS LINE -- -- Draw a rectangle for damage indication local x = System:GetProperty("screenwidth","1024") local y = System:GetProperty("screenheight","768") if not self.alive then self.RectangleAlpha = 0.35 end context:SetColor(1,0,0,self.RectangleAlpha) context:DrawRect(0,0,x,y) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) --- DRAW ALL OTHER UI ELEMENTS YOU WISH TO BE OVER THE OVERLAY AFTER THIS LINE -- -- If we are alive, draw our health on screen if self:IsAlive() >= 1 and not self.supresshud then -- Draw the background context:SetColor(0,0,0,0.5) -- Color of Background --context:DrawRect(8,670,140,50) local RectX = 140 local RectY = 50 context:DrawRect(8, context:GetHeight() - RectY - 8, RectX, RectY) -- Now the actual display of the numbers. -- Change color depending on the health. if self.health >= 100 or self.health > 50 then context:SetColor(0,1,0,1) -- Green else if self.health <= 50 then context:SetColor(1,1,0,1) -- Yellow end if self.health < 20 then context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) -- Red end end context:SetFont(self.hudfont) --context:DrawText("+",14,684) context:DrawText("+",14, context:GetHeight() - 46) --context:DrawText(self.health,60,678) context:DrawText(self.health,60,context:GetHeight() - 50) end context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:SetBlendMode(1) end -- #Health -- #Respawn -- #Death -- #Life -- #Damage -- #Hurt -- #Kill --Return whether the player is Alive function Script:IsAlive() return self.alive and 1 or 0 end -- Fall and Physics Damage function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed) if speed >= 20 and self.FallTimer >= 5.0 then if self.falldamagekills then self:Kill() else self:TakeDamage(1) if not self.playfellsound then self.camera:EmitSound(self.sound.damage.fall,5,1,1,false) self.playfellsound = true end end else if not self.falldamage then return end if speed > 18 then self:TakeDamage(1) --local index = math.random(1,4) --self.sound.damage.fall[index]:Play() if not self.playfellsound then self.camera:EmitSound(self.sound.damage.fall,5,1,1,false) self.playfellsound = true end else self.playfellsound = false end end --System:Print(speed) end --Increase health function Script:GiveHealth(healthPoints)--in --Increase health self.health = self.health + healthPoints; --Health can not be more then maximum health if self.health > self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end --Call Health received output self.component:CallOutputs("GiveHealth") end function Script:RegenHealth() --Exit the function early if the player is dead if self:IsAlive() <= 0 then return end if self.health >= self.maxHealth then return end self.RegenTimer = self.RegenTimer + (Time:GetSpeed() /100) self.RegenWaitTimer = self.RegenWaitTimer + (Time:GetSpeed() /100) if self.RegenWaitTimer > 0.5 then if self.RegenTimer > 0.01 then --Increase health self.health = self.health + 1; --Health can not be more then maximum health if self.health > self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end self.RegenTimer=0 end end end --TakeDamage function Script:TakeDamage(damage) if self.health>0 then --Decrease health self.health = self.health - damage; --Stop Timer self.RegenTimer=0 self.RegenWaitTimer=0 self.component:CallOutputs("OnTakeDamage") -- Add redness to the overlay! if (self.RectangleAlpha < 0.35) then self.RectangleAlpha=self.RectangleAlpha+0.10 self.sound.damage[math.random(#self.sound.damage)]:Play() end end end -- Life, Death, and Getting Hurt... function Script:UpdateOverlay() if self.savedhealth ~= self.health then if (self.RectangleAlpha ~= 0) then self.RectangleAlpha=self.RectangleAlpha-.08*Time:GetSpeed()/10 --use getspeed to be fps independant. end if self.RectangleAlpha <= 0 then self.savedhealth = self.health end end end -- Same as TakeDamage. function Script:Hurt(damage,distributorOfPain) self:TakeDamage(damage) end function Script:Kill()--in if self:IsAlive() then self.health = 0 self.alive = false self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) self.entity:SetPhysicsMode(Entity.RigidBodyPhysics) self.entity:SetGravityMode(false) self.component:CallOutputs("Kill") if self.iscarryingEntity then self:DropEntityCarrying() end if self.useflashlight then self.flashlight:Hide() end if not self.playdeathsound then self.sound.damage.dead:Play() self.playdeathsound = true end end end -- Respawn if we have a vaild respawn point. -- You can also make it reload a save file in this function instead of this. function Script:Respawn() if self.RespawnPoint ~= nil then -- Set the health back to 100, and we are no longer dead. self.health = 100 self.savedhealth = self.health self.alive = true -- Teleport to the respawn point. local pos = self.RespawnPoint:GetPosition() local rot = self.RespawnPoint:GetRotation() self.RespawnPointPosition = pos self.RespawnPointRotation = rot self.entity:SetPosition(self.RespawnPointPosition) self.camRotation = self.RespawnPointRotation -- Reset other values. self.entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Character) self.entity:SetPhysicsMode(Entity.CharacterPhysics) self.entity:SetGravityMode(true) self.RectangleAlpha = 0 self.RespawnTimer = 0 self.playdeathsound = false self.crouched = false end end function Script:SetNewRespawnPoint(entity)--in self.RespawnPoint = entity end -- #Weapons function Script:LoadWeapon() if self.weaponfile~="" then local prefab = Prefab:Load(self.weaponfile) if prefab~=nil then if prefab.script~=nil then self:AddWeapon(prefab.script) else prefab:Release() end end end end function Script:AddWeapon(weapon) if weapon.index==nil then weapon.index=1 end if self.weapons[weapon.index]==nil then self.weapons[weapon.index]=weapon self.weapons[weapon.index].player = self self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:SetParent(self.weapontag) self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:SetPosition(self.weapons[weapon.index].offset) if self.weapons[weapon.index].rotation~=nil then