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Thirsty Panther

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Everything posted by Thirsty Panther

  1. Fair enough. Its difficult to do videos and to keep the content current. Especially with software that will be evolving over time.
  2. This might help. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/cpp
  3. Regarding the Video: -Good straight forward explanation of how to get started and excellent demonstration of how to use the example scripts. - Some umm and arrrs that could be fixed up. - I know the App Kit is aimed at experienced users but no explanation of how to get / use Visual studio. - You skipped the login process for Ultra App Kit.
  4. Looks good. Is this with Leadwerks 4 or UltraEngine?
  5. So Blender has an alternative to using gizmos. It allows for key presses as short cuts for object placement. The "G" key stands for grab and is a short cut for translation mode. First you left click the object you wish to move. The press g on the keyboard. Move your object to it new position and left click to mouse again to confirm the new position. Its very quick . Other keys such as x,y,z lock the object to those axis's. S is used for scale.
  6. There is an old elevator script in the workshop. Have you tried it? Its a little old and I'm not sure it works with the current version of Leadwerks but at lest it will give you somewhere to start. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510080616&searchtext=
  7. In the top right hand corner you will find a "scene " tab. Select this. Down the bottom of this tab you will find "Post effects". Click "Add ". Select the effect you want then run your game.
  8. Tipforeveryone did a nice one some time ago.
  9. You can use Vue. Josh has a Blog post on this. Vue is a bit pricey for me so I used Bryce and Gimp using a dds plugin.
  10. Only thing I can think of is to use a small brush and up the sensitivity and just carve the weather effect your looking for.
  11. You have been very busy helping Josh with the new Engine.
  12. I Don't Even Know What The **** Is Going On With Anything Today Anyway? My personal favorite is DILLIGAF
  13. Also make sure that you are not trying to make a camera and use the first person shooter script at the same time. The first person script will also create a camera and will result in a plank screen.
  14. You cant download maps/scripts thru the Game Launcher. The Idea of game Launcher was to show your finished game. Also many of the assets used in those games are copyrighted so cant be used. If you want to have a look at some games/ Maps/ Scripts check out. Forth a Leadwerks community project. Darkness Awaits is another project updated by Reepblue. Goodluck.
  15. Or if your using the editor "CTL C" and "CTL V". Or select your brush and hold CTL key down and drag, a copy will be created.
  16. Aggrors Spline tools might be helpful. Its still available in the Marketplace. https://youtu.be/_7pnuM4x0mE
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