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Posts posted by josk

  1. From this code from Aggror's tutorial


    if (self.entity.world:Pick(point1,point2,pickinfo,0,true,Collision.Prop))


    Can someone explain what true is for, read the docs but cant make sense.

    • closest: if set to true, the closest intersection will be found, otherwise the operation will return as soon as a single intersection is found.


    it's the intersection bit that confuses, wouldn't the closest intersection be the single intersection?


    The cosde works fine its always good to know why things work.

  2. I' m having some fun with leadwerks today and maybe I have done a mistake since when I was using material editor I dont know what I pushed on my keyboard and the proprieties bar (shader, textures, information,etc) vanished and now when I double click on one material the material editor only display only the material and not the bar.. I'm searching on the documentation but I cant find nothin to help me...


    I think you just dragged the properties bar so it doesn't show.

    Hold your mouse over the right hand side of the window until the drag symbol appears, if you get it just right you will drag it back out.

  3. Use something like BVHacker to constrain the animations root node translation in the x and z axis, you may have to fiddle with exporting and importing and may even need to retarget the animation sequence to the mesh and skeleton if you can't manage that in the model editor.


    Thanks, took a look at BVHacker and managed to constrain the animations to the axies. Then the next bit I got stuck with.


    What I did do though was find a way in UU3D to do the same thing and it works a treat.


    If anyone else needs it basically load the model, click on Bones in the tab on the right, double click mixamorig:hips.

    Then in the Bone Editor click edit P, click copy all, unclick x and z, paste all. Jobs a good'un.


    Animations from the free collection work a treat.


    Is there an easy pipeline to autorigging characters without Maximo?



    Not sure about an easy autorigger apart from Fuse. I dont think there will be a free one.

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  4. Have been playing around with Fuse and its all straight forward and simple.


    Made a character, autorigged added animations, download, copy files into LE, scaled model, done.


    The only problem is the free animations pack doesn't allow you to keep your model in place when it animates (see video), you have to buy the paid ones for that option. Though there are some free ones with this option like the injured one in the video.


    Though I read that can be fixed in Blender, if anyone can do a walkthrough of that it would be good, I'm useless with Bender. Was hoping UU3D would be able to.



    Ignore the cat, was testing animations, also notice Shadmar's excellent Day/Night shader cycle.

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