self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:SetPosition(self.weapons[weapon.index].rotation) end self.weapons[weapon.index].entity:Hide() if weapon.index>self.currentweaponindex then self:SelectWeapon(weapon.index) end --if self.sound.pickupweapon~=nil then self.sound.pickupweapon:Play() end return true end return false end function Script:Weapon() local currenttime = Time:GetCurrent() if self.lastweaponhittesttime==nil then self.lastweaponhittesttime=0 end if currenttime - self.lastweaponhittesttime>100 then self.lastweaponhittesttime=currenttime local pickinfo=PickInfo() local p1 = Transform:Point(0,0,0,self.camera,nil) local p2 = Transform:Point(0,0,0.6,self.camera,nil) local pickmode = self.entity:GetPickMode() self.entity:SetPickMode(0) self.entity:SetPickMode(pickmode) end if self.weaponlowered then self.weaponlowerangle = self.weaponlowerangle + 4 * Time:GetSpeed() else self.weaponlowerangle = self.weaponlowerangle - 4 * Time:GetSpeed() end self.weaponlowerangle = math.max(0,math.min(self.weaponlowerangle,90)) self.weapontag:SetRotation(self.weaponlowerangle,0,0) end function Script:FireWeapon(window) -- Listen for Mouse clicks local fire = false local fire2 = false local currentime = Time:GetCurrent() if self.carryingEntity==nil then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic then if window:MouseDown(1) then fire=true else self.suspendfire=false end if window:MouseDown(2) then fire2=true else self.suspendfire=false end else if window:MouseHit(1) then fire=true end if window:MouseHit(2) then fire2=true end end end end --Fire weapon if self.carryingEntity==nil then -- Primary if fire then if self.suspendfire~=true then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo==0 and self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic==true then self.suspendfire=true end self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Fire(1) end end -- Secondary if fire2 then if self.suspendfire~=true then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo==0 and self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic==true then self.suspendfire=true end self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Fire(2) end end end end function Script:CycleWeapon(direction) local n,weapon local foundindex=false local prevweapon if direction==1 then for n,weapon in pairs(self.weapons) do if foundindex then self:SelectWeapon(n) return end if self.currentweaponindex==n then foundindex=true end end if foundindex then for n,weapon in pairs(self.weapons) do self:SelectWeapon(n) return end end else for n,weapon in pairs(self.weapons) do if prevweapon then if self.currentweaponindex==n then self:SelectWeapon(prevweapon) return end end prevweapon=n end if prevweapon then self:SelectWeapon(prevweapon) end end end function Script:SelectWeapon(index) if index~=self.currentweaponindex then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].entity:Hide() end self.currentweaponindex = index if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]~=nil then self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].entity:Show() end self.weaponlowerangle=90 self.suspendfire=false self.weapontag:SetRotation(self.weaponlowerangle,0,0) end end function Script:Release() -- Release Listener self.listener:Release() -- Release #Flashlight if we have one. if self.useflashlight then self.flashlight:Release() end -- Release Tables ReleaseTableObjects(self.sound) ReleaseTableObjects(self.image) -- Release weapons local k,v for k,v in pairs(self.weapons) do v:Release() end -- Release Fonts self.hudfont:Release() end Hopes this helps.
  17. I just had the common purple black screens in the past. Prob something stupid I did back then. Did not start the installation just yet, so I'll get back to you if I run in any issues.
  18. So how does this work technically? Does the engine automatically load Main.lua if it exists? Looks like the source C++ files did not update. I'll most likely convert my game to use this later.
  19. I tried installing Unity but it did not seem to work on 64bit OS's. I had a lot of issues with Ubuntu in the past, while Mint just worked for me. Right now, my head is a mess between that and restoring my Windows PC.
  20. Ahh, ok then. Switching to Ubuntu today because that seems to be case with other programs sadly.
  21. Currently moved to Linux mint for a while. I've noticed that in the assets and project manager, the text is white and unreadable. This also happens with the file manager (When you go to load a new map or something), and the material editor. However, in the scene tab, the highlighter is called and you can see all the entities selected or not. Also not sure if this is Mint exclusive, but I can say it's apparent using Linux Mint 17.1.
  22. To Do: - Particles - Fixing of Visual bugs - A slight adjustment on visuals. Ceiling looks too flat, and I need more light sources. - Sounds and ambiance - Improvements to some gameplay scripts. - Get ready for Demo Release, should have it out no later then the 29th.
  23. A list of compatible graphics cards would be nice. I know that my Radeon 5770 use to run Leadwerks although it was not an OpenGL 4.0 card, and it ran slowly. That, and now since it's latest supported driver is Omega 14.12, the 5770 and related cards don't work with Leadwerks (or possibly any OpenGL games) out of the box anymore. I was gonna put the card into my Linux machine if that was not the case.
  24. Jeez, so I have to ask, what's your alternative solution after dealing with that?
  25. I just wrote this up real quick to get ideas out so no, what I said will most likely not work/be logical. I just wanted to get some ideas out whether they are helpful or not. Do what you need to do to make it better, I'll be patiently waiting for the improvement. Also, I looked in the editor again, and I don't see a Flowgraph button. The only way I see to access it is the Tools->Flowgraph, unless that's what you're talking about.
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