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Thirsty Panther

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Everything posted by Thirsty Panther

  1. Portal/Cyclone VR sounds interesting.
  2. At the time I thought the Game Launcher and Workshop were good ideas. Telling your mates you have a game on Steam gives your a level of smugness that you just can't get any other way. I used the workshop to download models and textures as well as scripts which helped me greatly. Times have changed and there are other options to distribute your games and it is best to concentrate on the game engine as there is so much competition in this space now. Looking forward to the release of Ultra Engine.
  3. You could check this Blog post from Josh. It shows common bottlenecks with Leadwerks.
  4. Game Launcher is no longer supported.
  5. Without see all your code it's hard to be certain. Try increasing the speed to something higher. The "crawler" has a speed of 5.
  6. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Stop
  7. You need to look for emitters. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=Tutorials_Editor_Particle-Emitters
  8. Have you defined "emit" earlier in your code? To get an idea how to use emitters in code have a look at the FPSGun script (Assets - Scripts - Objects - Weapons - FPSGun.lua ). On line 105 we set up a table to hold the data for our emitters. The omission of this initial declaration is what is causing your error above. Then in the following lines we set up 3 emitters. One for debris, smoke and blood. Each can have its own settings and materials. Then to use them ( on line 350 ) we create a local variable ( in this case "e" ). We load our table data into "e" using "instance". This is quicker to do rather than loading data in. Then we show the emitter and set its position etc. Hope this helps.
  9. Are you using a script on the camera? Re Vegetation system. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=Tutorials_Editor_Terrain
  10. 1. Yes apply an invisible material to your CSG. The process is explained here. 2. We had monthly challenges that covered this topic.
  11. Paint applications: -Krita -Paint.net Modeling apps: -3D Coat -MakeHuman -Mixamo Sound: -Sonniss -Avia Textures: -WildTextures Learning: -Red Blob Games -Learn C++ -Design Patterns
  12. For terrain painting just set the Min slope to 0 and the Max slope to 90 then you can paint wherever you want. A higher number layer will still be painted over a lower number one. You can import height maps into Leadwerks.
  13. Is the object you pass thru thin? In the past people had problems with player falling thru the terrain but I think that was fixed. Maybe post an example map so we can have a look at it. Enjoy your break.
  14. To rotate an object. To move an object. Tutorial on moving platforms. I was able to download the 3rd person script no problems. I loaded it from within Leadwerks itself. Go- Marketplace- Workshop - then search for the script.
  15. Something like this? https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aggror.Leadwerks
  16. Try https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Asset_Material_SetTexture and https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Surface_SetMaterial
  17. Sounds like you want "GetKeyValue". https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_GetKeyValue You may also want to check out triggers. If I understand correctly you have these points/areas in your game when a player gets near it triggers an event. Be it a sound, enemy spawn or visual effect. Have a look at the Marble game tutorial for examples. Another good resource is BluHornets YouTube channel. The scripts are old and may need some modification to get to work with the latest LW but the ideas are still solid.
  18. Leadwerks will work with VS code . https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aggror.Leadwerks LE 5 ( UltraEngine) is not in Beta yet. I'm not sure how Josh picks his beta users but if you are active here and participate in discussions it may help. UltraEngine has been a while in development ( hurry up Josh). Here are a few links in regard Steam achievements . https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/achievements/ach_guide
  19. Welcome to the Leadwerks community. Hope these answers help. 1. Getspeed. 2. Visual Code. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aggror.Leadwerks 3. The game launcher is no longer supported but you can still publish a stand alone program. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=Tutorials_Editor_Publishing-Games 4. ? not sure on this one. Maybe someone else can help. 5. Suggestions from Josh on how to improve performance in your Leadwerks projects. 6. Leadwerks encrypts your assets when you create a stand alone project.
  20. https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/CPP/Stream_GetPosition Not sure how to use it ( I'm not great with C++) but maybe someone else could explain.
  21. Have you thought of having a menu system like Netflix does for TV. ie no mouse just highlighted text/ picture boxes. That way the user is not trying to drag a mouse around with the controller. They simply move the joystick to move to the next menu item and fire to select it.
  22. Five days ago Josh said: "It could be possible to finish that and then release an early access version in 2 months, programming SDK only, C++ only." So maybe May! Its been a long time but hopefully it will be worth the wait.
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