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Thirsty Panther

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Everything posted by Thirsty Panther

  1. I'm still working on the 3rd person script. I have an old one that uses the Animation manager but this is no longer required. So I just trying to sort this out.
  2. I'll actually have more time to work on it over the holidays. I have to work a couple of days between Xmas ,New Year and sometime spent with friends and family but otherwise I should be able add some more to the project. I agree we need to get the mechanics of the game sorted. Once thats done then people can pick a level and create it.
  3. Nice work on the Game Design Document. A lot of work has been put into it. Now all we have to do is implement it
  4. I need a little more time to get the Third Person Camera script working. I think it would be better to use First Person for our opening map as its an indoor setting and 3rd person struggles with all the walls. We can switch to 3rd person once we progress to the Island maps.
  5. I agree 100m should be fine. Like you said larger doesn't always mean better. Trying to fill large maps with props and enemies can be difficult.
  6. I didn't even know that vertex painting was a thing. Seems that 3D coat can do this and I don't have to worry about UVs etc. I'm learning quiet a bit doing this project. Thanks.
  7. Nice work. How big can we make the Island and does the Navmesh work on them?
  8. There was a problem with passwords. Should be there now ?
  9. Sorry guys, I didn't intend the Guardian model to derail the low poly theme we have. As I stated it is just a place holder as GameCreator can't finish the Wizard. I want us to keep the low poly feel for all the reasons we have stated previously. Apologies also because I thought I had already added it to the repository. I will fix this.
  10. Aggror has a good video on how to do this as well.
  11. Don't be so hard on Edgar, at ;east he was telling the truth and he did finally produce a decent game ?
  12. Added Guardian character as a place holder for the wizard character. Since our progress is being slowed because we have nothing to build on. I made this using Fuse and Mixamo. This is the first time I've used this pipeline since Adobe has taken over. It was a trying process but hopefully is has produce a serviceable character. The character is a athletic female and has several basic animations. Walk, Idle, running, death as well as some attacking animations including a punch, a sword and a spell animation. Happy to add other animations if required.
  13. Turn water on and off with SetWaterMode https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_World_SetWaterMode For fog SetFogMode. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Entity_Camera_SetFogMode
  14. I haven't done it myself but you could adding an invisible cylinder with physics to the enemy. Make it slightly bigger than the character to prevent the player getting "caught" inside the enemies physics shape. This might interfere with your melee attacks thou.
  15. Guardian kills enemies with magic fireballs. Enemy spawns random items such as mana ( for spells) health potions and crystals. Collect 10 crystals and a portal opens to the next Island or to a hub where the player can choose which island to explore next.
  16. Aren't you setting the color of your decal to red? decal:SetColor(1,0,0,1) Looking at the Projectile.Lua script local decal = Decal:Create(mtl) decal:AlignToVector(pickinfo.normal,2) decal:Turn(0,0,Math:Random(0,360)) decal:SetScript("Scripts/Objects/Effects/BulletMark.lua") if mtl~=nil then mtl:Release() end decal:SetPosition(pickinfo.position) decal:SetParent(pickinfo.entity) You might like to add decal:Turn line to your script so that the blood looks more natural. Hope this helps.
  17. Leadwerks comes with 2 Lua Scripts that you can attach to lights. Both are found in the Scripts- Objects- Effects folder. Flicker.Lua will make your light turn on and off. Pulse.Lua will make your light gradually increase and then decrease in intensity.
  18. I messed around with a small dungeon using your Modular Building Pack ( nice work btw ). I added the Third person player and tried to wander around. It wasn't a pleasant experience. In tight areas the camera pops thru walls and jerks when going down steps. I'm not being critical of the script it just that it is not really suitable for use in a dungeon. Changing the offset may improve things but maybe we should stick with the first person camera for the dungeon and switch to 3rd person for the island.
  19. This is good. The end could be a portal that leads us to the Island map. The advantage of this is its quick to make and provides the opportunity to add puzzles/mazes. Are we still adding enemies or are we just going for a maze / puzzle map for our first release?
  20. I got caught with this. I thought there was something wrong with my version of the project because I was getting an error with serializer lua. I deleted my whole project and reinstalled it
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